Family Forum, 2014, T. 4

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    Recenzja: Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer-Werhahn, Klaus Demmer (red.), Das Herz spricht zum Herzen. Reflexionen über die Ehe, Herder Verlag, Freiburg 2012, ss. 240.
    Podzielny, Janusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Do children have the capacity to commit a crime? The question of minimum age of criminal responsibility
    Balogh, Ágnes (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The article investigates the question of minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR). A child under the age of criminal responsibility lacks the capacity to commit a crime. This means they are immune from criminal prosecution – they cannot be formally charged by authorities with an offence nor be subjected to any criminal law procedures or measures. Numerous international treaties and agreements set standards concerning the ways in which children in conflict with the law should be dealt with. A wide range of minimum ages of criminal responsibility worldwide, ranging from a very low level of age 7 or 8 to the commendable high level of age 14 or 16. On 1st July 2013 a new criminal code, the Act of 2012 entered into force in Hungary, which lowered the MACR from the age of 14 to 12. According to the Official Comments the main reason for lowering is the fact that nowadays the biological development of children speeded up, they reach maturity earlier than ever. Another argument is that children are exposed to more social influences because of the information technology revolution. The Comments states that among children between 12 and 14 years of age violence is used as a tool to enforce their interests. The article takes a critical look at these arguments by examining criminal statistics and insights of psychological research.
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    Coping with divorce and relational family therapy
    Simonič, Barbara (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Divorce or collapse of the partner relationship is among the more stressful and psychically challenging of experiences. No matter the circumstances, due to which we could understand divorce as a desired solution of irresolvable complications in relationships, it is a distressing experience that affects the life of an individual as well as that of the family as a system. Divorce does not have far-reaching consequences just for the partners, but also for the children and extended family, as well as society. After divorce, a new era begins, when it is necessary to re-adapt to life and during which hard feelings also emerge. Divorce represents loss: the loss of a partner, of social status, of identity as a married person, etc. During the process of facing divorce, successful emotional adaptation to the new situation, which m ay also be described facing loss, is of great significance. The process of mourning begins, during which it is necessary to face the reality of loss. When that does not happen, the individual cannot move on; this is the point at which dysfunctional and symptomatic behaviour emerges. This contribution will outline some of the aspects of divorce, focusing mainly on the emotional aspect of adapting to divorce, as well as some possibilities for successfully processing emotional complications during divorce through the process of relational family therapy.
  • Miniatura
    Wychowanie rodzinne a autorytet Kościoła wśród młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej
    Pańków, Weronika; Rak, Agnieszka (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The modem world is characterised by the lack of stability and by providing the choice amongst many, often conflicting values. In such conditions education of the young generation in the spirit of higher values, which are the bases for a mature understanding of faith, becomes extremely important and, at the same time, difficult. Religious education in the family is a foundation introducing young people into the world of faith and closeness to God. Unfortunately, more and more often the family ceases to be a carrier of the most crucial values – commonly, the parenting authority crisis is spoken of. In this crisis, the crisis of the Church should also be noticed. The research carried out by the team of PhD students from the University of Opole aimed to show the youths attitude towards religion. The research was carried out on the sample group of 590 high school students. The method of diagnostic survey was used. The goal of the study was to get to know the opinion of the youth on the authority of the Church and the role of family in the religious education. The participating young people notice that Church is going through a crisis. They see its sources mainly in inappropriate behaviour of some of the clergy. The analysis of the research indicates at the same time that the family is still an authority for youngsters. However, it should be emphasised that the quality of religious education in the family home becomes a question mark. The family stops being a carrier of religious values. It can be recognised as the source of crisis of the Church’s authority, which strongly and unequivocally favours higher values. This was evident in the answers of young people who recognise the Church’s authority, as they were more often motivated by the moral rules consistent with the teachings of the Church, as opposed to the respondents rejecting the Church’s authority.
