Family Forum, 2019, T. 9

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  • Miniatura
    Wychowanie przez codzienność życia w rodzinie w ujęciu profesor Teresy Kukołowicz
    Kornas-Biela, Dorota (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    The article addresses the issue of upbringing through everyday life in the family in the context of the work of Professor Teresa Kukołowicz, an outstanding educator who contributed to the reactivation of pedagogical studies at the Catholic University of Lublin and for many years was the head of the Institute of Pedagogy at KUL. T. Kukołowicz took up the issues of family life in the spirit of Christian personalism. She emphasized the huge role of upbringing in everyday life not only for children in the family, but also for all family members. The primary educational task of parents is to bring up children to know and love God, to include them in the Church, to develop their faith and to develop the children’s capacity as persons. Education through everyday life in the family consists of: the presence of parents, testimony of everyday life, frequent and honest dialogue and conversation, a family table as a meeting place, both everyday and festive domestic customs and symbols in the family, taking responsibility and shared responsibility, as well as caring for the common good.
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    Małżeństwo w niemieckich katechizmach dla dorosłych. Analiza katechizmu ewangelickiego i katolickiego
    Jaskóła, Piotr (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    The article analyzes teaching on marriage in two contemporary German Catechisms: Evangelischer Erwachsener Katechismus (Evangelical Catechism for Adults) and in the translated into Polish Catholic Catechism for Adults (Katolicki katechizm dorosłych). After a general introduction, the contents of the former is discussed as focusing round such as topics as: civil marriage and church wedding, the essence of marriage, forms of marriage, marriage divorce, mixed marriages. The discussed topics of the latter are: marriage as the Sacrament, essential qualities of marriages, and mixed marriages. The article ends with a short summary.
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    Diagnozowanie zjawiska przemocy domowej – konteksty teoretyczne i praktyczne
    Przeperski, Jarosław (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    Domestic violence is experienced by almost 90.000 people every year in Poland. The question of accurate and reliable diagnosis of violence by professionals working with families experiencing violence forms the basis of the analysis of this phenomenon. Research clearly indicates that a good diagnosis is the foundation for creating effective plans to help families and clients. The article assesses the diagnostic process of domestic violence. The diagnostic process has been divided into three parts. The first concerns the situation where violence has not yet occurred but professionals point out factors that may indicate a high probability of its occurrence. The second part relates to the stage where violence occurs. The rules for screening (confirmation of the occurrence of violence) and further in-depth diagnosis are described here. The third part discusses the diagnosis of the possibility of recurrence of violence in families that have previously experienced it. The last part of the article shows how important the phenomenon of violence in the diagnosis made by representatives of various assistance professions is. The article also shows practical tips and solutions used in other countries and difficulties that may face the diagnosis of domestic violence in their work.
  • Miniatura
    Violence regulation and dysregulation system
    Valenta, Tanja; Gostečnik, Christian; Pate, Tanja; Repič Slavič, Tanja (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    Very early in childhood, relational trauma can lead to affect dysregulation in two directions: while intense fear determines the dysregulation of the brain system responsible for flight, uncontrolled aggression means the dysregulation of the brain centre responsible for fight. Both systems send the message of dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system. In both cases, there is a dysregulation of sympathetic arousal that exceeds the individuals ability to cope with stress in a functional and effective manner. In other words, the flight response is triggered by immense fear, and the fight response is caused by intense anger and rage, which is functional in a normal response to trauma, while in the case of a dysregulated psycho-organic system it indicates a disorder that can have long-term consequences. These disorders can occur at a very early stage, in children who are at the time exposed to severe stress situations; this can lead to changes in the child’s neurobiological system, which may later become a source of psychopathology.
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    Adult sexual dynamics in persons with the history of sexual abuse
    Repič Slavič, Tanja (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    Sexuality is most natural and healthy when it is part of an emotionally genuine relationship, not even as its central part but rather as an upgrade of the intimacy of two people who are mutually loyal, committed, loving and respectful. However, if an individual was sexually abused in childhood, they m ay have suffered the severest consequences of sexual abuse trauma in the area of sexuality, and their experience of sexuality will be completely different from those who were not sexually abused. The article first describes what children learn about sex if they have been sexually abused, as this experience is very much related to the most common behaviours and experiences in adult sexuality. Then we present a theoretical overview of research on sexuality in adults who suffered childhood sexual abuse. The theory will be supplemented and supported by the statements of individuals who have been attending a therapeutic group for the sexually abused in childhood for two years. The statements quoted in the article refer to the period prior to the therapeutic process. Clinical experience shows that, until the victim has resolved the trauma of sexual abuse, the dynamics between the offender and the victim during childhood abuse is most often very similar to the dynamics of the abused with their partner, even in their sexual life.
