Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2013, T. 4 (60)

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  • Miniatura
    Instytut Liturgiki i Homiletyki w Uniwersytecie Otwartym KUL
    Wyrostkiewicz, Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
  • Miniatura
    Rola XIX-wiecznych zmartwychwstańców w rodzącym się ruchu liturgicznym
    Skóra, Zbigniew (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Brothers of the newly emerged Congregation of the Resurrection played a significant role in the development of the 19th century Liturgical Movement. Of great importance to its progression was the contribution of father Piotr Semenenko, Józef Hube, Wincenty Barzyński and Franciszek Gordon. They were far from being merely theorists of the new concepts of bringing the liturgy closer to the faithful, but they put their ideas into practice. They propagated the habit of frequent Eucharist celebration, were eager confessors, provided guidance for catechumens, and encouraged the laity to enter various religious associations. They spread care for the beauty of churches, and regular mystagogical sermons and catecheses became their distinctive characteristic. The notions of the Resurrectionists were recorded in their canon, which was unusual for other 19th century orders.
  • Miniatura
    Teksty biblijne źródłem przepowiadania Słowa Bożego w liturgii sakramentu święceń
    Pintal, Leszek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Preaching the Word is one of the fundamental tasks of the Church. In his apostolic exhortation Verbum Domini, Benedict XVI reminded us that: “The homily is a means of bringing the scriptural message to life in a way that helps the faithful to realize that God’s word is present and at work in their everyday lives” (59). Anchoring preaching in the Holy Bible is a must if a preacher and the faithful are to experience the richness of the feast of the Word of God. The richness of the biblical readings included in “Rituals of the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Diaconal Orders” and used in a homily helps fully unveil the essence of hierarchical priesthood, its objectives and mission in the contemporary Church.
  • Miniatura
    Monastic Profession According to the 12th-Century Pontifical of Płock and Its Sources in 10th-Century Romano-Germanic Pontifical
    Pałęcki, Waldemar (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Obrzęd profesji zakonnej w tradycji Kościoła zachodniego zmieniał się w ciągu wieków, przyjmując bogate formy liturgiczne, które miały na celu uwypuklić znaczenie wprowadzenia nowych członków do wspólnoty mniszej. Na Zachodzie jednym z najstarszych świadectw tego obrzędu jest Reguła św. Benedykta, która przewiduje złożenie profesji w oratorium. Od średniowiecza przewidywano, aby z racji składanej profesji opat celebrował Mszę Świętą. Od X wieku do ujednolicenia praktyki składanej profesji przyczyniły się pontyfikały, w których zamieszczano odpowiedni obrzęd. Najstarszym wzorcem stał się Pontyfikał rzymsko-germański z klasztoru św. Albana w Moguncji. Podobnie na terenie Polski do jednych z najstarszych zachowanych w całości ksiąg liturgicznych należy Pontyfika płocki z XII wieku. Szczegółowe badania tej księgi, przeprowadzone przez ks. Antoniego Podlesia, wykazały, że księga ta jest odmianą Pontyfikału rzymsko-germańskiego. Obrzęd profesji mniszej zamieszczony w Pontyfikale płockim z XII wieku można zaliczyć do najstarszych celebracji związanych z rozpoczęciem życia zakonnego. Występują w nim dwa obrzędy profesji mniszej. Na proweniencję z X wieku wskazuje zamieszczony w tym pontyfikale drugi obrzęd, który występuje również w Pontyfikale rzymsko-germańskim. Celebracja oznaczona jako pierwsza w Pontyfikale płockim jest bogatsza w gesty i symbolikę. W tekstach liturgicznych zaakcentowano, że profesja mnisza traktowana jest jako drugi chrzest. W skutkach profesji zaznaczano te, że gadzi ona grzechy podobnie jak chrzest. Profesja mnisza w teologicznym ujęciu przedstawiona została jako ofiara złożona ze swego życia. U podstaw motywacji podjęcia życia zakonnego znajdowało się pragnienie dążenia do doskonałości. W czasie celebracji profesji mniszej opat recytował teksty, w których przypomina kandydatom cechy i cnoty, jakimi powinien odznaczać się przyszły mnich w życiu zakonnym. Obrzęd profesji mniszej znajdujący się w Pontyfikale płockim pozwala poznać bogatą średniowieczną liturgię i teologię życia zakonnego, a historyczne ujęcie tego zagadnienia pozwala pełniej zrozumieć współczesną tradycję zakonną praktykowaną przez wieki w Kościele.
