Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2019, R. 27, Nr 2

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  • Pozycja
    Communication in the Face of Death: the Meaning of Funeral Sermons in the Old Polish Epoch
    Zydek, Sylwia (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    This article is an analysis of four funeral sermons. Their authors are the Franciscans of Primitive Observance: Józef Drohojowski (the sermon for Stanisław Skarbek Ankwicz’s funeral); Karol Kwinta (the sermon for Stanisław Dłużewski’s funeral); Benedykt Roszkowski (the sermon for Wojciech Opaliński’s funeral); Franciszek Parażyński (the sermon for Józef Grodzicki’s funeral). From the analysis of the funeral sermons, two closely related messages emerge: the vision of death, and the necessity of a good life, which conditions salvation. The recipient of the funeral sermon undoubtedly had to pay attention to these two issues because they were the most important in evangelistic considerations. Everyone who heard the priest’s words at the funeral knew that one should virtuously imitate the deceased to achieve the desired salvation. This pedagogy of dying in the Old Polish epoch was an extremely important element from the point of view of the eschatological future. A good, happy death guaranteed good dying and salvation and, as Drohojowski emphasises, residing in the realm of the living. Communication in the face of death was one of compositional elements of the Old Polish epoch artis bene moriendi, that is, the art of a good death.
  • Miniatura
    Radical Orthodoxy as “Suspended Middle”
    Zatwardnicki, Sławomir (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    The article addresses the central ideas of radical orthodoxy. It has been emphasised that the criticism of modern paradigms and rethinking of the Christian tradition connect with the radical return to orthodoxy. The main ideas behind the movement are presented in the form of a juxtaposition of affirmations of orthodox beliefs together with the dangerous consequences of their abandonment. The results of the departure from the concept of patricipation, which is central to radical orthodoxy, are shown with pointing to the heritage of John Duns Scotus that opens space for the misunderstood autonomy of creatures and the dangerous concept of natura pura. Reference was also made to the legacy of Henri de Lubac, which the supporters of the movement interpret most thoroughly and which they want to develop. The author of Surnaturel is also interested in the understanding of humanism and the relationship between theology and philosophy. Suspended middle, a term used by Hans Urs von Balthasar, which later became the title of John Milbanek’s book on de Lubac, seems to be the best self-characteristics of the movement. At the end of the article, the author puts forward a thesis that the authors’ call for radical orthodoxy towards post-conciliar Catholic theology can be compared to the contribution of the Second Council of Constantinople to Christology. In both cases, it is a matter of emphasising unity and rejecting all harmful ‘Nestorian’ duality.
  • Miniatura
    Theology in the World of Science
    Zani, Angelo Vincenzo (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    Culture and modern society are posing new challenges to academic institutions (primarily in Europe). Therefore, the Church has started once again to re-establish its own universities to promote dialogue between faith and reason. In the academic world, student autonomy has begun to increase, and more and more, emphasis is placed on self-teaching using multimedia technologies. This has led to innovative activities in the teaching process and in the teaching system, forcing the transformation of universities, who are questioned about their role to play in the world. There must exist a dialogue between theology and exact sciences, which John Paul II described in Sapientia Christiana, Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Fides et Ratio. Two reflections come to the fore: the first is about the mutual benefits that science and theology can obtain in intellectual dialogue in a university context. Consequently, theology plays an indispensable role in the search for the unity of knowledge, which is why it is obliged to a responsible university presence. The second describes the importance of reaching an integrated view, which oscillates between scientific and religious-theological reading of the world. Veritatis gaudium of Pope Francis shows the prospects for the development of Church studies. New social and cultural dynamics force us to extend the purpose of studies, so that the Gospel not only reaches each person individually, but all cultures in their entirety.
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    The Church Institution’s Purchase of the Foreign License for Publication of a Literary Creation in Poland
    Skwierczyński, Michał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    Canonical law does not contain detailed regulations referring to the area of contracts concluded by church institutions in domestic and international trade. The church legislator refers to the norms of the current state law in this matter. This reception also includes copyright agreements, the subject of which is a foreign entity granting a license for publishing a literary creation in Poland. This study is an attempt to present the most important issues related to this. First, the notion of the literary work on the basis of Polish and international law was approximated. Next, the need to examine the possible termination of the author’s economic rights in the country of the work’s origins was pointed out. In such a situation, the work is widely available and there is no need to conclude a license agreement. In the following part, the issue of license in the canonical order was discussed and it was shown that it comes into the area of interest in the broadly understood Church property law. The normative bases, which give the possibility to choose Polish law as the law applicable to the performance of the license agreement, were given in the article. Afterwards, the connection between the payment of royalties to a foreign entity and the collection of a flat-rate corporate, as well as withholding income tax (i.e. withheld in Poland) is made. The article ends with an analysis of the translator contract key provisions.