  • Miniatura
    Matthew the Poor: Towards Modern Birth Control Methods in the Coptic Orthodox Church
    Franc, Jaroslav (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    The paper is focused on the Matta el-Meskeen (Matthew the Poor) and his reflection of selected bioethical issue: birth control. The paper deals with the forming stages of the bioethical discussions within the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt. The research is based on Matthew the Poor’s articles and books. The first part presents his teachings about theosis as an key concept of his theology in general and bioethics in particular. The second part brings analysis of his birth control reflections and presents his observations about the role of the Church and the state in the decision making process of Christian believers.
  • Miniatura
    The cooperation between teacher of religion and parents according to the religious education core curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland (2018)
    Kostorz, Jerzy Henryk (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    Currently one can observe the recession in involvement of parents in the process of education of their own children in faith. One of the symptoms is lack of interest of parents to actively cooperate with religion teachers. That is why the reflection on cooperation between parents and religion teachers is necessary and required. This article focuses on this issue in the light of The new core curriculum of the Catholic Church in Poland (2018), which will take its effect on the 1st of September of 2020. A t the beginning the understanding of the term “cooperation of parents and religion teacher” was described. Following train of thoughts of authors of the new document the work and dialog focused on education in faith of children and youth were emphasized. The author of the article took under consideration evangelization, catechization and education of parents. Then the focus moved toward goals and content, within the core curriculum itself, that are crucial to this kind of cooperation. Religion teacher m ust support parents in raising their children in faith by reminding them about their parental duties as first educators as well as through faith education of parents and their evangelization which can be accomplished through formation meetings. Such forms, according to authors of the new curriculum, are crucial in cooperation of religion teacher and parents. They need personal contact and relationship building, based on dialog and trust. Authors, though, are skeptic about indirect contact with parents (such as on-line class registry). To sum up all of the proposals of the cooperation of religious teachers and parents included in new core curriculum, some pastoral postulates were formulated. The need for thorough diagnosis through empirical exercises has been highlighted. New technologies as ways for dialog with parents were deemed important, as well as initiating evangelistic actions and religious education of parents too.
  • Miniatura
    Does the Culture of Honor do well in Poland? A Replication Study on the Culture of Honor while Accounting for Gender Role Differences
    Zdybek, Przemysław Marcin; Walczak, Radosław B. (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    This paper deals with the issue of honor culture in Poland. In a traditional honor culture, honorable men should be sensitive to situations where their honor is defiled. They should also be ready to defend their good name (Cohen and Nisbett, 1997), even if it means using violence. In such a culture women cannot actively defend their honor. The authors checked the gender role differences (both in actor and observer perspective) in attitudes towards honorable behaviors. The paper presents two experiments, analyzed with repeated ANOVA measures. In the first study, which is a replication of the research conducted by Szmajke (1999), men and women (N = 156) evaluated a letter written by an “honorable” killer and a “dishonorable” thief (in two gender versions). The second study (N = 146) replicated the results of the first one. The results confirm the traditional concept of the culture of honor as a permission for aggression used by men to defend their good name, in the eyes of both women and men. The use of violence by women in an analogous situation is evaluated negatively by both genders. Results show that the general gender roles in Polish culture of honor keeps men as active user of violence to respond for the provacation. Women are not allowed to active violent defend of their honor.
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    Experiencing parenthood in early adulthood. Fenomenographic reconstruction in educational research
    Przybylska, Małgorzata; Wajsprych, Danuta (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    This article attempts to present ways of experiencing parenthood among 17 young adults who have become mothers/fathers. The study was carried out using the phenomenographic method, which sought to describe how the young parents gave meanings to the phenomenon of parenthood; what it meant for them to be a parent. Based on the approach designed by the creators of the phenomenographic research method, we made the epistemological assumption that there is no other world besides the one that an individual experiences. A family was recognised as a special place for learning and experiencing the world, which appears to young adults as a concept of parenthood in their consciousness. The detailed categories of description, revealing concepts of experiencing parenthood, proved to be discursive and strongly context-related. There was considerable ambivalence in the findings, indicating that parenthood fluctuates between polar interpretations of experience and significantly goes beyond an educational context of upbringing. The circumstances accompanying experiencing of parenthood are strongly connected with cultural messages conveyed to groups and individuals by various lifeworld agencies: our interviewees proved to be completely embedded in them. Our findings support the hypothesis that the problem of educational practice connected with experiencing parenthood places it in the world of contemporary culture, which is tom apart by ambiguity and chaos of changing offers, as well as complexity-saturated “reversible” culture, the contents of which are subject to constant reconstruction. This provides essential reasons for developing a theory of lifelong learning in the family.
