Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Zaangażowanie katolików w życiu gospodarczym
    Mierzwiński, Bronisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The article discusses the issues connected with Catholics’ participation in economic life. To this purpose, first the most important features of contemporary economic life are presented, with special emphasis on the economic transformation after 1989 in Poland. Next, the Church’s social teaching connected with economic-social life and the possibilities of participation of Catholics in this area are shown. In the conclusion one specific form of Catholics’ participation in economic life is chosen and described – the so-called economy of communion, suggested by the Focolari Movement.
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    Rola katolickich środków społecznego przekazu w budzeniu zaangażowania w życiu publicznym
    Śmigiel, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Establishing and developing Catholics’ own media is one of the priority tasks for the Church. Catholic media serve the work of evangelization, and through reliable information and its interpretation, dialog and formation of the public opinion they contribute to encouraging participation in public life. In Poland there is considerable pluralism of Catholic media; however, it seems that the most interesting initiatives in the area of Catholic media include: the Catholic Information Agency (KAI), the foundation ‘Opoka’ (‘Bedrock’) and Radio ‘Maryja’ and the media circles connected with it. Since for media there are no borders and barriers, they reach both the faithful and the atheists. They help active Catholics to interpret reality properly and to ground their views; they may make ‘lukewarm’ Catholics realize their position better; and they force atheists to reflect on reality and persuade them to judiciously and critically participate in changing the earthly reality.
  • Miniatura
    „Leksykon teologii pastoralnej” zwornikiem wiedzy pastoralnej
    Wal, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Lexicon of Pastoral Theology is a compendium of pastoral knowledge in Poland at the break of the 20th century. It is a continuation of the handbook entitled Pastoral Theology (Lublin 2000-2002) edited by Rev. Prof. Ryszard Kamiński. Lexicon of Pastoral Theology attempts to keep balance between intellectuality and spirituality. Intellectuality without spirituality results in hypocrisy and religious relativism, and spirituality without intellectuality – in fanaticism and religious fundamentalism. This balance in Lexicon of Pastoral Theology is based on appreciating both intellectual Catholicism and folk religiousness. Lexicon of Pastoral Theology puts a lot of stress on personalization and socialization of pastorate. On the one hand it tackles several issues and problems of psychology of pastorate and subjectivity of people in the Church, and on the other it talks about sociological conditions of pastorate and it emphasizes strongly the Church’s social pastorate promoted by John Paul II. The keynote of Lexicon of Pastoral Theology is harmonizing faith with life. It is done through implementing the commandment about love of God and one’s neighbor.
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    Znaczenie katechetyczne małych grup parafialnych
    Wrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The parish community is an important and indispensable catechetic milieu. It has to look for various forms of catechesis, dependent on the needs of the milieu. At present small groups existing in parishes are especially significant. The work of small groups is based on friendship, mutual trust, close relations with another man and exchanging experiences in the community. Parish groups influence an individual’s personal and social development, they effect formation of mature faith, help their members to open to Christ present in God’s Word and in liturgy, and they consolidate the sense of belonging to the Church. Particular parish groups have their own specific features and they are focused on cultivating definite values. The variety of religious groups also creates certain dangers, such as: isolationism, sentimentalism, rivalry between individual groups, individualization of religious life and escape from the obligations of life.
  • Miniatura
    „Rodzina wiosną dla Europy i świata”. IV Światowy Kongres Rodzin, Warszawa, 11-13 maja 2007 roku
    Ałaszewski, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
  • Miniatura
    Życie społeczno-polityczne miejscem zaangażowania katolików świeckich
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Today politics is one of the most important branches of social life; it affects other areas of man’s life, and also it influences his future. At the same time politics is perceived as the place where politicians are corrupted or as a domain of people depraved of any scruples, prone to be corrupted, prone to careerism, and to the cult of power. Despite this, the Church encourages lay Catholics to participate in social-political life. Hence the question, “in what way lay Catholics should be present in social-political life” seems legitimate. Looking for an answer to this problem, first the most important tendencies are shown that can be seen in contemporary politics, and that have influence on Catholics’ participation in this area. Next, two kinds of Catholics’ participation in politics are presented: participation in the socialcultural meaning and in the practical meaning. To conclude the article the most characteristic forms of Catholics’ political participation in modern world are discussed. Special attention is paid to their participation in free voting and in the work of political parties.
