Communio, 2020, R. 40, nr 1 (209)

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  • Miniatura
    Walka z szatanem w teologii Szenudy III
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The purpose of this article is to show the problem of human’s fight against Satan in theology of Pope of the Orthodox Coptic Church Szenuda III. These problems are still valid because the struggle between good and evil has been going on since the beginning of the world. The subject matter of angels, especially the fallen ones, is rarely described. Knowledge on Szenuda’s teaching on this subject is hardly ever undertaken at all. Because Satan is treated cursorily, there are few studies and works from which information could be drawn on this subject. This work is innovative. The secondary goal of the article is to remind us that Satan plays the role of the troublemaker and perpetrator of all failures in our lives. The article explains that devil wars are directed against God and His followers. The article is based upon the teaching of Szenuda III, supported by thematic literature in the field of theology and selected texts from the Holy Bible.
  • Miniatura
    Co znaczy: „ale nas zbaw od złego”? Przemyślenia egzegetyczne i systematyczne siódmej prośby Ojcze nasz
    Lerch, Magnus (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    How can you understand and assimilate our Lord’s Prayer repeated many times today? The author combines exegetical and systematic reflection. Based upon historical and critical research, the author shows that the meaning spectrum of the request is broader and the area of interpretation is more open than known interpretations allow, such as understanding the request strictly morally. In the background of the request is an existential experience of the power of evil, suffering and unhappiness which is prior to individual decisions and thus conditioning them. From that the author goes to one of the biblical motifs metaphorically describing the power of evil and unhappiness and connects them with the relationship with human freedom in present times. The author also reflects on the problem of how to show hope for God’s saving, present action in history.
  • Miniatura
    Ale nas zbaw ode złego. Josepha Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI remedium na kryzys Kościoła
    Kuliński, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The reality of evil is an inseparable element of human existence. Jesus expresses this in the last prayer of the Lord. J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI undertook the interpretation of the call but saved us from evil in Jesus of Nazareth. He noticed that human life polarizes between God and the evil one, implying – depending on the choice made – specific effects, good or evil. Therefore, the experience of evil is born of rejecting God as the only Lord who should be obeyed. The church – as the retired Pope noted – found itself in the current crisis succumbing to evil, and thus removing God from his first place and center of his existence, as well as disobedience and disregard of the Lord’s will. Summoning the last prayer of prayer, Our Father clearly shows that the Church will not solve this crisis alone. The only possible option is conversion and faith, giving up human solutions and re-trust and entrustment to God.
  • Miniatura
    Sporny element katolickiej liturgii chrztu. Naukowo-liturgiczne uwagi do modlitwy z egzorcyzmem
    Kranemann, Benedikt (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    Prayers with exorcism are of theological and pastoral importance today. They are witnessing a picture of the world that, to many in the Church today, is inconceivable. This also explains the „marginalization” of this prayer. Religious rites and liturgies carry inherited performances, remaining – like prayer with exorcism – in ritual „compactness”, without having to be taken over by everyone. They are preserved, although they are not decisive moments in the course of the liturgy, perhaps that during the next reform they will be abandoned.
  • Miniatura
    Wybawienie od „malum” przez artystyczne ukwiecenie zła
    Kiesel, Helmuth (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    Since Jesus taught his disciples to pray our Father, Christians have begged and beg the „Father” in heaven to save them from evil. The range of Greek and Latin wording of the seventh request Our Father should be borne in mind when – starting from her – we want to look at the so-called literature. This may prove fruitful, because modem literature in the handling of „malum” in all its phenomenal forms has followed a different path than the way of prayer for salvation. It is a way of confirming and justifying (not embellishing) evil and unhappiness in order to use the Latin word „malum”, the way of appeasing evil (Malitätsbonisierung) and the flowering of evil (Malitätsflorisierung). The author of the article points out that the concept of „provoking evil” was developed by the philosopher Od Marquard, describing himself as a „transcendental fiction” in a work entitled: Entlastungen: Theodizeemotive in der neuzeitlichen Philosophie, which appeared in 1984.
  • Miniatura
    Intrygi diabła
    Halkowicz, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The purpose of this article was to show the intrigues used by the Devil in the fight against human being. The article reminds us that Satan plays the role of troublemaker and perpetrator of all our failures. The Tempter’s methods are also striving for evil, giving it the features of good, in order to give the soul comfort and thus weaken spiritual work. He often uses sin in the form of virtue, chooses names for sin to make them acceptable. The article lists some of Satan’s intrigues: greed, despair, fight with fasting, sadness, hasty, wrong conception of love, destruction of values, violence.
  • Miniatura
    Poza tym „co ludzkie, arcyludzkie”. Przepaść zła i konieczność wybawienia z niego
    Zaborowski, Holger (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    Capture evil in three ways: metaphysically, physically and morally. Metaphysical evil is merely imperfection, physical evil is suffering, and moral evil is sin. When physical and moral evil are not necessary, metaphysical evil is in the essence of creation and is therefore necessary. From „so-called” or „human, arch-human” evil, no salvation is needed to change the poverty of human existence, if it is understood by salvation that God – and God alone – leads human being to salvation as the fullness of his existence.
  • Miniatura
    Bóg stwarza przestrzeń. Spojrzenie z ojcami Kościoła na ostatnią prośbę Ojcze nasz
    Metzdorf, Justina (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    This article deals with the interpretation of the last verse of the Lord’s Prayer in the writings of the Fathers of the Church. Most of the interpretations are addressed to the newly baptized and are focused on the question of how life as a Christian can be mastered in a world that has turned away from the love and will of God