Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 6
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Ostatnie zgłoszenia
Pozycja Święci wspomożyciele chorych według potrydenckich rytuałów polskichWit, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The liturgical care about the sick belonged to the basic duties of a parish priest. It embraces the dispensation of the holy sacraments (viaticum, Extreme Unction and confession) as well as pastoral visit to the sick. There are many forms of the benediction of sacramentals in the post-Tridentine liturgical books published in Poland. Those benedictions were related to the cult of particular saints who were regarded as efficient intercessors in particular ailments. One can mention here wine (St John the Evangelist) which was benedicted according to the four various rituals: Piotrków (1631), Lwów (1771), Katowice (1963) and religious – capucin (1772) ritual, as well as bread and wine related to the cult of St Blase (1688) and candles used in sore throats, and linked with his intercession. Another benediction of candles was related to difficult labour (St Rajmund Nonnat), water was used in many ailiments and it was linked with the cult of many saints (Ignacius Loyola, Torelli, Wincenty a Paulo, Wincenty Ferreriusz, Rajmund Nonnat). The saints were summoned also as particular patrons in various ailments and especially in renal calculus (St Liborius), toothaches (St Apolonia), and eye diseses (St Lutia). Many of the rituals in question were found in the middle ages liturgical books but during the Tridentine reform they were removed from them. They were placed there again after the religious debates ceased. Others were connected with the cults of new saints. In the rituals under analysis one can notice an integral care about one's fitness and eternal salvation. The rituals in question can hardly be included within the domestic creativity and belong to the commonly known. Some of them can be found in single Polish sources.Pozycja Eklezjalny wymiar rodziny jako podstawa organizacji duszpasterstwa rodzinWojaczek, Krystian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The family as a Home Church participates in the treble function of the Church, that is in the evangelizational, sacerdotal and ancillar function of Christ entrusted for the continuation of the Church. The whole family life is contained in this treble mission. Particular relations of the family, both internal and external, their form and development decide about the fulfilling by the family-Home church its treble mission. The form of those relations is described not only by theology but also by some empirical sciences, such as psychology, pedagogy, sociology, nursing and the like. One should take into account their output and postulates because they influence many a time the proper character of the relations between parents and children, the family and other families, or the family to larger societies. That is why it is important to take into account the output of the above empirical sciences in the family pastoral care. The ecclesial dimension of the family, due to its dependancy on those empirical sciences, can make a kind of basis of unifying the problems which appear in the family pastoral care into one integral programme. It makes also the criterium of selection of particular methods of work in this pastoral care.Pozycja Nowoczesność a sacrumPiwowarski, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The author has taken up the current problem of the influence of modernity on sacrum. First he defined the concept of modernity in comparison with tradition. Then he dealt with sacrum discriminating its “substantial” approach from the functional. It allowed him to distinctly separate sacrum irora profanum. Finally, he concentrated on the perspective of sacrum in the contemporary society. According to him, modernity and sacrum not only are not exclusive but they mutually influence each other. One cannot, then, accept the standpoint that modernity supersedes sacrum. The author turned his attention to the specific character of the Polish society. What contributes to this character is the co-existence of modernity and sacrum in the totalitarian system and the functioning of sacrum more at the all-national level than in everyday life. This specific character has certainly contributed to a certain difference in the functioning of sacrum in the Polish society-to-be. The decisive role in its shaping falls to the Catholic Church.Pozycja „ sacrum characterem imprimi …”. Historyczno-systematyczny zarys teologii charakteru sakramentalnegoSzymik, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The “sacramental character” understood as an “indelible token” impressed in the Christian's soul is a permanent and irremovable effect of receiving the three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Priesthood. The term alone (charaktér) comes from the world of ancient culture but it also functions in the Bible (as sfragǐs ˗ seal) in the literal, metaphorical, and theological sense. During the patristic times and the Middle Ages it was permanently linked with sacramentology, especially thanks to the works of St Augustin and St Thomas Acquinas. The Tridentine Council in 1547 made some obligatory decisions as to the understanding, defining and consequences of the “sacramental character”. Contemporary theology stresess that the reason why the “indelible token” was established is the irreversible salvatory faithfulness of God. A practical result