  • Miniatura
    Doświadczanie stresu a uzyskiwane wsparcie społeczne przez kobiety w ciąży wysokiego ryzyka. Doniesienie wstępne
    Koss, Joanna; Rudnik, Agata; Bidzan, Mariola (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    A prenatal diagnosis of a congenital disorder is a traumatic moment in the life of a family, especially the pregnant woman. This is why a supportive attitude from not only the husband and medical personnel, but also the wider spectrum of social support is so important. The goal of the undertaken research was to assess the relationship between the course of pregnancy and the subjectively perceived stress and social support. We examined 30 women (15 – the experimental group - women in high-risk pregnancies characterized by an impaired development of the child, the remaining 15 women – the control group of mothers whose children were prematurely bom and had a very low birth weight). All of the examined women were hospitalized in the Obstetric Clinic of Gdansk Medical University. We used the following research methods: Ustrukturowany Wywiad (Polish for Structured Interview) by M. Bidzan, M. Świątkowska-Freund and K. Preis, Nieland Social Support Questionnaire adapted to Polish language by E. Bielawska-Batorowicz, Perceived Stress Questionnaire by Levenstein adapted to Polish by M. Plopa. Results: Women diagnosed with a complicated pregnancy where the development of the child was impaired reached higher levels of stress than the mothers whose children were prematurely bom. The contentment resulting from the obtained social support, especially from the husband or partner, lowered the levels of negative emotions such as worrying, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, perception of tension and pressure. It also lowered the overall levels of stress and increased the perceived happiness.
  • Miniatura
    „Kobiety [...] mają być poddane, jak to Prawo nakazuje” (1 Kor 14, 34). Krytyka feministycznej lektury Ef 5, 21-33
    Rambiert-Kwaśniewska, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The aim of the presented text is to question the fem inist re-interpretation of Ef 5,21-33, the so-called Christian Haustafeln („household codes”). It is one of the texts by St Paul, on the basis of which the Apostle is being accused of misogynism. In particular parts of the article, we have tried to rebut these accusations, and at the same time highlight pro-female aspects of his activity. The Apostle was presented as a modern leader of his times who fights with the low status of the women, and even appoints women as his collaborators during his missionary journeys. The aims were reached on the basis of examining the structure of the fragm ent and analysing the meaning of two Greek words: άγαπάω and ύποτάσσω. Furthermore, the pericope was interpreted in its social and cultural context of late-Hellenic and early-Roman era, depicted by epigraphic, papyrologie and literary examples of strong women emancipation, reflected in greater freedom in the eyes of the law, getting married for love and weakening the patriarchal family model.
  • Miniatura
    A brief anthropology of family
    Duque, Joào Manuel (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    This article intends to think the concrete reality of the family from the perspective of a philosophical anthropology, based on the biblical-Christian hermeneutic model. At the same time, starting from this particular anthropology, it suggests a general anthropology according to a family matrix. This anthropology is understood as relation of different persons, based on the model of donation. The concrete mode of its accomplishment occurs in family relations, like filiation, fraternity, conjugality and parenthood.
  • Miniatura
    Parental Control of Pre-School Children’s Viewing of Programmes in Electronic Media
    Knapík, Ján (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Electronic media comprise an integral part of family life and have therefore become the childrens companions. The programmes that children watch from early childhood affect their psychological development and shape their moral norms, attitudes and opinions. One of the important tasks of parents is to define rules for watching programmes in the electronic media, to decide at what age children should start watching programmes, which programmes are appropriate for them, for how long and during which part of the day they can spend time in front of the screen. The research problem how parents control and manage TV viewing in their pre-school children has been studied using qualitative research methods - in-depth interviews as the main research method phenomenological analysis. This research offers findings on what the viewing habits of a child television view are in the families of our participants. It examines the environment and the context of the family activities as a part of which the children watched TV. For a more thorough understanding of the parenting techniques using which parents seek to control children’s television viewing, part of the research interview is given to the view of parents on TV, the positive and negative effects, which, according to the parents, watching television can bring their children.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ laryngektomii na relacje intymne małżonków – badania pilotażowe
    Pławiak, Aleksandra (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Neoplasms of the head and neck are at the present time one of the groups where the incidence is increasing alarmingly. Data from 2012 show that in Poland, 2,657 persons suffered from laryngeal cancer, 2,341 of whom were men. Head and neck tumors are most common in people over 45 years of age. They are also nearly 5x more common in men than in women. Most are squamous cell tumors with high malignancy. One of the main causes of squamous cell cancers of the head and neck are carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. Other factors include the abuse of liquor, poor oral hygiene, as well as mechanical irritation of the mucous membranes. Some cancers of the head and neck may also have a viral substrate. Larynx cancer clinical course varies depending on the location. The most common therapeutic procedure, however, is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the larynx. This treatment is not only interference in the life of the patient but it also interferes with the current functioning of the family as the basic cell of society. Changes occur in thinking, feelings and action of the patient and family members. Negative effects include mental and physical realm. Taking into account the changes in the appearance of the patient and his mode of communication disorders also occur in the sphere of intimacy. There was a survey conducted, the results of which indicated that patients who are members of the Association of Success Embassy in Opole, showed no changes in the relationship between the partners. That changed, however, the approach to intimate relationships. Therefore, it is worth carrying out the survey on a larger number of patients to be able to determine whether the removal of the larynx actually has no effect on displays of affection in a relationship and whether this has an impact on the intimate relationship of partners. However, given the small number of research and advanced applications, are the initial applications. Research all the time are in the process. They feature some of the patients Success Embassy Association in Opole.
