Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1989, T. 36, z. 6
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Pozycja Ksiądz biskup Edward Materski. Życie i działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna(Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Pozycja Działalność ks. bpa E. Materskiego w Komisji Katechetycznej Episkopatu PolskiMajcher, Edward (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The author characterizes the activity of bishop Edward Materski on the Catechetic Comission of the Polish Episcopate. At a meeting of this comission held in March 1958 there accepted for publication a catechism for children written by bishop Edward Materski and S. N. Hekker entitled "My Catechism". It was a handbook for the children in the second form – "Come, Lord Jesus", the third form – "We are waiting for the Saviour" and the fourth form – "Lord Jesus among us". The handbook constituted a winning combination of hither to catechetic work in Poland with new achievements of the catechetic movement, especially within the range of kerygmatic catechesis. Then the author shows the bishop's work on the following subcomissions: – for the Affairs of Religious Upbringing in a Family – for the Affairs of Catechists – Preparing materials for the Synod on Catechization in 1977 – Talks with the Ministry of Education and writing memorials to the state authorities concerning catechization. In further parts the author presents the participation and involvement of bishop Edward Materski in all-Church and all-Polish catechetic assemblies.Pozycja Kerygmatyczne znaczenie nowej interpretacji testamentu Jezusa (J 19, 25-27)Kudasiewicz, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The paper consists of five parts: 1) An indirect (J 2, 1-12) an direct context (J 19, 23-24) show that the episode by the cross, similar to what happened at Cana in Galilee bears a massianic-ecclesiological meaning and not a private one. "All was now finished" (v 28) does not refer to that which follows, i.e. "I thirst" but to the whole testament. The testament of Jesus who gives His Mother to His disciple is the fulfillment of Scripture, so it bears a historical-redemptory meaning. 2) The literary genre of the testament is described as a "revelational scheme". Thus Jesus' words contained in this testament bear a character of revelation. 3) Mary and St John standing by the cross have a representative character: Mary is called "Woman" and she represents the Daughter of Zion, i.e. the Church. On the other hand, John signifies all the disciples of Jesus. Mary is a figure or icon of the Church. 4) The fulfillment of the testament, Mary, is a gift of dying Jesus. He endowed His disciples with grace, truth and the Holy Ghost but His Mother to the highest degree. John took her to his own home not in a material sense of the word but with faith and love; similar, people took Jesus. 5) This new interpretation is rich in kerygmatic substance.Pozycja Ernsta Blocha koncepcja filozofii nadziei (1885-1977)Popławski, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Ernst Bloch is one of the most outstanding contemporary philosophers. His main work is, undoubtedly, "Das Prinzip Hoffnung" (I-III, Berlin 1954-1959; Frankfurt am Main 1974) in which he brings up the philosophy of hope. He claimed that man could never be satisfied with what he is. Man is constantly seeking and aiming at something. Thus Bloch defines man as a creature coming from far away, which creature is never "at home", but all the time in motion up to the place where his existence would experience repose. Man is under the process of constant becoming. Man's future depends to a grest extent on the power of the influence of hope. However, the question of hope, as it is seen by Bloch, does not bear any religious character. One can say, then, that his conception of hope is purely naturalistic.Pozycja Problem wyboru światopogląduRusecki, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Every worldview should be a personal conviction and a result of a choice. An issue of selection of the worldview become a very current one in the Polish reality to-day, since in it has taken place the very principial changes. Poland has got back the freedom. Various liberal movements come to the prominence and some new ideologies appear in consequence of this. In the past the Christian worldview was a result of the upbringing and very often it was an expression of the opposition to the marxist ideology. Today this worldview has to be a matter of the renowed considerations and a matter of the choices motivated in a new manner. In this connexion it is necessary to pay attention to the structure of the worldview. It has to include the scientific and unscientific data. They arise either from a philosophy or from a religion. Exactly in the light of those data someone judges the basic problems of the worldview: from where everything – and first of all a man – originates, which one is a meaning of existence and where everything aims. Because it is impossible to achieve an evidence here, someone has to pay attention to the degree of the motive of those data. Especially someone has to value, which one of the solutions (religious or unreligious) is more comprehensive, more critical and therefore it makes possible a full development of a human person. The choice of a worldview ought to base on those principles.Pozycja Problematyka katechetyczna w badaniach prowadzonych pod kierunkiem ks. bpa E. Materskiego przy Katedrze Katechetyki KULWrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Bishop Edward M aterski worked for many years as a lectu rer at the Faculty of C atechesis at KUL. U nder his su p ervision stu d en ts have written many