Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2022, T. 38

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  • Miniatura
    Rzymska faza sprawy beatyfikacyjnej Sługi Bożego ks. Stanisława Streicha
    Mueller, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    April 13, 2019, in the Church of St. John Bosco in Luboń, the last public session was held ending the diocesan stage of canonization process of the Servant of God, Rev. Stanisław Streich. Streich was a martyr for the faith who died at the hands of the Communist criminal Wawrzyniec Nowak. The session was attended by Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, Metropolitan of Poznań, and the established tribunal: bishop’s delegate, promoter of justice, and notary, as well as a postulator. Archbishop Gądecki’s decree declared that the investigation at the diocesan stage was finally closed. Each individually swore that he had fulfilled his tasks faithfully and that he would keep an official secret. Extensive documentation of the canonization process of Rev. Stanisław Streich, numbering almost 3,500 pages that included trial files with thirty-one testimonies of witnesses was prepared to be submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. This stage, which is called the Roman stage of any altar candidate process, represents a qualitative leap in a given cause. The phase of collecting documents is over, and their substantive development begins. Al this is served by the various stages that establish the following: a new postulator of the cause; the issuance of a decree of validity of the diocesan inquiry; the appointment of a relator; the editing of the Positio; then the historical, theological, and ordinary congregation of cardinals and bishops; and finally, the promulgation of the decree of martyrdom by the pope.
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    Teologiczne i jurydyczne fundamenty definicji małżeństwa występującej w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego z roku 1983 (kan. 1055)
    Sajkowski, Mateusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    This paper is a contribution to the scientific discourse on the subject of Canon 1055 of the Code of Canon Law promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983. The research problems raised are focused upon the analysis of the relevant terms of the amalgamate of theological and legal contents contained in them, which may both be equally important. It is accepted in accordance with the canonistic doctrine that Canon 1055, being the first in titulus VII De matrimonio, is a legal definition of marriage; and consequently, the context in which all other norms of substantive conjugal law are to be interpreted as an important part of the system of ecclesiastical law. As a novelty for the science of canon law, such provisions are included within the scope of valid and binding codified laws. As recently as in Codex Iuris Canonici of 1917, a similar canon providing a synthetic presentation of the basic truths relevant to marriage, as interpreted by the Church, was not included. Permeated with pastoral spirit, each and every of the elements constituting Canon 1055 refers to a different aspect of a marital relationship and aptly combines the juridical threads typical of the classical Canon Law and the doctrine of the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican. Such a manner of approaching the issue seems to be indispensable as a way to reflect the vast significance of marriage and to avoid treating the institution of marriage superficially. This paper, in addition to presenting the important purposes of marriage and its sacramental dignity, pays particular attention is paid to describing the theological and legal content of the following terms: ‘covenant’ (foedus) and ‘the partnership of the whole of life of a man and a woman’ (consortium omnis vitae viri et mulieris).
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    Capitalism and Catholic Social Ethics: From Benedict XVI to Francis with a Sideways Glance to Augustinian Liberalism
    Schallenberg, Peter (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    This article first outlines some of the basic lines of recent Catholic social ethics, as developed in Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato si’ (2015). In his letter which is less fundamental but more prophetic with a strong Franciscan background, Pope Francis continues the thoughts of his predecessor Benedict XVI and Benedict’s encyclical letter Caritas in veritate (2007). In the course of criticizing a misguided reliance on a market economy (and so-called capitalism without adjectives), it is emphasized in this paper that these alone are not sufficient to promote the Common Good or understood as integral to human development and social inclusion in a global world. With a view to the challenges of our time outlined by the encyclicals, the article then wants to focus on an approach to political theology that draws on the tradition of Augustinian thought and offers a solution for the promotion of the Common Good under the circumstances of modernity. The core tenet of so-called Augustinian Liberalism is the demonstration that the central liberal principles of individual freedom and universal equality are not sufficient enough to ensure human flourishing in this world. Despite the eminent importance of democratic constitutional principles, they ultimately fail to comprehensively promote the fulfilment of human life in its individual and social dimensions. They shorten the concept of rational autonomy to self-centred freedom that absolves itself of its responsibility and value-relativist tendencies, the thinkers of Augustinian Liberalism then profile a concept of love based on the thought of St. Augustine as a normative. Their position promotes principles for the political practice of individuals and guidelines for institutions in the liberal constitutional state.
