Roczniki Teologiczne, 2002, T. 49, z. 3

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  • Miniatura
    Etyczne aspekty inżynierii komórkowej i tkankowej
    Wróbel, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The development of biological sciences creates new chances for medicine. Hopes for qualitative breakthrough in therapeutic actions are aroused by development of cell and tissue engineering. Two methods are the subjects of analysis here. One of them consists in ’sowing’ cells and stimulating their development. The other one uses the possibilities created by the properties of stem cells. In general, ethical evaluation of the former method involves the use of the same principles that regulate transplantation of organs, as the method consists in taking cells or tissues from the donor, and then transplanting them to another human being. Evaluation of the latter method has to take into consideration two types of stem cells. The first group is constituted by cells selected from the tissue of a person who is already formed. In this case the same principles should be used that regulate tissues and organs transplantation. The second group is made up by cells taken from human embryo. Such actions are always immoral, as from their nature they assume the cloning of a man and destruction of a human embryo. In consequence, also methods based on embryo stem cells are immoral.
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    Seweryn Rosik. Moje chrześcijaństwo. Poznań: Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny. Redakcja Wydawnictw 2000 ss. 94.
    Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
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    Stephen Holmgren. Ethics After Easter. Cambridge-Boston: Cowley Publications 2000 ss. 193.
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
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    Herausforderung Grossstadt. Neue Chancen für die Christen. Red. E. Purk. Frankfurt am Mein 1999
    Derdziuk, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
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    Timothy F. Sedgwick. The Christian Moral Life. Practices of Piety. Grand Rapids-Cambridge: Eerdmans 1999 ss. 161.
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
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    Kapucyńskie pomoce dla spowiedników w XIX i XX wieku
    Derdziuk, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The article tackles the question of nineteenth and twentieth century aids for confessors written by Capuchin moralists. The problems of the penance sacrament dominated in moral theology for many centuries. The first works in this field include penance books and confession sums. Also in the period of manualistics, e.i. of publishing great moral theology handbooks, aids for confessors were written. A keen interest in the problems of confession in the Capuchin order resulted in publishing numerous works devoted to confession. Among Capuchins there were charismatic confessors considered as such by the Church. As an illustration of the issue the present article discusses three works designed for confessors. The first one was written by I. Rossi of Ajaccio and is a sort of encouragement for gaining knowledge. The author also supplies a lot of information about performing the duty of confessor. The next handbook for confessors was written by Francisco of Gorizia and it has an original form; namely, the material designed for confessors is arranged in tables. The work by Francois of Barbens contains a broad outline of problems from the field of psychology that are encountered when hearing confessions. The Capuchin moralist in a competent way discusses a lot of questions connected with this issue. All the works were contained in the current of aids, written also in other circles where moral theology was practised.
  • Miniatura
    Wokół ojcostwa Boga i ludzi
    Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    In contemporary world many people question the very notion of father. This undoubtedly has an influence on theological understanding of God’s fatherhood. Questioning it is also connected with questioning the notion of authority in general, that is both in the family, society and in the Church. This is why Christianity must remind itself the truth concerning God’s fatherhood, as – although it has never been called into question – it is not always fully understood. Hence, in a sense, it finds itself on the margin of e.g. Christology or pneumatology. However, it is not just a negative neglect of this truth; but it is rather opening oneself to temporary theological tendencies or trends. The truth of God’s fatherhood is one of the essential elements of the whole Christian theology. Being conscious of the reference to God the Father always releases a dynamic realism of the correct understanding of all the history of salvation, both in the dimension of the Father Himself, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is especially the understanding of sending the Son – in the fullness of time – and the salutary fruitfulness of eschatological times, especially assigned to the Church as God’s People of the New Covenant going on a pilgrimage. The truth about God the Father allows a profound discovery of the truth of the ThreePerson God, both in the fatherhood and at the same time motherhood that He offers. His love to people, and in people – love of the whole world, is fertile and open with manifold gifts towards dignity and every man’s fullness of development. This perspective has acquired a special realism in the gift of the incarnated Son. The lasting historical time that every man participates in, is offered in a fatherly gift towards the fullness of faith, hope and love. It is the hope of understanding the perspective of the truth about the Father who is in heaven, through whom Jesus of Nazareth was sent and to whom He returned having completed the paschal works of salvation. The Gospels are the most perfect transmission of the truth about God the Father, especially in the context of Jesus and his followers. However, two ways of showing the reality of God the Father can be seen in them. One of them is found in the pronouncements by Christ Himself, and the other one in the parables in which He shows the differences in understanding God.