th e se s. The p resen t paper aims at orienting the reader in the range of resea rch conducted by the bishop in this field. These stu d ies show catechesis in the context of the Church life, which catechesis is open to current problems of the catechized people and focuses on the forming of Christian attitudes, strongly linked with methodics. The model of catechesis for children and youth dominates strongly in those studies. Such a model emerges from the analysis of Conciliar and post-Conciliar documents of the Church, catechetic programmes and catechetic handbooks, as well as school programmes and school handbooks.Pozycja Problematyka katechetyczna w refleksji naukowej ks. bpa E. MaterskiegoMajewski, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Bishop Edward Materski has contributed significantly to Polish Catechization as a practitioner, organizor and theoretician. In the present study an attempt has been made to reveal the theory of catechization, leaving to other people aspects which interest them. The essential basis for the present paper constitute scientific papers. They bring us to conclude that the bishop is in favour of a Christocentric, ecclesial and humanistic catechesis. According to him catechesis is to lead us to the unity with Christ, to develop in the Church milieu and be open to the changes in the world. He emphasizes the significance of an integrated many-faceted and differentiated catechesis. Such a catechesis which is by all means a Polish catechesis and proves correct in difficult Polish conditions, should be further developed along this line.Pozycja Katecheza w służbie ewangelizacjiŁabendowicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The author brings up the problem of the extent to which the contemporary catechesis participates in the process of evangelization to which the Holy Father John Paul II constantly incites us. The conception of evangelization embraces the first proclamation of the Gospel (DCG 17), but also the whole rich and complicated activity of the Church through which all people are taking part in the work of redemption (EN 17, 18, 24). Catechesis while being one form of the ministration of the Word tends to that that "faith illuminated by way of learning could become vivid, clear and active" (DCG 17). It is through catechesis that we go on to maturity in faith (CT). There is a substantial relation between these two realities. Catechesis does not identify itself with evangelization, nor is in total contradiction to it, but they are in ternally linked and complementary to one another (CT 18). The uniting link for both realities is the Only Teacher Jesus Christ (CT); the common aim is transformation and renewal of mankind (EN 18; CT 23) and it is going on in the fellowship of the Church and is expressed by such external signs as Christian testimony and apostolic spirit. Then the author asks about the function of catechesis in the process of evangelization. The author regards the following values of Polish catechesis as being essential: regularity, a sense of law and duty, integrity of the transmission of redemption and a relation with the Christian tradition of national culture. On the other hand, there are things which are not conducive to evangelization, e.g. the overgrowth of the conveying form in Polish catechesis as well as disregarding, on the part of catechists, the questions and problems of children and the youth, anonymity and lack of the experience of living in a fellowship.Pozycja Rola katechety w wychowaniu do modlitwyKulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Though a prayer is a grace, God's gift, and its source does not depend on man, yet it can grow through man. After such an introduction the paper brings up the problem of the role of a catechist in the upbringing of young people to enable them to pray, and it solves the problem in its four successive parts. A catechist as a teacher does not replace parents which first should bring up their children to prayer, but getting to know God's doctrine, principles of psychology and didactics of prayer, he introduces us into its theory and practice. A catechist is an educator whose task is to bring up to prayer with love and joy. He plays the role of a teacher on behalf of the Church and Christ and in communion with the Holy Ghost who gives His gifts necessary for prayer. A catechist, a witness to prayer, bases himself on-the Truth, acts in virtue of his own personal moral and religious qualities, boosts confidence and thus imitates Christ's testimony who prayed in any form and at different times. The power of testimony emerges from the unity with Jesus Christ and the personal level of a catechist's prayer. Words and deeds have to be complementary here. In order to fulfill this role well, a catechist has to care about a good permanent formation. He must appreciate some necessary characteristics concerning his personal and religious maturity and integrate values ascribed to different types of a catechist. Introducing into life by way of a prayer is a remarkable goal in catechetic work and the role of a catechist is prominent here.Pozycja Formy katechezy biblijnejKusz, Gerard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Principally, one can distinguish two basic ways of working with the Bible. The first one with the help of the principles of biblical hermeneutics attempts to reveal a message of the biblical text, which text becomes the essence of catechesis. The second way sees the biblical text within the frameworks of a problem block which has already been defined thematically. The first type of biblical catechesis is called hermeneutic catechesis. One can distinguish here: exegetic catechesis, inductive catechesis, history