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    Human Beings Reasonable and Moral: Lessons from the Civil Disobedience of Rosa Parks to Catholic Counselors and Psychotherapists
    Hwang, Jeong Yeon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    W artykule skoncentrowano się na funkcji sądów moralnych oraz roli rzecznictwa w tworzeniu tożsamości katolickich księży, osób konsekrowanych i świeckich zaangażowanych w doradztwo i psychoterapię. Postać Rosy Parks (1913–2005) jest przedstawiona jako wzór myślenia i działania w zgodzie z ideałem społecznej sprawiedliwości i równości. Autor wychodzi od analizy tego, w jaki sposób akt nieposłuszeństwa wobec prawa segregacji rasowej w komunikacji miejskiej w Montgomery przyczynił się do ukształtowania się tożsamości Rosy Parks jako osoby rozumnej i moralnej. Jego zdaniem katoliccy doradcy i psychoterapeuci, idąc śladem Rosy Parks, powinni stać się rozumnymi i moralnymi podmiotami promującymi dobrostan własnych klientów. Deklaracja American Counselling Association (ACA) z 2014 r. uznaje za jedną z podstawowych wartości zawodowych doradców zaangażowanie na rzecz sprawiedliwości, co zdaniem autora powinno przełożyć się na rzecznictwo praw człowieka i godności klientów. W tym celu konieczna jest konfrontacja z niesprawiedliwymi, krzywdzącymi, nieefektywnymi i nieodpowiednimi praktykami i systemami społecznymi, które dehumanizują i uciskają klientów. Rzecznictwo wyraża się we wzmacnianiu podmiotowości i działaniach społecznych. Wzmacnianie podmiotowości oznacza, że doradcy i psychoterapeuci prowadzą klientów zarówno podczas sesji, jak i poza nimi tak, aby oni sami stali się rzecznikami swoich praw. Działania społeczne zaś zmierzają zaś do zmian politycznych i reform systemowych, co osiąga się poprzez udział w różnych aktywnościach, od inicjatyw ustawodawczych zaczynając, a na protestach kończąc. Następnie autor omawia zmiany w edukacji, badaniach i praktyce, które przyczynią się do integracji omawianego tu rzecznictwa w proces terapeutyczny osób wyznających wiarę chrześcijańską.
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    Ekofilozofia a filozofia prawa rozumianego jako forma symboliczna
    Kosowska-Czapla, Ewa (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    This article aims to find the paradigm of ecophilosophy in the philosophy of symbolic forms in the context of law. At the time of the article, ecophilosophy needed an introduction, and it needed to be defined within the scope of the philosophy of law. First, the symbolic universe was presented as the starting point for the search for this paradigm. The world in which the animal symbolicum lives differs significantly from the world of other organisms because only man lives in the symbolic universe. The symbolic universe was defined as a world consisting not only of material reality but also of numerous networks formed by symbols such as language, myth, and religion. Humankind recognized reality differently but also co-creates it.Next, Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms was presented in more detail with particular emphasis on law. The philosopher identified nature as the sphere of lawfulness, and he acknowledged the wisdom of nature manifesting itself in harmony and biodiversity. He looked for sources of natural human rights. Man as an animal symbolicum should participate as the co-creator of the great masterpiece of creation. This act of co-creation included morally righteous actions, as well as establishing the appropriate content of law. Consequently, according to the philosophy of symbolic forms related to ecology, the guiding principle – a paradigm in the relationship between man and nature – should be the principle of personal, social, and state responsibility for nature. I called this principle the pneumocentrism paradigm of ecophilosophy. Additionally, I looked for acceptance or rejection of this principle, including in court rulings in Poland. I noted that in some ways the existence of this principle is considered desirable; however, its implementation may become a difficult task for mankind. Among other things, humankind desires to satisfy their own needs and faith quickly in future technological possibilities as a way to reduce its destructive actions towards nature in the present.