  • Miniatura
    Normatywny i praktyczny wymiar haseł „Leksykonu teologii pastoralnej”
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Considering both the normative and practical dimensions is the key issue for pastoral theology in its theological-pastoral reflection. A “holistic” approach to ecclesial reality that is preferred in pastoral theology today has been reflected in the way particular entries in the Lexicon of Pastoral Theology are formulated. This is why in all the entries concerning objects attention has been paid to the presentation of the normative dimension, and then the definition goes on to present the practical dimension of the entry. Such an approach has allowed the authors of the entries to focus mainly on the aim and on the issue as a pastoral whole: normative and practical.
  • Miniatura
    Memoryzacja w katechezie
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The subject of reflection here is memorizing, or remembering some religious information during catechesis. Catechetic documents issued after the Council say that some Biblical verses, the Decalogue, symbols of the faith, liturgical formulas, some important prayers and the main truths of the faith, should be memorized. “Memorizing” derives from the Latin word “memoria” and means: memory, remembering, message. Compendium of the Catholic Church Catechism is based on questions (598) and answers that are worth remembering. Memorizing texts from the Bible should respect certain rules (accommodation, providing regular doses, literary genres). The psychological aspect of memorizing shows what memory, its kinds and methods of strengthening it are. Psychologists also explain the processes of forgetting, e.g. by the theory of proactive and retroactive inhibition. The article is concluded with practical advice concerning memorizing in catechesis.
  • Miniatura
    Problematyka małżeństwa i rodziny w duszpasterstwie rodzin i w „Leksykonie teologii pastoralnej”
    Mierzwiński, Bronisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The article discusses the issue of marriage and family in the pastorate and in the Lexicon of Pastoral Theology published in 2006. First the family pastorate in Poland is discussed. Its development and social-political context, outstanding people who contributed to the development of the family pastorate in Poland, and the most important directives that govern the pastorate are sketched. Next the issue of marriage and family in the Lexicon of Pastoral Theology is shown. Entries are indicated that refer to marriage, family and family pastorate, and the structure and contents of the most important entries in this area are discussed more broadly.
  • Miniatura
    „Leksykon teologii pastoralnej” na tle zagranicznych leksykonów i słowników teologicznopastoralnych
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The present knowledge on pastoral theology is contained in monographs, handbooks and pastoral theology lexicons and dictionaries. The achievements of Polish pastoral theology that was practiced in the Universities of Krakow and Lvov starting with the beginning of the 18th century are significant, but still little known. The academic handbook edited by Rev. R. Kamiński, entitled Pastoral Theology (Vol. 1-2. Lublin 2000-2002) contains a synthesis of Polish pastoral-theological thought at the stage of the end of the 20th century. Lexicon of Pastoral Theology (Lublin 2006) is a kind of complement to this handbook. It contains 406 entries and comprises all the issues belonging to both fundamental and special pastoral theology, cairology, pastoral ecclesiology, pastoral anthropology, charity theology, pastoral medicine and pastoral missiology.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo wobec współczesnych zagrożeń rodziny
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Polish families are facing difficulties which originate from the changes of the political system and the credulous following of the norms existing among the Western societies. One of the most distressful threats posed to the maintenance of the family is the departure from its traditional character. This is expressed in the absence of both parents at home due to their efforts to maintain their paid work rather than to maintain the intimacy of the family bonds. The housing problems and unemployment, which results in labour migration of one of the spouses, are very alarming social phenomena which lead to the absence of one of the parents in the family life and, at the extreme, to the family breakdown. Family life nowadays also faces such pathological phenomena as: the unfaithfulness of one of the spouses, probationary relationships, gay marriages, addiction to alcohol and drugs. Furthermore, in the contemporary families there are often present such acts of violence as: beating the children or sexual abuse. The cult of novelty and the urge for changes disturb the integrity of the family. Therefore, among the duties of the ministry, there is the obligation to remind that marriage is a sacrament of the union between God and the people. Thus, the ministerial preaching should show the spouses how to prevent such threats to their relationship.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ pedagogicznych postulatów J. F. Herbarta na ruch odnowy formalno-metodycznej
