The Person and the Challenges, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 2

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  • Miniatura
    Parents’ Opinion on some Myths about Parenting in the Context of their own Upbringing and Social Expectations
    Petani, Rozana; Jurina, Helena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parenthood, about the myths of authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting in the context of their own upbringing and social expectations. Considering the influence of one’s own parents, the way of growing up and the influence of wider society and social norms, the initial assumption of the research was that the way of growing up, as a family factor and social norms, as a social factor, define parents’ opinions on myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Twelve respondents participated in the research; a qualitative method of semi-structured interview was used. The results of the research showed that family factors, such as the way of growing up and the parenting style, but also social factors such as the social environment and media, influence parents’ opinions of myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Also, it was found that parents differ in their opinions on the myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting, depending on the stage of parenthood they are currently in.
  • Miniatura
    Social Pedagogy Training in Poland and Hungary
    Godawa, Grzegorz; Rákó, Erzsébet (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    In the present study we compare the formation and development of Polish and Hungarian social pedagogy. The main aspects of the comparison are the principal stages in the history of social pedagogy, the development of training, and the current situation in Hungary and Poland. The history of social pedagogy can be divided into three stages, following key events in the history of Central and Eastern Europe, as these historical events had an impact on the appearance and development of social pedagogy. The first stage is the early period, in the era before 1945, the second is the period after 1945, when the number of orphaned children increased significantly after the Second World War and communism determined the socio-economic development of both Poland and Hungary. The third period started after 1989 when, after the collapse of communism, the development of both countries was placed on new socio-economic foundations, and new social problems appeared in the subsystems of society, which were partly addressed by social pedagogical solutions. In what follows, we give a brief overview of the 20th century history of Polish and Hungarian social pedagogy, the initial period of its formation.
  • Miniatura
    Die Katastrophe der deutschen Kirche als höchste Alarmstufe für die gesamte Weltkirche
    Oko, Dariusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the closest associate of Pope Benedict XVI, theologically as if his Alter-Ego, is certainly one of the best experts in the Catholic Church in Germany. And it is he who compares the present condition of this Church to the catastrophe of such a huge and luxurious Titanic, which, however, is slowly sinking, because those responsible turned out to be reckless and did not predict the worst. Indeed, so far the application of almost all criteria that apply to the evaluation of a religious community has shown that, in fact, since the Second Vatican Council, this Church has been losing its vitality and shrinking. However, the so-called Synodal Way has deteriorated even more dramatically in recent times. Its agenda includes goals and demands that are contrary to both Revelation and the Tradition of the Church, and that are contrary to common sense. These are the goals and demands that have been made by even extreme left and atheistic ideologues and politicians, and which are now to move to the center and foundations of church teaching. It seems that just as almost all English bishops in the 16th century succumbed to the state violence of King Henry VIII and betrayed Christ and the Church, today the vast majority of German clergymen succumb to ideological violence in the area of culture and the state and thus betray their own faith and betray Church and Christ. It seems that many of them are close to the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Hegel, who considered himself wiser and greater than all, also than Christ, and the thought of Friedrich Nietzsche, who wanted to replace the crucified Messiah with Dionysus – a patron of, among other things, debauchery. It seems that many of the faithful and clergy in Germany also want to carry out a sexual revolution in the Church as if the second Reformation, perhaps even more catastrophic than the first. It seems that they are putting gender theory in place of Revelation and Christianity. And gender is, in fact, another neo-Marxist pansexual ideology which elevates eroticism as if it were the most important value, more important especially than God and one’s own salvation. One has to ask, how could such a great spiritual catastrophe of a Church that was once so numerous, so strong, so faithful and creative? We must ask what to do so that no more Church would destroy itself so that such a spiritual disease would not spread to other Churches. This article tries to answer these fundamental questions. It does so by analyzing the cultural, historical, national, economic, spiritual and religious conditions of German society that led to such an advanced process of self-destruction of the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Fear and liberation from fear in the writings of Tomislav Ivančić
    Burilović Crnov, Silvana; Garmaz, Jadranka (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    Much like philosophy and psychology, theology also deals with the phenomenon of fear, each field of study defining it in their own way. What they all share is the understanding of fear as a deeply human phenomenon, affecting man in his entirety and diminishing his abilities. This study aims to present a theological approach to understanding fear, including elements of a therapy that promises man’s liberation from fear. Tomislav Ivančić classifies fear as a spiritual illness affecting both man’s body and soul. This realm of the spirit is healed by a transcendental power rather than by man, and it is precisely this what makes his hagiotherapy special. The therapy seeks to heal both the source and the cause of fear and to equip man for a new life, a life in trust that Ivančić sets against a life in fear. The presented theological method is underpinned by theoretical tenets and emerges from practice. The authors point out its potential contributions in today’s age of increased care for personal health. The study, which is the first of its kind to have been done in relation to this topic, used the hermeneutical approach of interpreting texts within their given context.