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    La sinodalità e l’intercomunione in Dumitru Stăniloae
    Bara, Zoltán József (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    In Dumitru Stăniloae’s work, he takes original, albeit sometimes radical, positions on a great variety of ecumenical themes and problems; however, Stăniloae is always in favor of dialogue. Following Stăniloae’s arguments, I will present two themes that summarize Stăniloae’s original ecumenical vision on the union of the Churches: the theme of catholicity or open synodality, and Eucharistic intercommunion. Stăniloae suggests an open synodality or catholicity as a dogmatic and spiritual opening of the Christian Churches to rediscover their unity. At the basis of this open catholicity is the Sacred Scripture where there are diverse traditions and meanings – differences that come from the diversity of God’s actions in the history of salvation. The Catholic or synodal approach can become, in all the senses of the Scripture, the meeting point for all Christians. On the other hand, in Stăniloae’s vision, Eucharistic intercommunion must be a full Eucharistic communion. Orthodoxy considers the unity of the Church as deeply and ontologically anchored in Christ, and it considers the Eucharist as the mean that sustains this unity. This unity cannot bring the Eucharist down to the level of being psychologically and physically lax among Christians. Indeed, without the unity of faith, and without communion with the body and blood of Christ, the Church could not exist in the full sense of the word; just as without unity in faith and without the Church, Eucharistic communion cannot be achieved. Eucharistic intercommunion makes a separation between the unity of faith and the Church, inconceivable because it leads to the dissolution of the Church, of the unity of faith, and of the Eucharist itself. Communion with the body and blood of Christ cannot be separated from unity in faith or from the conviction that the Church represents a profound ontological unity of the faithful in Christ and among them.
  • Miniatura
    Wytyczne Konferencji Episkopatu Polski dotyczące dochodzenia wstępnego w przypadku oskarżeń duchownych o czyny contra sextum wobec małoletnich. Glosa do obowiązujących przepisów
    Mazurkiewicz, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    The protection of minors and their equivalents is one priority of current church legislation. The norms regulating the procedure in cases of reports of clerical sexual crimes against children and adolescents are present in both general and particular legislation. Acting under the order of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Polish Bishops’ Conference issued guidelines in 2014 on preliminary canonical investigations of clerical accusations regarding acts against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue with a minor under the age of eighteen. These guidelines were subsequently amended twice in 2017 and 2019. They contain standards for the appropriate response to reports of crimes contra sextum with minors committed by clergy or other persons acting in the church structures. They also regulate the procedures for providing assistance to victims and define the principles of prevention and formation for the priesthood and religious life. For this reason, they pursue the goals indicated by the Holy See’s Dicastery; however, the legislation included errors that may cause difficulties in interpreting and applying the guidelines. There are noticeable terminological inaccuracies and inconsistencies with the norms of common law. They mainly concern the material scope of crimes contra sextum with minors and the entity capable of committing such crimes. They also appear in the area of formal law, in particular the rules of conducting preliminary investigations. There are also noticeable inconsistencies with the Polish penal code. It seems necessary to amend the Guidelines so that they are consistent with the common law, particularly with the amended Book VI of the Code of Canon Law which contains penal norms. It is worth focusing on assistance to victims and the prevention and methods of dealing with perpetrators of sexual crimes against minors and their equated persons.
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    La vita religiosa nello Stato sovietico. Le coraggiose testimonianze della fede nel periodo delle persecuzioni religiose
    Mikrut, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)
    In the Soviet Union, Christian churches were in a very difficult situation due to the bloody persecution and atheization of all forms of religion by the Soviet state. Religion became a battleground where the Communists could challenge all other ideological principles. In the Soviet Union, every form of religion was seen by the Communists as a challenge to the structures of the new state founded on the ideals proposed by the Marxist-Leninist system. Despite the persecution, there were numerous witnesses to the faith in all Christian churches and communities. Opponents of the communist system were arrested and taken to work camps where they endured difficult circumstances. Those whose way of life was based on Christian ideals became faithful witnesses of God in these terrible places. The majority of Soviet society had for centuries been linked to the Orthodox Church, and it was precisely this community that had to pay such a terrible tribute for their loyalty to the Christian tradition. The Catholics, even though they were only a minority in the Orthodox world, lived their faith with courage and dignity despite the terrible forms of Soviet persecution. Many of them are remembered even today as great witnesses of God.