of the latter is the irrepeatable character of the three sacraments in question. At the ecumenical level a considerable accord has been achieved with the Lutheran and Orthodox standpoint.Pozycja Organizacja duszpasterstwa młodzieży w Polsce po II wojnie światowejPawlina, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The Church's situation during the communist regime was difficult. The authorities tended to eliminate the Church from social life and usurped an exclusive right to bring up the youth. Despite this state of affairs the Church started a pastoral activity among the youth almost immediately after the war. The first form of an organized pastoral care was Catholic Youth Associations. Their activity was suspendeed in 1948, though in some dioceses they went on until 1952. In 1989 the Catholic Youth Associations were reactivated. Another form of work with the youth was scout pastoral care. The most efficient organized form of the pastoral care about the youth was the National Youth Pastoral Care. It came into being in 1957, and was divided into two sections: the National Male Youth Pastoral Care and the National Female Youth Pastoral Care. In 1984 the Polish Episcopal Conference called into existence a Subcommittee for the affairs of the Youth Pastoral Care which became a representative of the National Youth Pastoral Care in the country and abroad. In 1987 the Subcommittee was raised to the rank of the Episcopal Committee for the affairs of Youth Pastoral Care. The latter is at present responsible for the organization of the youth pastoral care in Poland.Pozycja Bibliografia prac z organizacji duszpasterstwa (1963-1990)Kamiński, Ryszard; Narecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Duszpasterstwo rodzin specjalnej troskiMiziołek, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Koncepcja ewangelizacji ludzi starych w kościele współczesnymNarecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The author makes an attempt at a pastoral consideration over the Church's mission towards old people who – aside to children, the youth and adults – constitute an essential element of class evangelization. In spite of that that class mission, traditionally called “class pastoral care”, has for many ages been realized in the Church, yet it requires a new insight through the contemporary anthropological conditionings, post-Conciliar teaching of the Church and psycho-existential problems of the faithful. At the same time it requires an attempt to place this pastoral care in its churchwide and general-parochial context. Having in mind the development of ordinary and extraordinary forms of pastoral care as well as the fact that various forms of apostolate would participate in it, there must be a parallel manner of evaluation. Aside to that, the problem of old people has hardly been exposed in pastoral literature and particularly in practice. This problem was dealt with on the occassion of some church charitable actions or parochial pastoral care for the sick. It was advisable then to present a separate, though generally outlined, conception of a ministration to old people, and that in the light of the above determinants. There was a need for “optimization” it to new churchwide and general-parochial tasks. The latter demand that the ministration be considered within a broader framework of evangelization which would embrace both the whole sphere of pastoral care and apostolate.. This “conception of evangelization” the author has considered in four dimensions: I. – justifying reasons, sanctioning this conception as a solid ministration; II. – the churchwide and general-parochial territories which put it into practice; III. – conditions of effectiveness, efficiency of its influence; IV. – drawing conclusions with possible perspectives for the development. These considerations, though outlining only its general conception, through the position and role of the contemporaiy Church, point at the still untouched realms of pastoral cosideration and evangelizational practice. It goes without saying that they are a challenge to the Polish Church of the '90s.Pozycja Historyczny przełom w Europie Wschodniej jako wyzwanie dla KościołaNossol, Alfons (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)In accord with the mystery of Incarnation Christianity is admittedly a religion “not from this world”, yet “for this world” That is why the politico-spiritual process of changes linked with “The Autumn of the Peoples” of 1989 is to a large extent a fruit of the church's contribution to the work of the European breakthrough. Tire new situation, brought about by this fact, poses new tasks to Christianity. In order to responsibly take them up and effectively fulfil the Church should engage herself in a certain kind of “integral ecumenia”. Searching after unity is meant here which comes from innerchurch unity embraces and introduces within its circle the socio-political and interreligious reality. The purpose is always the care for the whole man for his integrally understood redemption.Pozycja Studium duszpasterstwa ludzi pracyBielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The development of specialistic pastoral care has brought about a burning need to prepare priests for their conducting. To this end served the Department of Pastoral Care for the Working People established at the Institute of Pastoral Theology (KUL) in the initiative of the Polish Episcopate. Thinking over theological bases of specialistic pastoral care has made it possible to