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    Traumatic bonding in intimate partner violence: A Relational Family Therapy approach
    Simonič, Barbara; Osewska, Elżbieta (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    Intimate partner violence is defined as a form of violence where, in an intimate relationship, physical or psychological acts of violence are committed by a partner or spouse against the other partner or spouse. All of these actions are accompanied by extremely emotional dynamics, which is paradoxical, as we would expect that with the gravity of abusive and violent acts the victims will understand the need for self-protection and appropriate measures. There is a strong emotional bond between the victim and the abuser, which authors call traumatic bonding. It is an emotional dependence between two people in a relationship that is characterized by the feelings of intense connectedness, cognitive distortion and behavioural strategies of both individuals that paradoxically strengthen and maintain the bond, which is reflected in a vicious cycle of violence. The termination of such a relationship or the departure from it, because of the activation of attachment system, seems risky, since the victim seeks refuge in the state of perceived danger, but experiences that – after the outbreak of violence calms down – the refuge is paradoxically offered by the bully. Here we can recognize a pattern of dysfunctional affect regulation that falsely calms difficult (basic) affects and maintains a violent relationship. From the viewpoint of Relational Family Therapy, it is therefore necessary for victims that after breaking off a violent relationship or leaving it they face their painful basic affects and develop proper regulation of these, otherwise they will remain committed to this kind of relationship. Using the case study method, the paper describes the case of a client after she left a violent intimate relationship, with an emphasis on the demonstration of traumatic bonding dynamics and the resolution of their consequences in Relational Family Therapy.
  • Miniatura
    Indeks SPICE odpowiedzią na osamotnienie w małżeństwie
    Szturomska-Józwik, Lena (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    The words of the marriage vow set the direction for the development of every sacramental marriage. Their implementation is not automatic, not happened spontaneously, but required everyday work based on God’s grace. Paradoxically, marital life is marked by the issues, the experience of solitude and has a negative effect on marriage relationship, or it may be evidence of its disorder. A well-lived solitude is associated with loneliness, which is positively experienced, in which condition, a man could find the truth about himself, the world, his place in it, as well as the source and purpose of his life. The SPICE index is a tool that can be used to constructively work out solitude and help couples build up their relationship and achieve a new quality of it. SPICE points to 5 main spheres (spiritual, physical, intellectual, communicative, emotional) on which each relationship is built. SPICE offers a method how to manage them in a good way, leading to the implementation of marital commitments in marriage. SPICE presents spouses their needs, feelings, marital identity, including sexual identity and explain them to spouses.
  • Miniatura
    Umgang mit Reproduktionstechniken aus theologisch-ethischer Sicht
    Schaupp, Walter (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019)
    The actual use of reproductive medicine is characterized by the imperatives of a liberal society which safeguards basic values and rights but gives ample space for individual decision-making on the other hand. An absolute moral rejection of In-Vitro-Fertilization and other techniques as we find it in the current Roman-Catholic Magisterium is difficult to defend on the ground of solid ethical argumentation. The aim should be to guarantee a responsible use of these techniques on a high ethical standard. This is not possible without allies among physicians which themselves support a maximum of respect for the beginning life. Moreover the importance of the genetic and biological relationships in the context of egg and sperm donation is gravely underestimated. Splitting up parenthood not only can have serious consequences on a juridical level, it also produces practical problems within the family system which often are not considered adequately at the time when couples make their option for such techniques. On the base of a holistic view of the human being corporeal facts and relations have an immediate effect on a symbolic level. Mother- and fatherhood cannot be seen as mere arbitrary cultural constructs. The respective societal images and roles are rooted in primordial, dense and existential experiences of giving life to someone and owing life to someone which are of high worth and represent an important source of meaning.