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    Liturgia domowa i pandemia Covid-19. Implikacje dla eklezjogenezy
    Paluch, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    The family is named in official Church documents as the domestic church where the domestic liturgy is celebrated – the action of the family in union with the universal Church. The source for domestic liturgy is the common priesthood of all baptized, strengthened by the sacrament of marriage, where the spouses perform the priestly function for their children. In March 2020, at the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, when the possibility of the faithful’s participation in masses and services was significantly limited, Polish bishops encouraged the renewal of the liturgy celebrated in the family. Thanks to this, the faithful had the opportunity to experience the mysteries of faith and the liturgical year. In this study, the author deals with the issue of the ecclesiogenetic role of the domestic liturgy. To fully understand the subject, he first presents the nature and role of the liturgy and its relationship to the Church. The author then refers to the texts of the New Testament (mainly the Acts of the Apostles and Paul’s Letters), the patrology of St. John Chrysostom, and the contemporary teachings of the Church (documents of the Second Vatican Council and John Paul II). The author also presents the terms of domestic church and domestic liturgy. On this basis, the author puts forward the thesis that in the first period of the coronavirus pandemic, the home liturgy played an important role in the process of ecclesiogenesis. He presents the proposals of the Easter domestic liturgy that appeared at that time and was prepared by the pastors, as well as the first theological reflections and explanations. In conclusion, the author formulates pastoral conclusions and postulates to maintain care for the home liturgy in Christian families.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie prawa w encyklice Rerum novarum
    Skoczykłoda, Paweł T.; Wituła, Natalia (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    In the encyclical Rerum Novarum, the notion of law was considered as a Marxian ideology that preached the end of the property of bourgeoisie and reflected on other political and social issues. The encyclical’s purpose was to object to the growing ideology of socialism which sought to abolish ownership. Pope Leon XIII gave voice to social tensions that were enhancing public dismay. Not only did he deny the Marxian demands, but he also proposed a set of new solutions. A standard of the Catholic Church is not to interrupt earthly life; however, when it comes to gross injustice or dynamic transitions, it is possible to give the clergy a voice. Pope has stated that social order is based on truth and justice. Law – understood as a natural component of human life – should be an expression of service of the government that leads society to wealth. The paper is divided into the following sections: a short presentation of how Marx was describing ownership, a demonstration of the Catholic Church’s responsibility for social teachings, and how Leon XIII described ownership in the light of natural law and why denying it is highly unjust, and teaching positive law should be understood properly. The paper concludes with a set of reflections on how the encyclical is still relevant today.
  • Miniatura
    Bezkompromisowa postawa biskupów Teodora Benscha i Wilhelma Pluty. Na drodze do stabilizacji organizacji kościelnej na Ziemiach Zachodnich
    Wejman, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2022)
    In 1956, the Gorzów Church had the first bishop in its history as a ruler. Unfortunately, the zealous pastoral ministry of Bishop Theodor Bensch was interrupted by his sudden death. Nevertheless, his work was beautifully continued and further developed by Bishop Wilhelm Pluta – today a Servant of God. The first bishops of the Gorzów Ordinariate wrote down a beautiful charter of pastoral ministry in the Gorzów Ordinariate – years 1956–1972. The first of them, Bishop Bensch, had a high ecclesiastical position because he was a long-time secretary of Primate Stefan Wyszyński. He also knew the backroom of the politics of the authorities and the methods of their conduct. These experiences, and above all great intellectual, pastoral, and organizational skills caused him to activate the church life of the Ordinariate. The authorities considered him to be a taciturn and faithful executor of “the orders of the Vatican and the church hierarchy.” Also, Bishop Pluta was always guided by the good of the Church and remained in close relations with the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. All of his pastoral ministry could be summed up in one sentence: “The shepherd’s great care for man.” The uncompromising nature of Bishop Pluta meant that in the 1960s the authorities considered him on par with the Przemyśl bishop, Ignacy Tokarczuk who was an “enemy of the communist authorities in Poland.” The attitudes of zealous shepherds were an invaluable contribution to the process of stabilizing the church organization in the Western Territories. Despite the double yoke, they did not have the certainty of the canonical stability that other bishops had under their feet. They were fought by the state authorities, but they survived and lived to see the long-awaited decision of Pope Paul VI in the papal bull Episcoporum Poloniae coetus of June 28, 1972, and the division of the great Gorzów Apostolic Administration into three dioceses: Gorzów Diocese, Koszalin-Kołobrzeg Diocese, and Szczecin-Kamień Diocese.