  • Pozycja
    Wspólnota rodzinna w służbie wychowania
    Osewska, Elżbieta (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The modem family has been beset by many profound changes, but is still recognised as the first setting for education. This diagnosis has provoked the author to present a few aspects connected with pedagogy of the family. Firstly, the right of the family to give education is essential, since it is connected with the transmission of hum an life; it is original and primary (with regard to the educational role of other institutions) on account of the uniqueness of the loving relationship between parents and children. Secondly, the family is a community of persons: of husband and wife, of parents and children, of relatives. The inner principle of this community, its strength and its final goal, is love. Without love the family is not a community of persons. It cannot live, grow nor perfect itself and cannot undertake the appropriate pedagogical tasks. The love between husband and wife and between members of the family puts the family in the forefront of the process of human developm ent and education. The educational exchange between parents and children is a bilateral process, in which each gives and receives. In addition to these characteristics, it cannot be forgotten that the upbringing a child starts from the conception, so the prenatal months and the first months of postnatal life are very important for a child’s development. Therefore, family pedagogical activity based on the respect of human dignity and strong family relationships is a precious gift offered by parents to children.
  • Miniatura
    Wartości małżeńskie i ich znaczenie w teorii gender
    Zalewska, Paulina (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Nowadays, public debates often deal with such subjects as gender and sexuality. The main aim of the dissertation is to show how gender ideology refers to the basic marriage values and what consequences it may bring to society, husband and wife. Article at the beginning reminds what marriage is and its basic attributes such as love, sexuality, fertility and indissolubility. Then we get to know the definitions of gender. According to genderists, gender is only asocial construct, which has nothing to do with biological sex. Therefore, it may be shaped freely during lifetime. The last part of the article includes a confrontation of gender with fundamental marriage values. This allows to notice how gender refers to marriage and what its approach to the value of marriage is. It also shows which principles gender professes and the consequences it may have for future generations.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina jako środowisko wychowawcze w świetle poglądów polskich filozofów spotkania
    Wieczorek, Krzysztof (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Encounter as a philosophical category comprises a lot of various types of relations and configurations of a man with another man. In Poland in the last twenty years of the 20th century and later there developed a flourishing environment of philosophers who examined the problems ofinterpersonal encounter in the spirit of the synthesis of phenomenology and personalism. The Polish philosophers of encounter came to a few essential findings referring to the subject of encounter considered in the comprehensive and general way. The article attempts to apply the general philosophical issue worked out in this trend so to consider the problem in more detailed way. The essential question is: can the findings of the Polish philosophy of encounter be useful to examine the relations in the family environment for the effectiveness of fulfilling the educational function towards children by the family? The author proves that some philosophical settlements can actually be used in such a research area.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina w świetle personalizmu integralnego Edyty Stein
    Kmiecik, Barbara (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    Edith Stein – St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (1891-1942) undertook the issue of the family in the context of analysing a human person as a relational being. She compiled her experiences connected with the family she grew up in. She was aware of the threats awaiting the family connected with maintaining its unity and fulfilling its proper functions. Steins concept of the family is first of all community which is characterized by many interpersonal interactions and related values. She also perceived the family as the picture of the God’s image, which is indicated by biblical descriptions of the creation of the man, as well as by Augustinian concept of the Trinity. Man’s resemblance to God is expressed in complementarity of the woman and the man and their capacity for fruitful love. A married couple, being in the relation of a free gift of themselves and constituting the base of the family, can evolve in order to create educational environment for their offspring. Thus the family is the first and the most appropriate place to form a man as an integral mature person, comprising both physical, sensual and emotional sphere, together with moral, spiritual and religious one. The concept of the family and the way Edith Stein undertakes the issue of the family put her research into the current of integral personalism.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina i religijność jej dzieci a stosunek do wiary
    Podczasik, Monika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    he matter of discussion in this article is family’s subject and religiousness of their children, especially the attitude to faith of the youngest members of family. The main purpose of research was to establish outlook of Polish youth to religion and family’s influence on creating religiousness. The research project created a questionnaire with 39 questions of different sort, included in this document. That was prepared by students within doctorates classes. Within the scope of research students recognized the following variables: sex, class, type of school and what is most important – attitude to faith and religious practices. The results of the studies are similar to the nationwide; we can definitely state that family, as the closest environment of young people, has the biggest influence on their relation with faith. Actually, family forms the character of religion, teaches young people how to obey values and it is responsible for observing religious practices. The weakness of faith, noticed in Polish youth, has been shown by negative perception of church as an institution.