  • Miniatura
    Życie gospodarczo-społeczne u progu III tysiąclecia. Analiza w perspektywie „Novo millennio ineunte” Jana Pawła II
    Gocko, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The article aims at presenting the most important challenges that contemporary economy faces at the threshold of the third millennium, which can be seen in the perspective of John Paul Il’s Apostolic letter Novo millennio ineunte. In this context the key task seems to be the one concerning formation of a new spirituality of communion, first in an intra-Church dimension, which next must be complemented with a social one [I], This will be done especially through undertaking works of active and factual love towards every man, and in the economic dimension mainly through a new «imagination of charity» and globalisation of solidarity [II]. The next important task of the economic-social life is a broadly understood postulate of humanisation of economy [III]. The problem of clearing of the poorest countries’ debts [IV] and the question of the way the challenges [V] facing the economy of the III millennium presented in the article should be met, is dealt with separately.
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    Chrzest podstawą nowej ewangelizacji jako odpowiedzialności za Kościół
    Jeżyna, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of Christian life, the source and consolidation of the new life of God’s children, and at the same time it becomes the source of responsibility for the Church. Evangelisation is on the one hand a happy annunciation of the vastness of God’s grace and the gift of a new life that is contained in the sacrament of Baptism, and on the other it becomes enlivened and credible when it leads to a full life with the gifts of Baptism and to fulfilling the baptismal oaths. The richness of sacramental gifts makes the whole of a Christian’s life require discovering and realising the baptismal gifts. As it is a personal unification with Christ that results in becoming a God’s child and being bom anew, Baptism obliges the christened one to strive after sainthood in the power of the Holy Spirit, through putting into effect the royal priesthood. At the same time including the christened one into the ecclesiastical Christ’s Body, it obliges him to look for unity in the Church and building the Church through the testimony of his life. Certainly for being completely included in the Church and its mission the remaining initiation sacraments are necessary: Confirmation and Eucharist.
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    Formacja do czynnej miłości miłosiernej bliźniego w duszpasterstwie parafialnym
    Mojek, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The belief that “God is love” (1 J 4, 8) leads to the conclusion that the new commandment of love is the fundamental law of human perfection and the rule of transformation of the world. Those who believe God’s love also believe that the effort directed at restoration of universal brotherhood is not in vain. Charitable love is in the centre of the new evangelisation and is a great sign that leads to faith in Gospel and to building a society fit for human dignity. Putting charitable love into effect allows all the parish community to actively participate in Christ’s royal, prophetic and priestly authority, contributing to development of human community, to the sense of growing solidarity, brotherhood and quality of Christian life. Hence an adequate formation is very important, taking into consideration the contribution of the Christian family, catechesis, liturgy and Caritas as an institution first of all educating the whole parish community to actively and charitably love the neighbour, to work for the poor and with the poor.
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    Nowa dyskusja metodologiczna?
    Mroczkowski, Ireneusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    After World War II moral theology in Poland went through a few methodological debates. Theologians took part in them, but also Christian philosophers had a considerable contribution. In connection with postmodernism the author of the article points to the need of a new methodological discussion. Although Polish moral theologians have already noticed the dangers of postmodernism, only few have the courage to ask about the conditions that must be met so that a dialogue with it can be conducted. However, recently a work by Rev. W Bartkowicz has been published that discusses Bauman’s philosophy of freedom as compared to Thomas’ and Kant’s one. This gives the author of the article an opportunity for a critical analysis of a possible comparison of postmodernism on the one hand and vocation, law, or conscience on the other.