  • Miniatura
    The Anthropological Crisis of the XXI Century: The Expression and the Church’s Response to Its Forms in Catholic Schools
    Vasiliauskaite, Ausra; Blinstrubis, Stasys (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    Research problem: in the XXI century the values of the consumer society are not only underestimated by human spiritual needs, but also by the person and his religious dimensions. There is a need for the Church to respond to the various forms of anthropological crisis (AC), especially in Catholic schools (CS), to help educators understand the expression of the existing AC by recognizing it and by being prepared to have a response, hence conveying it to the younger generation. This research, which have not been discussed on the theoretical level, will help define AC (there are many different descriptions of this phenomenon, but there is no unified definition), presenting its expression and formulating the Church’s response to forms of AC in CS. The role of the educator is becoming very important, in answering the question: How will the pupils receive the response and what position will they take in this respect through their learning in the CS? This research is important for the Catholic religious education, at least on the theoretical level; there will be a clear expression of the AC of the XXI century and the Church’s response to its forms in an attempt to define the role of the educator in this perspective.
  • Miniatura
    The Relationship between the First Proclamation and a Kerygmatic type of Catechesis
    Sultana, Carl-Mario (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    The aim of this paper is to try and highlight the fecund relationship between the first proclamation and a kerygmatic type of catechesis as this is found in the Directory for Catechesis promulgated by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. In Evangelii Gaudium, the first proclamation has been given a renewed meaning in that it is not only considered as the first proclamation in time, but it is extended as a primary proclamation throughout the life of the person. The kerygmatic type of catechesis posited in the Directory seeks to present Jesus Christ in a way in which is the Good News becomes an accompanying factor throughout the entire life of the person. It is this person- centredness which is at the basis of the relationship between the first proclamation and a kerygmatic type of catechesis.
  • Miniatura
    The Religious situation in Ukraine and it’s influence on the establishment and development of military-religious relations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (1991–2017)
    Starodubets, Galyna; Sokoliuk, Serhii; Voroshchuk, Oleksii (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    The article analyzes the religious situation in the Ukrainian society, as well as its impact on the formation and development of military-religious relations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 1991–2017. Religion, as one of the leading forms of social consciousness, is an important factor in the formation of civil society and in the development of channels of its communication with state institutions. The Church has traditionally played the role of an important subject of the socio-political life in the history of the Ukrainian people. The relationship between Russian-Ukrainian relations and their impact on state-religious relations in Ukraine and its Armed Forces has been studied. The main tendencies of the development of military-religious relations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been clarified. The transformation processes that influenced the change of the existing models of support of religious needs for the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the studied period, are analyzed here/in this article. In particular, some historical aspects of socio-political processes that influenced the formation and development of military-religious relations, and the institutionalization of the military clergy (chaplaincy) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the period under study are highlighted. In today’s conditions, military chaplains have gained significant experience of service in the war zone, have strong national and patriotic convictions, are able to withstand significant psychological and physical stress, and are ready to carry out pastoral service in any environment.
  • Miniatura
    Inclusion of students coming to Poland from abroad
    Marzec, Bożena; Borda, Michał (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    While analyzing the teaching and attitudes of Pope Francis, we decided to devote this article to the issue of inclusion. Considering the sphere of our interests – education, broadly understood – we focused on the inclusion of students coming from abroad, in the education system in Poland. In our publication, we rely on legal regulations, the results of research and control carried out by the Supreme Audit Office in the field of education of children of foreigners and Polish citizens returning to the country, studies by researchers of the above-mentioned issues, and we discuss a case study. The conclusions are clear: there are more and more students coming from abroad into Polish schools; despite declarations, schools are not fully prepared for their admission when all responsibility for the organization of education rests with school principals and teachers. The role of pedagogical supervision in this respect is insufficient. It is worth paying special attention to practical guidelines for teachers in order to effectively implement the pedagogy of inclusion.