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    The Second and Third Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection Announcements According to St Luke
    Sambora, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    The article discusses issues related to the exegetical and theological significance of Jesus’ second and third Passion and Resurrection announcements in St Luke’s Gospel. Due to the shorter form of the second foretelling, it seems necessary to examine both the origin and authenticity of the logion. With the use of the historical-critical method in the analysis of the tradition and editing of the second announcement of the Passion of Christ and the commentary on its individual expressions and texts to other Evangelists, the author intends to discover its meaning and importance (Lk 9:43b-45). In the case of the third announcement of Lk 18:31-34, by applying the historical-critical method, the author will seek answers to questions related to the origin and authenticity of the examined fragment. Finally, the exegesis of some expressions and words will help us to understand more deeply the meaning of the third announcement.
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    Reflections from Romano Guardini on Being “Lost in Chaos”
    Rowland, Tracey (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    The text was written as a contribution to the celebration of the 92nd birthday of Joseph Ratzinger, who considered Romano Guardini to be one of the intellectual heroes of his youth. The author of the article discusses Guardini’s monograph published in 1933, entitled Das Gute, das Gewissen und die Sammlung. Among the enemies of moral life, Guardini included Immanuel Kant and his concept of absolute autonomy of conscience, Friedrich Nietzsche, according to whom Christianity is a form of slave morality, and Bolshevism (today we would call it Marxism). As was diagnosed by Guardini, those who want to make an effort to evaluate a moral act feel “lost in chaos.” Conscience is susceptible to three types of error: the search for easy solutions; the exaggeration of duties; the adoption of false interpretations resulting from following conscious or unconscious desires. In Guardini’s opinion, conscience is the living voice of God’s holiness in man. The moral law is not the law of the human ‘I,’ and Kant’s thesis is both philosophically and theologically incorrect. God gives grace of a pure conscience to man praying for the fulfilment of His will, while the sacrament of Confirmation gives man gifts of the Holy Spirit. The last part of Guardini’s work focuses on the importance of prayer and concentration, as well as the supervision of the senses.
  • Pozycja
    Theology as a Science
    Müller, Gerhard Ludwig (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    The vantage point of the article is to show the formation process of the concept and objective of Christian theology from the historic perspective. The concept of theology itself stems from its function within the Church – it is the acceptance and execution of the Revelation. Theology is the task of the Church as a whole, as it leads to getting to know God and the ultimate objective of man. Through the establishment of the relation between reason and faith, theology becomes for one a place of searching for answers to fundamental questions concerning the reason for one’s existence. As theology has its sources in the self-revelation of God in His Word, getting to know God is complete on the personal plane in the love for Him. Theology is not a science in the full extent of the concept, as it is executed by reason, and through this, it participates in the cognition of all reality. Today it seems to be a proposition of a fundamental anthropological science, in light of the distribution of specialities of special sciences at universities, as it deals with fundamental questions. On the other hand, theology has in its core the spreading of the Gospel, and this remains its task as a science in the university realm.
  • Miniatura
    The Beginnings of the Church Career of Tomasz I, the Bishop of Wrocław, until Taking Over the Office (1232)
    Kogut, Mieczysław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    Tomasz I descended from Jelenie-Jeleńczycy family line. His father Przybysław was a castellan in Sądowel and a lord in Powidzk. His uncle Piotr (died in 1240) was a provost of a cathedral chapter. Tomasz I did not complete his education at the level of a local cathedral school but started further studies at foreign universities, undoubtedly in Italy, accomplished by winning a doctorate. Owing to his uncle’s patronage, he became a member of a cathedral chapter. He also acted as a chancellor of Henryk Brodaty. The Bishop Tomasz I belongs to a group of those Polish bishops from the beginning of the 13th century who are known to had possessed holy orders at the moment of taking up the position of a diocesan bishop, which that time was not a common practice. He was elected the Bishop of Wroclaw in 1232. It can be stated with the substantial degree of probability that Tomasz was a candidate of the Silesian ruler – it is proved by the fact that immediately before consecration he had held an office of the chancellor of prince.