  • Miniatura
    Moralny sens świętowania
    Nagórny, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The article aims at showing the moral meaning of celebrating a holiday in the context of cultural conditionings in order to show against this background – in the future – the specificity of Christian celebrations, whose centre is Sunday. Showing the holiday and celebration of it as a cultural phenomenon, the article presents their most important elements: memory, community, experiencing the sacrum and ritual. The holiday appears as a human need; it is an opportunity to become diverted from what is everyday and usual. The ways of celebrating play an important role in forming the identity of the given community. This is why a change in the model of celebrating is a fine indicator of moral-social changes, among others due to the fact that changes in the way of celebrating are closely connected with changes in defined systems of values, and first of all in the attitude towards the sacrum. In this context the author presents the most important modern conditionings of the holiday, referring first of all to the process of secularisation and de-sacralisation. A lot points to the fact that the essence of celebrating in its religious dimension, with respect to the sacrum and the transcendental dimension of human existence, is more and more radically questioned. The category of free time seems to replace the category of holiday. Celebrating is nowadays threatened by the temptation of individualism and by giving absolute value to freedom. The holiday has been reduced to “having one’s own free time”, and in this way it is losing its sacred and special character with respect to one’s whole life. A loss of the meaning of life has its consequences in losing the meaning of celebration. The fundamental source of losing a deeper meaning of celebration is, above all, the contemporary secularism and de-sacralisation of life that is connected with it; de-sacralisation of both one’s personal life, and even to a greater degree – of his social life. The negative role of the media is pointed to in desacralisation of the ways of celebrating, and especially in its commercialisation and in propagating new pseudo-holidays. According to the author, the very description of the holiday and of celebrating it leads to showing its connection with the moral dimension of human life. This concerns not only the moral duty to celebrate, but it also stresses the fact that owing to celebrating holidays man’s moral life opens to the transcendent dimension, to sanctity and to being sanctified. This is why the first task that moral theology faces today is to show the position of the holiday in the whole of Christian life in a harmonious way. The true meaning of freedom within the frames of celebrating must be shown today. It is freedom with a religious character, it is a gift of freedom. The holiday is connected with “freedom to”, freedom that is put into effect by way of love. Owing to celebrating man discovers that everything in his life is a gift, for which he learns to thank God and people. The holiday, so closely connected with the memory about and with remembering people and events, allows one to understand, how important a sign of love just that memory is: remembering – and on the sacramental plane also making it present – an event that in an essential way gives a meaning to our existence and at the same time directs it. This memory is a necessary condition for love, but a full love never ends with it, but is complemented with thanksgiving. The holiday and celebration are in fact unthinkable without that attitude of love that is expressed in gratitude and thanksgiving. The communal character of the holiday is especially important for a moral life. It is something more than experiencing it in community. Celebration is a chance to confirm the existing human community and it deepens that community. Hence the holiday has an important meaning for forming the common good of the given community. While consolidating human solidarity, it facilitates dialogue and understanding in all other domains of life. In this context attention is drawn to the pedagogical possibilities that celebrating brings with itself. “Holiday liturgy”, rich in symbols and in relations between people, may be an unusually important factor in the formation of the new generation, first of all by permeating it with the atmosphere of community; young people almost unwittingly receive the message that is carried with the holiday. A person’s full development and deepening of the community form the moral meaning of the holiday.
  • Miniatura
    Ku integralnemu ujęciu moralności i duchowości chrześcijańskiej
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    It was one of the features of the renewal of Christian moral theology in the 20th century to view it as deeply related to Christian spirituality. This attempt however was present in the Anglican tradition back in the 17th-century Caroline moral theology (cf. H. R. McAdoo). In this paper its new 20th-century Anglican development is presented, mainly in such authors as K. E. Kirk, L. Dewar, C. Hudson and H. Waddams. It also finds its place in very recently published books by American Anglicans like S. Holmgren and T. F. Sedgwick. ARCIC Il’s Life in Christ. Morals, Communion and the Church is too its evidence. The integrated understanding of moral-spiritual dimension of the Christian life is rooted above all in the presence and activity of the Holy Spirit, in the fact that man is a “praying being” and so cooperates with grace as well as in the “sacramental principle” of the Christian’s life.
  • Miniatura
    Przykazania kościelne. Przesłanie moralne Kościoła. Sprawozdanie z sympozjum
    Pokrywka, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
  • Miniatura
    Pokój i bezpieczeństwo w kontekście dobra wspólnego w nauczaniu biskupów amerykańskich
    Kieniewicz, Piotr H. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
    The teaching on peace by the American Episcopate is not well known in Poland. The author presents some points of their developments to show the practical connotations between the idea of the common good and the peace, which is one of the three elements of it. Peace should be based on values - such as the dignity of the human person, not just some political agreements or economical reasons. Accordingly, it is not the sufficient argument to say, that a given way to the peace is an effective one - first of all it has to be just.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Profesor Seweryn Rosik (1929-2000)
    (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
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    Bibliografia teologicznomoralna za rok 2000
    Kieniewicz, Piotr H. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
  • Miniatura
    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Moralnej KUL za rok akad. 2000/2001
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie ze spotkania naukowego Sekcji Teologów Moralistów Polskich. Konstancin 11-13 czerwca 2001
    Derdziuk, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)
  • Miniatura
    Javier Lozano Barragan. Teologia e medicina. Prefazione del Cardinale Joseph Ratzinger. Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane 2001 ss. 206.
    Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)