    Stala, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The 19th century thought aiming at a revision of the method used until then in catechesis was transformed into an impetuous movement, called movement of method revival or movement of formal-methodological revival in the history of catechesis. Two factors exerted an immense influence on the fact that the teaching of religion accepted new methods: de-Christianization that was rapidly spreading, and modernization of teaching methods in other school subjects. In a changing social situation the consciousness ripened in the Church that religion lessons could not be reduced to transmission of knowledge only, but teaching the truth of faith should be organized in a way that could have better educational effects. Modernizing teaching methods was combined with attempts to include achievements of psychology and didactics in the lessons. Attention was paid to the child’s mental development and his learning process. In the article the issue is discussed of J. F. Herbart’s pedagogic postulates, especially of their effect on the movement of formal-methodological revival. This is done first by presenting a short characterization of J. F. Herbart’s pedagogic theory, and then by showing the role played by Herbartianism in the movement of formal-methodological revival in catechesis.
  • Miniatura
    Podstawy i obszary uczestnictwa katolików w życiu publicznym
    Wal, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Participation of Catholics in public life is, on the one hand, a moral obligation, and on the other, a pastoral and apostolic task and vocation implemented in the social dimension. Use of social means and facilities is an important feature of social pastorate and apostolate. This is especially important in the dimension of public social life that requires exerting a broad evangelization influence. Engagement of Catholics in public life has natural and supernatural grounds. Natural grounds include: the desire for personal development, realization of man’s social nature and creating common good. The supernatural ground is constituted by God’s call for carrying on the work of creation and for making the earth subject to man (Gen. 1, 28), participation in Christ’s work of redemption and the call for developing God’s kingdom on earth. Participation of Christians in public life should include three vast areas of social activity: culture, politics and economy. However, just indicating these areas is not enough. The dynamics of civilization processes requires constant revision of Catholics’ tasks in the sphere of social life and establishing priorities that result from reading the signs of the times.
  • Miniatura
    Od przemawiania Boga do mówienia o Bogu. Refleksje z teologii katechezy
    Zając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Speaking about God is justified by the fact that God first spoke to man. Everything he said requires translation into the language of people, which is a very difficult task. Practically this is done by a catechetic transmission. Catechesis assumes the duty to introduce one into the mystery of God, making theology its guide. Accepting the theological perspective it remains in the service of God’s Word, and at the same time it remembers that the service is properly performed when God’s Word is heard and accepted by the people who listen to the catechesis. On the one hand catechesis uses theology, and on the other hand it supports it, especially in perceiving current problems and in supplying adequate material for analyses in this respect. However, catechesis is not a popular theological system and it not so much explains rules or formulas, as it makes it possible for the catechized ones to contact the sacred reality whose center is Jesus Christ. Catechesis is also an event that is happening between God and man, and the role of the catechist is only a subsidiary one.
  • Miniatura
    Znaczenie biogramów w „Leksykonie teologii pastoralnej”
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The article discusses the significance of biographical entries in Lexicon of Pastoral Theology edited by R. Kamiński, W. Przygoda and M. Fiałkowski in 2006. First a description of the structure of the discussed biographical entries is presented, and then the role is shown that they play in the Lexicon. A presentation of profiles of well-known foreign and Polish pastoral theologians, their views and their ample achievements, complements the objective entries contained in the Lexicon. This allows a fairly complete presentation of pastoral theology, the directions in which it develops, and the challenges it faces in the contemporary world.