  • Miniatura
    Etyczny wymiar poradnictwa rodzinnego w świetle programów pomocowych. Wybrane zagadnienia
    Marcinów, Teresa (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The article is an attempt to describe the activity of family counselling and selected ethical dilemmas accompanying it. The paper includes a part devoted to functioning of the centre and the characteristic work done in such a place; that is a theoretical part. The other part comprises thoughts on the ethical problems appearing in the work of church counselling centre co-financed by assistance programs. The advantage of the paper is the use of own observations of the author as the result of her work and experience gained in the family counselling centre. Let’s hope the article will contribute to develop the family counselling and the cooperation among various institutions for family welfare.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina wobec kształtowania tożsamości płciowej dziecka w okresie prenatalnym
    Lichtenberg-Kokoszka, Emilia (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    The first people who face the sexuality o f the child are his parents. They m ust help him to better define the: “Who am I?”, “Who do I feel?”, “Who will I be?”. Meanwhile, the man has at least some types of sexuality – somatic, psychological and social, genetic, gonadal, genital, and hormonal. Individual elements of human sexuality interact strengthening, confirming or denying one another. W hat’s more, they form a “mosaic” which means every person is a little different. And although it seems that parents have little influence on prenatal gender identity of their children, the awareness of the processes involved and intergenerational responsibility seems to be an important factor for the bio, psycho and social health of successive generations. That responsibility shows the family as one of the factors affecting future generations and gender identity. This article presents the process of shaping gender identity in the prenatal period, taking into account factors that affect him. It also underlines the importance of the functioning of the reproductive period of psychosexual health of subsequent generations. I hope it will also provide a reason for deep reflection on how largely existential, ethical and moral issues transpire. Contemplation will allow one to create one’s own view on the development of individual gender identity. In today’s world we have a problem not only with someone specifying gender, but how we relate to persons who do not fit into the scheme of what we perceive to be the “standard man or standard woman”.
  • Miniatura
    Obraz rodziny w lekturach gimnazjalnych
    Czogalik, Kornelia (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2014)
    This article presents the family image in Polish secondary school reading. There are no scientific studies about this field of school reality, so the conclusions come from own teacher’s practice and they are rather optimistic – the traditional family pattern is still strong and stable. The reason is that the vast majority of school reading are old (classic) books. Even the youth novels which the students read at school nowadays are the same as their parents read. We can hear that this is a defect of our school and students’ set books must become more modem. And here the problem begins, because in modern literature the family looks quite different – the parents are often divorced, the teens drink and take drugs, girls are pregnant. So the world in these books is similar to the reality that the youth live in. But the greatest problem is that there are no solutions nor indications for the youth in these books. They only show the world – like a mirror – with no pattern. Because showing directions and educating on the values isn’t important for the writers today. Teachers shouldn’t let these dangerous changes appear in Polish school. We can already see the signs of “new thinking” in the new interpretations of great literary works, for example in “Antigone” by Sophocles. In this modern reinterpretation the heroine becomes an advocate of alternative sexual models, like incest, and all her actions and words are interpreted according to the theories of gender.