  • Miniatura
    Liturgia między teologią a polityką
    Migut, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The Church defines politics as service for the good of man and mankind. The goal is to integrate the teleological dimension of the lives of individuals, as assigned to them by God, within the functioning of mankind as a whole, as well as the teleological dimension of community life in relation to mankind as a whole. The Church also adds that care for common good cannot preclude exerting influence on political power, that is on gaining and sustaining it. Moreover, the Church expresses an overt obligation that the faithful participate in political activities. This kind of responsibility for the world is part of cosmic liturgy and of each concrete liturgical celebration, especially that of the Eucharist. It is through the Eucharist that man is granted a chance to participate in the life of God and is constantly called to engage in changing the world in the spirit of the Gospel through individual metanoia. As stated by John Paul II: “Proclaiming the death of the Lord “until he comes” (1 Cor 11: 26) entails that all who take part in the Eucharist be committed to changing their lives and making them in a certain way completely ‘Eucharistic’” (EdE 20). Christ, making his presence in an Eucharistic meal, empowers the faithful to make their whole lives – personal and social – a liturgy, that is a meeting space for God and man. Nevertheless, liturgical celebration can never be an arena and a means of political strife. When liturgy becomes a tool in the hands of a particular political party its supernatural and eschatological dimension is completely destroyed. Similarly to the Church, the liturgy is a space and a method of God's granting His love to each man, irrespective of their political orientation.
  • Miniatura
    Sakramenty w życiu młodzieży w nauczaniu Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CP
    Kulbacki, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Rev. Prof. Jerzy Józef Kopeć CP showed immense interest in researching how the Council reform of liturgy was received by youth. Having developed his own research questionnaires, he launched a research project which allowed him to explore a variety of issues relating to the liturgical formation of youth. Making use of the method of liturgical paradigm, Rev. Prof. Kopeć ventured a vast analysis of the outcomes of the Council liturgical reform. The research primarily concerned education for active participation in the Holy Mass, for the accepting of the Sacrament of Confirmation and Matrimony. Research results helped create a network of ideas and problems relating to youth liturgical formation, leading to pastoral and liturgical conclusions that can find their practical application in parishes and dioceses of the whole country.
  • Miniatura
    Józef Egipski – latorośl owocująca nad źródłem. Stary Testament na współczesnej ambonie
    Krasowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Joseph is born as a very expected and wanted child. The translation of this name is may God multiply or just add. Sold by brothers gets to Egypt. In spite of adversities and injustice he is faithful to God. When he explains Pharaoh’s dream he is appointed governor of whole Egypt. During harvests he stores cereal in granaries to distribute it to the people in time of famine. When his family also suffers from hunger it comes to Egypt. Joseph makes himself known to his brothers and without bearing them a grudge for done wrong he brings father and whole family and settles them in the most fertile part of Egypt. Joseph’s history is the story of the shaping and strengthening belief in God. His way is the way of kenosis. Joseph saves people from death by starvation. He is so then an announcement of Messiah who will pass the way of stripping by saving all people from their sins and eternal death. This story gives also an answer to the question: what is mature piety of Christian life. This maturity is expressed in the fact to see, understand and accept the story of our life.
  • Miniatura
    Przejawy kultu maryjnego w literaturze polskiej
    Janiec, Zdzisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    This article presents a selection of well-known Polish literary works in order to prove that the Marian cult is an important and frequently recurrent literary motif. The specialist literature on the issue of Marian themes in Polish literature is abundant. The synthetic nature of this article hinders a broader discussion on that issue. The Marian cult hugely influenced the work of Polish poets and writers. The peak of its literary impact came in the 15th century, witnessing the birth of its many literary manifestations, with the leading role of the text entitled Bogurodzica [Mother of God]. However, Mother Mary was also worshipped in the works of Polish literary artists in other historical periods. Mary, as Mother of God, has always been seen as close to people who sought consolation and aid in their problems and in the turbulent events in the Polish history, as borne out by literary works.
  • Miniatura
    Paradygmat liturgiczny w ujęciu ks. prof. Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CP
    Araszczuk, Stanisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Relying on the treasury of ecclesiastical tradition, the Second Vatican Council ventured a liturgical reform and a revision of cult texts, so as to change them into an appeal that inspires the disciples of Christ to enliven their faith, to raise their Christian spirit and to guarantee their more fruitful participation in the ministerial service of the Church. Liturgical texts and sacred rites are inspiration for prayer and Christian life. They also are assent of faith through objective participation in the Paschal mystery of Christ. In this way, conscious and complete participation in the liturgy leads to the synthesis of faith and life. However, this objective can only be attained through the discovery and opening of the whole treasure of the liturgical legacy to the faithful, and through introducing it to liturgical texts. This is why Rev. Prof. Kopeć claimed that for the success of the ongoing post-Council reform and re-edition of liturgical texts it was necessary to enrich the liturgy by appropriate and devout service in native language, in order to highlight the ideas that could reinvigorate the faith of Christ’s disciples to consciously accept and experience the mystery of the present and acting God.