reveal certain principles which should mould the profile of this type of studies. The main assumptions of the Department of the Pastoral Care for the Working People has then been confronted with their practical realization. The experience gained when conducting the Department has been shown in final conclusions. They may turn out to be useful when organizing similar studies.Pozycja Katechetyczne zadania domowe w teorii, praktyce oraz w ocenie katechetów i rodziców (kl. I-IV)Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper is a continuation of a similar paper (published in RTK of 1987) concerning V-VIII forms. As far as theory is concerned the paper brings to our notice the role of homework, its purpose, function, kinds and examples from methodical manual to God with us (I-IV forms). It has been pinpointed there that didacticians predict in the process of assigning homework some stages and manners (J. Zborowski distinguishes the following: mechanic, with explanation and introduction into doing homework). The handbook offers some homework but it is the catechist who has to decide. Checking and marking the work are also essential elements. They play informative, corrective and other functions. It has been emphasized that proper requirements on the part of the teacher stimulate the pupils to work (the so-called Pygmalion effect). The empirical material consists of homeworks from forms I-IV (253 pupils were studied, more than 50 from each form; 211 exercise books were collected in this number 66 had a complete list of catecheses). The exercise books were analyzed in view of the criteria which revealed the degree in which the tasks were solved and haw they were chosen. Younger forms do their homework in ca 30 per cent and older in over 50 per cent. More than half of the children take advantage, to a various extent, of somebody's assistance, most often their family's in doing their homework. The manner in which catechetic homework is evaluated as well as the form of marks have also been discussed. There was a questionnaire to check how children evaluate homework. In a cumulative table some kinds of homework in the handbook and exercise books have been shown. One has reported their degradation which was predicted in the preliminary hypothesis. Then catechetic homework has been shown in the view of 157 catechists from the Lublin diocese (55 priests, 54 nuns, 48 lay ctechists). They said what they thought about the purposes, types, correcting, evaluating homework, critical evaluation of handbooks, and gave their own proposals. 133 parents opinions about the homework have also been quoted as well as their proposals as to this homework.Pozycja Cele i dążenia życiowe młodzieży polskiej w latach 1989-1990Mariański, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)In the present study I try to show the aims and aspirations, that is to say life values of the Polish youth in the first phase of transformation from the so-called real socialism to democratic market-minded society (1989-1990). The main idea is to examine the attitude of the young generation towards those values. The latter determines to a large extent life orientation and social functioning of the youth from the turn of '80s and '90s, in the transformation phase from the totalitarian to democratic system. An empirical basis to give an answer to the above questions is the sociological research carried out by the Institute of the Sociology of Religion SAC in Warszawa among the youth from secondary schools (Łuków, Lechów) and among the soldiers doing their military service in Polish Army. Apart from the above there were also researches carried out by the Institute of the Sociology of Religion KUL among the youth from secondary schools (Pionki, Galiny) and working youth (Niedomice). The researches will be analyzed against the background of the previous all-national sociological researches carried out in the years 1988- 1989 by KUL and ATK (J. Mariański, W. Piwowarski and W. Zdaniewicz). The sociological analyses proved that aims and aspirations of the youth are diverse. The concrete values prevail more than the general ones, egoistic-individual more than pro-social. Among the accepted everyday values there dominates an attitude centred on the family and small groups. It is not youth explicitly engaged in social affairs nor youth without perspectives. The everyday values are also most often the determinants of the sense of life. Contrary to expectations the material values are not so explicit, though it is quite commonly thought that in the beginning of the '90s there was a stronger tendency towards gaining material goods. It may be so that even those who highly estimate material goods do not consent to it eagerly. At the level of existential consiousness we deal with values which refer to partial senses, markedly rarer to the ultimate sense. The man lost in the partial senses misses the sense which embraces the totality and concentrates on the aims of self-realization understood superficially. Such threats can be referred to moral consciousness of the Polish youth.Pozycja Problem właściwego rozumienia tekstu biblijnego we współczesnej egzegezie (tzw. nowa hermeneutyka biblijna)Langkammer, Hugolin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Zagrożenia i szanse rozwoju stowarzyszeń i ruchów religijnych w KościeleŁaszczyk, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper takes up a practical problem of the verification of new forms in which the laity can associate in the Church: associations, groups, fellowships and religious movements. The author empahsizes their ecclesial character as an essential condition of Christian identity.The Church is the source and apex of an authentic fellowship of faith, cult and brotherly love. In view of the ecclesial character one can talk about threats and chances for the Church on the part of religious associations and movements. As far as threats are concerned one may distinguish four groups: 1) the danger of isolation and sectarianism, 2) contestation of the institution and authority of the office in the Church, 3) selectivism in the sphere of the doctrine, morality and cult, 4) the danger of the socalled horizontal Christianity. The associations and ecclesial movements are at the same time a chance in the renewal of pastoral care which today tends into three directions: 1) transformation of the parish into a fellowship of fellowships, 2) subjetivization of the laity in the practical activity of the Church, 3) towards the taking up of the work of new evangelization, that is repeat evangelization of the previously religious milieus and the so-called marginal Christians. It seems that in all those spheres of renewal the Church needs an authentic testimony of Christian life in fellowships. They are still a chance to be taken advantage of in the renewal of pastoral care but they require at the same time a critical evaluation and a positive support from the Church.Pozycja Działalność ks. prof. dra hab. Romualda Raka w diecezji katowickiejBiela, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Duszpasterstwo jako działalność zorganizowanaKamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The Church bears a supernatural character and is governed by other laws than lay institutions. Yet the Church is also composed of people who lead and control her. That is why the Church in her human reality is subject, at least to a certain extent, to the principles of organization and management. Pastoral care like every organized activity has a few stages. The particular stages are in mutual interrelations regardless of the temporary order. Logically speaking, the first stage is for the leader to be aware of a clearly defined goal of a given activity and to hand it over to all members of the group. This is a necessary condition of an effective action. Plannig is an important element of the organized action. Pastoral planning's aim is to put into practices the salvatory work of Jesus Christ both in its individual and fellowship dimension. Planning concerns the analysis of internal and external conditions as well as working out means and ways of action adjusted both to aims and conditions. The next element is organizing which tends to create some conditions for the realization of a decided plan. The organizational function consists in working out and designing a proper division of activities, their grouping in particular sets, allocating discriminated tasks and responsibilities to particular individuals. The following element of an organized action is coordination which safeguards a well-orchestrated activity of the whole human group in order to make sure for the realization of an established plan and accomplishment of the intended aims. Finally, the last elment of the organized action, that is controlling, deals with realization, and consists in comparing the line of realization of the tasks with a proper pattem and accepted requirements as well as drawing out conclusions of this comparison for the future.Pozycja Specyfika duchowości katechetówŁabendowicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The fact that religion teaching is back in schools has stimulated discussion about proper preparations on the part of catechists and has imposed new requirements on them as to their spiritual formation. The author, meeting the demands, points to the fact that person of a catechist is significant in the process of transmitting the contents of a catechesis and requires a proper spiritual formation. In the ministration of catechists one seeks certain authenticity and conformity with the mission of the Servant of the Word in the fellowship of the Church. The catechist through the very fact of his participation in the mission of the Only Teacher Jesus Christ, becomes at the same time intimately linked with Christ. The spiritual Life which was initiated in the Holy Baptism demands that catechists be continually developing and cooperating with the Holy Ghost, proportionally to the tasks which they have to meet. On the basis of abundant literature the author defines and characterises the range of the concept “spirituality of catechists”. Then he discusses the basic dimensions which mould the spiritual life of catechists such as: the Word of God – Christ, the fellowship of the Church, service to man as well as the integrating activity of the Holy Ghost. Referring the catechist to Christ, the Church, to another man and to the activity of the Holy Ghost is the foundation of the Spiritual formation and determines its specific character. The above considerations have been supported by practical conclusions.Pozycja Życie i działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim ks. prof. dra hab. Romualda RakaKamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Wykaz prac dyplomowych pisanych pod kierunkiem ks. prof. dra hab. Romualda RakaKołek, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Bibliografia publikacji ks. prof. dra hab. Romualda RakaKołek, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)