  • Miniatura
    The Significance of Suffering in Biblical Anthropology – Based on Cultures of the Middle East: Res sacra miser – a Suffering Man is Sacrosanct
    Klinkowski, Jan (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    The basis for the biblical answer to the question of why man suffers is found in the ancient civilizations. In the civilization of Egypt, suffering was associated with the violation of the principles of Maat. In Mesopotamia there existed two sources of suffering, one was the wrong decisions of human beings, and the other was the work of demons. In the Greek civilization, in mythology, the source of suffering may be the rebellion of man. In philosophy, one tries to rationalize suffering and lead a person to such a state where he would experience as little of it in life as possible. Inspired authors know suffering, which is recorded in the nature of the living world, and man, through the gift of reason, should prudently avoid it. Most often, however, these authors see the source of suffering in sin. In the history of theology, there has also appeared the question about the possibility of the suffering of God. Under the influence of the Greek philosophical ideas of controlling passions and accepting the attitude of apatheia, the possibility of God experiencing suffering was rejected. God was pushed into the sphere that is only driven by love to a limited degree, and yet God is love. It went unnoticed that there are two ambivalent sources of suffering, one is born of evil, and the other is the highest bond of love. Those who love are most fully united in suffering, therefore, God was open to this narrative when His Son suffered and is also open when man suffers.
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  • Miniatura
    Plutarch of Chaeronea – the Concept of Principles
    Biernaczyk, Mateusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    This article attempts to reconstruct the concept of the principles of the world in Plutarch of Chaeronea. For this purpose, four of his works were analysed: On the E at Delphi, Isis and Osiris, The Obsolescence of Oracles, and On the Generation of the Soul in the Timaeus. It was attempted to point out that it is hard to find consistency in the Middle Platonist’s theological and cosmological views. One time, following Plato, he writes about the highest efficient cause – transcendent God, whom he calls good, the reason, father and creator of the whole of reality. Another time, he refers to the views of the “Old Academy,” i.e. the concept of the One (Hen) and the indefinite Dyad (aoristos Dyas) as the highest principles. Moreover, citing Plato, Plutarch mentions the eternal cause responsible for the evil in the created world. However, a characteristic feature of Plutarch’s thought is the concept of the transcendent cause of reality as a whole. Not only will that idea and the one of an immanent reason – Logos affect the later Platonists, but it will also inspire the first representatives of Christian philosophy.
  • Miniatura
    Phenomenology and Christian Philosophy: Edith Stein’s Three Turns
    Berkman, Joyce Avrech (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    This essay examines Edith Stein’s three phases of religious development in the context of the debate during the 1920s and 30s over the relationship between religion and philosophy. This debate focused on the question of whether a Christian philosophy was an oxymoron. Stein, after her conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1922, identified herself as a Christian Philosopher. She thought that Christianity and Philosophy were reciprocal partners, not antagonists, in the search for fundamental truths of life and death. Stein’s three turns, which this essay explores historically and biographically, feature her decision to apply phenomenological philosophical methods and insights to the realm of religion, her move to a Christian perspective and finally her choice of Catholicism as her belief system.
  • Miniatura
    Medieval Glossary of Biblical Symbols – Pseudo-Garnier’s of Langres Allegoriae in universam Sacram Scripturam
    Bardski, Krzysztof (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    In the article, we will present the life and works of Garnier of Langres, and show the specificity of the Allegoriae in universam Sacram Scripturam and the problems associated with the attribution of the work and the manuscript tradition. It will also reveal the inadequacy of the text published in Patrologia Latina and the need for a critical edition.
  • Miniatura
    God in the World of ‘Liquid Modernity’: Zygmunt Bauman on Religion. Presentation and Criticism
    Artemiuk, Przemysław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2019)
    In this article, the author reviews the expressed thoughts of Z. Bauman in the context of Christian motifs present in the texts of left-wing intellectuals. In this analysis of selected motifs of Bauman’s work, the author first makes a short introduction, presenting the philosopher. Next, he shows Bauman’s hermeneutics of Christianity. Finally, the author presents an assessment of Bauman’s views in the form of apologia. Left-leaning intellectuals are critical of Christianity in their theses. Bauman, an agnostic, evaluates Christianity with a cool eye. He is concerned about evangelical radicalism and attachment to the truth. Therefore, he postulates that believers should open themselves to the world and give up their own confessional identity and start building a broad human coalition.