of faith (Glaubensgeschichtlicher Unterricht) and history in action (Wirkungsgeschichtlicher Unterricht). The second type of catechesis is characterized by a functional, in a way rationalistic, approach to the Bible. Basing oneself on the pedagogic thory of "Curriculum" by S. Robinson, the biblical text is used by way of the method of transformation. This type limits, however, the tasks of catechesis to a pragmatic dimension. The Bible becomes "a collection of responses" (Antwortpotential) to pupils’ problems. Both types of biblical catechesis stimulate creative reflection and force the theoreticians of catechesis to search new solutions in their work on a biblical text.Pozycja Ekumeniczne ujęcie katechezyCharytański, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The author wanted to avoid confining the problems of ecumenism to reconciliation between members of a discordant family. That is why he took as a starting point contradictory, as it would seem, moments of life or experiences of the young people. Firstly, unremitting wars resulting from class, ratial, national or, finally, religious divisions. Secondly, a constant threat to human race along with the tendency towards unity. And it is against this background that the Church of Christ is shown as the sacrament of unity and reconciliation of the whole mankind with God and with each other. The schism of Churches and religions then emerges as being in definite contradiction to the mission of the Christ Church. Mutual understanding, then, and conscious acceptance of participation in the mission of the Church, i.e. sense of ecclesial-social responsibility, becomes one of the bases of forming the spirit of ecumenism. Out of the above questions the author distinguished the awareness of baptism, the Eucharistic awareness and the awareness of Christian conversion. Assuming a totally individual and private character of the mentioned sacraments, the author attempted to show their ecclesial-creative character and their relation to the problem of schisms in the life of the Christ Church. Catechesis, both prepared and attendant on the performance of those sacraments may lead to the formation of ecclesial-social responsibility, and in consequence, to openness to the problem of ecumenism, to the forming of the spirit of ecumenism, which in turn leads to getting to know each other, to dialoque and cooperation.Pozycja Posługa katechetyczna ks. bpa E. Materskiego w diecezji kieleckiejJaworski, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)Pozycja Idea historii zbawienia i jej prezentacja w katechizmach ks. bpa E. MaterskiegoBielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The idea of the history of redemption permeates the whole Bible and often crops up in the documents of the Vatican Council II. The biblical history of redemption is not a series of loosely connected episodes but constitutes putting one of love onto practice, which plan owes its unity particularly to the person of Jesus Christ. A broad historical outline of redemption is presented in bishop Edward Materski's catechism "Come, Lord Jesus". His other two catechisms: "We are waiting for the Saviour" and "Lord Jesus is among us" bring this history home to us in more detail. It is in them that the unity and Christocentrism of the redemptory plan have been emphasized.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo młodzieży w Polsce według dokumentów Komisji Episkopatu do Spraw Duszpasterstwa MłodzieżyPawlina, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)The paper attempts to present some documents that witness to the Church's Care for the youth the communist period of 1945-1989. From the 1930s on and shortly after World War II the Pastoral Care for the Youth was conducted within the framework of Catholic Action. The Polish Episcopate suspended the activities of Catholic associations and organisations in 1949 under the pressure of the communist authorities. In 1957 the so-called "priests-scouts" were created who, on the basis of the method of scouting, tried to conduct the pastoral care for the youth. In 1958 S. Wyszyński, the Polish primate, created the Country Pastoral care for the Male and Female Youth. A subcommission of the Episcopate which worked since 1984 on behalf of the Polish Episcopal Conference was made the Episcopal Commission. It was the Commission's aim to aid the Church in Poland within the scope of the pastoral care for the youth. It was concerned both with the youth at school and those who graduated from school. The author has divided the affluent, yet untidy, documentation of the pastoral activity among the youth into: reports, protocols, programmes, questionaires, correspondence and others. One can distinguish the pastoral care for the urban and village youth on the basis of those documents. In view of a specific character of the groups embraced by the pastoral care there was a pastoral care for recruits, for those who are going to establish their own families and a pastoral care for the "absent" youth. There was a great diversity of methods and means as regards the conditions and needs of a milieu. And so, for instance, organizations were given up for the sake of movements because of increasing repression. Those movements which got roots among the youth turned out to be efficient. The materials included in the Episcopal documents which documents were not published, proved to the Episcopate's prudence in giving aid needed for the preservation of religious and national identity of the youth and as such made up the basis of resource for pastoral research.Pozycja Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za rok akademicki 1988/89Pracz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1989)