  • Miniatura
    Antropologia personalistyczna w katechezie
    Goliszek, Piotr Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    Personalism in anthropology includes the being whole of the man as the man – as a human person, in the term “person”; it also moves the meaning of “person” as a being towards the subjective character of the “I”, the self, the whole of the intra-human world and towards personalization of individual and collective life. Personalistic anthropology consolidates anthropological catechesis with a personalistic ability to interpret the issue of man’s existence through the prism of the person, his greatness and dignity. At the same time it prompts that catechesis should accept complete responsibility for man and his history. Catechesis aided by personalistic anthropology emphasizes the miracle of the human person, illuminates the Christian vocation of man, explains his existence as compared to the specific character of the epoch, interprets the history of his life in the light of the Gospel, and first of all it prepares the way to Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Wybrane parametry religijności polskiej młodzieży na początku XXI wieku
    Mąkosa, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The present work shows the new research into Polish youth’s religiousness with respect to selected parameters. The presentation of the whole issue is based on the parameters of religiousness defined by W. Piwowarski. The parameters include: Global attitude towards faith and religious practices; Knowledge of religion; Religious ideology; Selected religious practices; Religious experience; Bonds with the parish and Religious morality. A big research sample, environmental variety as well as a short time distance proves that the results of the research are representative. It seems that the data may reliably show the image of the contemporary Polish young people and contribute to constructing an optimum pastoral and catechetic strategy.
  • Miniatura
    Leksykografia – tradycja i współczesność
    Sakowicz, Eugeniusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    At the times of surplus, or indeed surfeit of information, an exceptional role is played by encyclopedias, lexicons and dictionaries. This kind of works have the character of compendia of knowledge. Keeping to all the methodological rules they present knowledge in an orderly and systematic way. They also fulfill the difficult task of extracting significant information from the depot of all information – important and not important, necessary and useless, true and false, objective and subjective. In this way these works are an attempt to build a system of knowledge in its chosen aspect. However, history shows that lexicography sometimes was an experimental area for all totalitarian systems and all reductionisms. Even if the 20th century is a time of exceptional “explosion” of encyclopedic and lexicographic works, this editorial-academic branch may boast of a very old tradition. Lexicons have always served forming a world view. They have been and they will remain necessary works.
  • Miniatura
    Świadectwo Biblii o godności kobiety
    Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The article solves the problem stated in the title in five specific areas. First it focuses on the issue of equality of man and woman on the plane of creation, which the Biblical author emphasized by including the concepts of “man” and “woman” in the concept of “human being” Next the unity of woman and man is paid attention to, the culmination of which is their sacramental marital union. In turn, the present article points to the creation of the human being, i.e. of woman and man “in God’s image” as the supreme manifestation of their dignity, which is also proven by making man “the king” of all creation and a continuator of God’s creation act. Attention is also paid to the “dimming” of the image of “God” in man by the original sin. And finally Christ’s redeeming act is emphasized; the act not only redresses the evil done by the first people, but also gives each woman and each man endless possibilities of uniting with Christ, and so keeping and “enlarging” her or his dignity.
  • Miniatura
    Uwarunkowania i zasady zaangażowania katolików świeckich w życiu publicznym
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2008)
    The contemporary state of Catholics’ participation in public life in Poland is a result of the complex vicissitudes of the Church and of the Polish nation, especially during the 123 years when Poland was partitioned, during World War II and during the 45 years of Communist dictatorship. Since 1989 Catholics in Poland live under the conditions of freedom and democracy. The new conditions force a change in the place and the role the Church plays in the society, but also give a possibility of making a choice, of relativism of values and norms, moral individualism and of belonging to various social groups; they also exert a significant influence on the mentality and personality of people. A Catholic should enter public life well prepared. For this reason the preparation for his public activity will become more and more important. Preparing Catholics for participating in public activity should serve studying Catholic social teaching and its moral indications. Also pastoral formation is necessary that would tend to learn about public issues and evaluating them according to the criteria of common good and the dignity of a human person. All initiatives connected with formation should raise in Catholics interest and sensibility to the need to take part in public life. Participation of Catholics in public life may assume various forms. They include: expressing opinions and beliefs about public issues, taking part in elections, participation in a representative organ or collegial body that fulfills public functions on the grounds of inner arrangement or voting and performing functions that have a decision-making character. According to the teaching of the Council, those are called to direct participation in public life “who are talented [...] or may be appropriate for it; and this is both a difficult and noble art” (DCC 75).