  • Miniatura
    Theological Axiology of Reality
    Hanes, Pavel (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    In the present discussion of the multiplicity of sciences as against the unity of knowledge, sometimes the possibility of one super-science is advocated with a suggestion that all other scientific methods should be reduced to just one method of a one particular, usually natural science. Such reductionism often leads to disrespectful pronouncements at the address of all other sciences and their methods. This article advocates theological foundations for a multiplicity of scientific methods. Biblical ontology introduces a series of dualities called here, for the lack of a better word, “biblical graded dualism.” It is a system of asymmetrical dualities that give substance to the idea of the hierarchy of being. In the article an axiological view of reality is deduced that should facilitate a more respectful and fruitful debate among the sciences.
  • Miniatura
    Personalistic View of John Paul II on the Humanizing Function of Art in the Context of Dialogue between the Church and Artists
    Gorban, Richard (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    This article presents the way John Paul II, the head of the Vatican at the beginning of the third millennium, theologically and philosophically substantiates and establishes the principles of a new humanism through the dialogue between the Church and art as the most personalized sphere of human activity. The conceptual essence of the key idea of the humanizing function of art, in the personalistic philosophy of art of John Paul II is revealed from the methodological standpoint of religious studies. It determines the particular nature and tasks of the renewed dialogue between the Church and artists, aimed to overcome the processes of depersonalization and dehumanization of culture, caused by atheistic humanism and growing increasingly during the 20th century. The author ponders on The Letter of Pope John Paul II to Artists and Towards a Pastoral Approach to Culture, two papal documents. Their appearance on the eve of the 2000th anniversary of Christianity became symbolic. These documents draw attention because, firstly, although the idea of a dialogue between the Church and artists as a way of embodying spiritual values of a new humanism in the theological and philosophical discourse of John Paul II had been formed over several decades, it found its conceptual solution precisely in these two papal documents. Secondly, it is in these two documents that the essence of the cultural policy of the 264th Pope is consistently set forth, meant to overcome the consequences of atheistic humanism and create a new humanism, and thus to overcome the civilizational anthropological crisis and develop a new ideological paradigm of the third millennium.
  • Miniatura
    The vision of a united Europe and Poland’s place and role in it in the light of St. John Paul II’s teaching
    Borutka, Tadeusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    The entire history of Europe and the awareness of a common identity formed in its course are clearly and deeply marked by Christianity and indicate a close relationship between the Church and Europe. Both in the West and in the East, the Church desires to contribute to the European Union. It feels responsible for the shape of the Old Continent and is convinced that it can also make an important contribution to the establishment of new institutional forms. In the age of pluralism and respect for all religious beliefs it is unacceptable that a tendency to discriminate against any religion should come to the fore. Since the European Union engages in dialogue with political parties, trade unions and representatives of various religions, it would be incomprehensible if the same attitude was not displayed towards Christianity. Above all, one must not ignore the transcendent dimension possessed by each human being. Indifference to this dimension may lead to tragic consequences and the European continent has seen plenty of those painful examples throughout its history. From the beginning of his pontificate, John Paul II expressed a great interest in European affairs. He showed Europeans a vision of unity in diversity, creative fidelity to Christian origins, in freedom, truth and solidarity.
  • Miniatura
    If there is no Religion – L. Kołakowski’s Defence of the Sacred
    Bochenek, Krzysztof; Mordka, Cezary; Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2022)
    This article is an attempt to present the views of the Polish philosopher on the phenomenon of religion. L. Kołakowski devoted almost all his professional life to the issue of religion. He places the area of religious experiences and beliefs within the framework of transcendentalism, one of the basic and mutually exclusive options: “transcendentalism – empiricism”. Empiricism is the sphere of naturalistic views and contents, and their most radical representatives are empirical sciences and philosophies related to them. L. Kołakowski points out that there is no reason for the naturalistic option to exhaust the cognitive content. However, a philosophical attempt to go beyond naturalism in grasping the Absolute and the self, ends in metaphysical horror. Hence L. Kołakowski points to religious perception as an area that remains non-scientific but this fact does not contradict its value. A special place in L. Kołakowski’s analyses is occupied by the anthropological argument under which the biologisation of human existence is unjustified.