  • Miniatura
    Die Ökologie der Heiligen Messe
    Wyrostkiewicz, Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Research on the ecology (ecological nature) of the Holy Mass is both a topical and original dimension of theological studies. Apart from the positive premises that encourage taking up such studies, one can also mention a need to prevent “pseudo-ecological approaches to the Holy Mass” (and other religious realities), which can multiply in the context of the current pontificate. They often represent the intentions of “theologizing pseudo-ecologists” to subscribe to the main current of the teaching of Pope Francis. All and any inquiry in the world of ecology of the Holy Mass needs to begin with the clear definition of the criterion of being ecological. In the most general sense, one can claim that an ecological Holy Mass is one that functions and uses the ecological context, staying in agreement with its laws and nature. Thus, defining the identity of the ecology of the Holy Mass is paramount in building its conception. At the same time, lack of reference to the links with environment would lead to a dysfunctional ecological conception. To comprehend these relation properly, one needs to determine the elements of the natural environment of the Holy Mass, that is components that constitute its natural environment, which determines the definition of the above-mentioned identity. The ecology of the Holy Mass is not a mere reference to naturalistic motives in the liturgy, or to the links between the Eucharist and the natural world. Instead, it is a conception which draws upon understanding of what Holy Mass is in order to show how to retain its identity against the natural fluctuations of networks of variables representing the specifically-defined natural environment.
  • Miniatura
    Zwyczaje, obrzędy i wierzenia w nauczaniu Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CP
    Socha, Wacław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Both liturgy and popular piety are inseparably related with a variety of rituals, customs and beliefs. They constitute a specific manifestation of devotion and faith, often nurtured over many years. Apart from their religious character, they also make important part of national or community cultures. The gradual disappearance of customs and religious rituals evokes a necessity to research them and to preserve knowledge about them. Rev. Prof. Jerzy Kopeć CP is among the researchers who undertook studies in that domain, among his many scientific interests. His research tool was a questionnaire. He also consulted original texts related to particular types of customs and rituals. The original research methodology developed by Rev. Prof. Kopeć must also be looked at from the perspective of his being a supervisor of numerous research works of his students. The results of Rev. Prof. Kopeć’s research on customs and rituals can be inspirational to researchers wishing to continue the work he began.
  • Miniatura
    Kult Serca Jezusowego w życiu kapłańskim według św. Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara
    Słoma, Ireneusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    St. Józef Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924) was bishop of the Diocese of Przemyśl in the years 1899-1924 and was deeply devoted to the aim of sanctification of his own life and of all his faithful. He was an ardent apostle of the cult of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. He saw this cult as an effective tool on the way to sanctity. He particularly recommended his priests to engage in the cult, since they are the guides of the faithful to sanctity. This grace and this task that is given them by God is only attainable through their personal sanctity. Among a variety of paths towards perfection, the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is of utmost importance. St. Józef Sebastian argues in his works that this cult is a straight way to salvation for the priest and the faithful under his care. Personal practicing of the cult changes the priest and shapes him into the image of Christ. Thanks to this practice, and thanks to his reaching for the source of Divine Love in the Eucharist, the priest becomes an effective shepherd of his flock. Priests who cultivate the cult among the faithful help themselves and the faithful to reach eternal happiness. Human life changed by the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus witnesses a transformation of earthly temporality towards heavenly eternality.
  • Miniatura
    Tożsamość prezbitera w świetle wybranych homilii Benedykta XVI (2005-2011)
    Nocko, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The teaching of Benedict XVI during the celebration of Holy Orders or during other celebrations confirms the theological truth about the central role of laying hands and prayer in the rites of Holy Orders. The pope puts emphasis on the complete submersion of the presbyter into Christ and His life. This entails participating in the mission that Christ assigned to his disciples. Through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the presbyter is anointed and consecrated, that is sacrificed to God. This translates onto his being at full disposal to God and the Church. The presbyter should confirm this disposal each day of his service. In his reflection on the meaning of the rites of Holy Orders (vesting and anointing of hands), the pope points out an analogy between the Sacrament of Baptism and of Holy Orders. Vesting of the new clothes is vesting of Christ. These new garments also confirm the ordinand’s saying “yes” to the Saviour through his participation in the Sacrament. The analysis of prayers that formerly accompanied the rite of vesting helps assess the spiritual discipline of the presbyter, which is needed if he is to remain an authentic witness and servant of Christ. The presbyter’s instruments of service are his hands, anointed with the oil of holy chrism. These hands are responsible for passing the Divine touch to the world. The rite of anointing makes the presbyter participate in the act of anointing of Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Krzyż i Maryja w badaniach Jerzego Józefa Kopcia CP
    Mateja, Erwin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Rev. Prof. Jerzy Kopeć’s extensive research legacy exhibits liturgy as a multidimensional and multifaceted reality. Among the variety of research issues undertaken by the famous liturgist there was the one concerning the Passion and the Marian cult as seen from the historical perspective. Rev. Prof. Kopeć’s research on Christ’s Passion reveals clearly how the cult developed from its earliest manifestations, first focusing primarily on Christ’s Cross and the salvific power of His death, then on the highlighting of the sinfulness of man, up to the moment where the historical marking of the soteriological role of Christ’s Cross and Passion as a way of redemption from sin became prominent. Rev. Prof. Kopeć made a link between theology and the particular forms of cult, which allowed a wider insight into the current manifestations of Passion devotion. A similar view can be held on his research of the Marian cult. Rev. Prof. Kopeć analysed the roots of the cult and their influence on its growth. He showed how this cult related to the doctrine of the Church and to the phenomenon of popular piety.