Roczniki Teologii Moralnej, 2011, T. 3(58)

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    Percepcja zwycięskiej wizji maryjnej kard. Augusta Hlonda w posłudze pasterskiej prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego i błogosławionego Jana Pawła II
    Zimniak, Stanisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    This contribution sets out to present an interesting aspect of the life of Card. Augusto Hlond, which shows his unfailing faith in the intercession of Mary in the history of mankind. It is an examination of the impact of the prophetic vision of the victory of Mary over the atheistic communist political system, which Card. Hlond had before he died. The socio-political circumstances of the origin of that way of seeing things are mentioned. At the centre of the study is the extraordinary effects in the pastoral activity of Card. Wyszyński and the Polish Bishops. In fact Card. Wyszyński recognised the powerful unaccustomed creative force of the prophecy of Mary of Victory in planning and implementing an extremely effective pastoral programme of moral renewal and of the evangelisation of Polish society, especially in view of the preparation of the Polish Nation for the Millennium of Baptisim (1966), through the Great Novena to the Madonna. This Marian dimension of pastoral activity – that, despite the criticisms, was totally concentrated on Christ – also made a decisive contribution to what non-Catholics were saying in the defence of the freedom of Polish citizens, and received a positive response outside Poland. In addition to that, the article also refers to the perception of this Marian prophecy in the Petrine ministry of John Paul II, who on not a few occasions mentioned this victorious vision of Mary by Card. Hlond. Although it is not spoken of explicitly, nevertheless a direct connection between Hlond, Wyszyński and John Paul II is to be understood: the particular Marian dimension of their pastoral activity. The link is explicitly confirmed in the three stained glasss windows – containing their images – placed in the second section of the chapel that contains the venerated Icon of the Black Madonna (Czestochowa–Jasna Góra).
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    Istota i cechy miłości chrześcijańskiej w biblijnym obrazie naśladowania Chrystusa. W poszukiwaniu fundamentu personalistycznej koncepcji miłości
    Zadykowicz, Tadeusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Catholic reflection on love is a synthesis of natural experience, philosophical – including pre-Christian – thought, and the message contained in the Bible. The Holy Scripture does not, in fact, constitute a systematic lecture on love, but in a way that is characteristic of it, using its own terminology, images and symbols, presents the essence and characteristics of love. One of such images is imitating Christ that reveals the basic elements of the personalistic conception of love. As the Biblical terminology and the context of imitating Christ show, love is born of His call and gift. Hence it has a supernatural character. It puts in order all the dimensions of human life. In its light no area of human existence is autonomous. In a fundamental way it defines human behavior. Love that is shown in the image of imitating Christ engages all the person and is based on its dynamics. It assumes involving human freedom. Also sacrifice is its expression. This love has the ability to create a community not only with God, but with other people as well. In the light of imitating Christ it is the most adequate attitude towards the recognized value of the person of the Teacher and His disciples. Hence the image of imitating Christ contains everything that contemporary personalism tries to formulate in the philosophical language.
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    Physics – ‘Alienation from’ Instead of ‘Orientation Towards’ the Creator?
    Larenz, Rudolf (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    The religious attitude of many physicists is atheist or agnostic. In the present article, it is argued that this attitude is favoured by the present shape of the natural science called Physics. The first reason is that the modern concept of nature is alienated from that of creation. The second is that, according to the dominating view, nature is epistemologically silent about itself. Additionally, the view of the axiomatic and thence hypothetical-deductive character of modern Mathematics and the conjectural character of its applications to the material world make impossible an organic connection between mathematical objects and material things. There exists only a practical knowledge of the successful use of Mathematics in Physics. This peculiar epistemological climate in Physics has become more and more alienated from the intellectual climate generated by ordinary experience and its evidence, which in turn is confirmed by Christian revelation. It is this peculiar intellectual atmosphere in which a physicist carries out his professional actions. Their moral assessment is done with the help of two distinctions: the first between the views of Physics as providing a physicalist world-view or as a field of professional activity like others. The second distinction is between the two effects of a professional action of a physicist: every such action tends to its immediate object, and every such action, by upkeeping the existing professional standards, contributes eo ipso to perpetuate the present intellectual climate in Physics. While such actions may be still morally acceptable, the situation is precarious. Therefore it is convenient to have Physics reformed from within. Such an internal reform should be experience-based and thus start from the very outset from the epistemological climate generated by ordinary experience, which is in harmony with the epistemological climate generated by Christian revelation. This reason on moral grounds is the third motive for attempting an internal reform of Physics. The first one concerns the removal of the ignorance about the link of mathematical objects to material things. It is simply due to the necessity of having a sound selfunderstanding of Physics. This in turn is closely related to the “apologetic” motive of removing the disharmony between the epistemological climates referred to above. z Surprisingly, some current views of the relationship between Theology and Physics (I. G. Barbour, M. Heller, Th. F. Torrance) do not envisage any need for an internal reform of Physics. Instead they promote an increased influence of Physics upon Theology.
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    Kliniczne i etyczne aspekty medycyny transplantacyjnej
    Kluz, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Today, the field of transplantation has enormous achievements, especially with reference to the renal, heart and liver transplantation. It is particularly visible when you trace the history of the transplant medicine and its rapid growth in the second part of the 20th century. However, in spite of the development of surgical techniques and elaboration of a number of rules that qualify organs for transplantation, the number of problems connected with taking organs does not decrease. Along with the development of transplantation many moral questions appeared, such as verifying the actual death of the organ donor and connected with setting clear criteria for choosing the organ donor for transplantation. These aspects of the transplant medicine that raise doubts and even controversy have become the subject of ethical exploration.
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    Posłannictwo Kościoła w dobie demokracji i pluralizmu
    Gocko, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    One of the significant areas of social life, in which the Church has to fulfill its prophetic-critical function towards the world, is the domain of public life. The subject of the present study is an attempt to look at the presence and mission of the Church within social-political life. Albeit the character of academic analyses will touch the general view of the discussed issue in the light of the post-Conciliar teaching of the Church, but quite naturally some of the motifs had to touch directly the situation of the Church in the countries that from 1989 started a systemic transformation. A detailed analysis was made, among others, of the issues of the essence of genuine democracy, the relation of the Church to the state on the basis of the principle sana cooperation and the question about the way in which a challenge issued by the Church to the world and mundane reality should be introduced. The point here is making the choice that is not just apparent, between two ways of effecting social changes: the way of gradual reform and that of revolution.
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    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Moralnej KUL za rok akademicki 2009/2010
    Gocko, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
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    Komunikacja w służbie komunii
    Derdziuk, Andrzej (2011, 2011)
    The author tackles the question of communication as a tool for building and supporting the communion of persons, but a tool unable to create the communion. Despite the attempts of experts in public relations it is not possible to create artificially a community of hearts and minds if common values joining the persons are missing. This is so because a person is a relational being who reacts to the messages that are sent to him or her with all his or her being, and expects others to enter the relation of love to which it is programmed by the act of creation in God’s own image, the image of God who is a Trinity of Persons.
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    Teologia pokuty pierwszych wieków chrześcijaństwa w Kościele Wschodnim
    Chłopowiec, Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Penance belongs to these sacramental events, in which the difference of views between the Eastern and Western Churches was intensified for many different reasons. It was not, however, the problem of setting different goals, but of using different means or methods in order to attain them. In the present article the issues are presented from the perspective of the Eastern Church, in the light of the teaching and directives given by its most representative (in the author’s opinion) members and of the decisions of synods that took place in the Christian East at that time.
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    Dyskusja wokół problemu śmierci mózgowej człowieka – dawcy organów. Między biologią, biomedycyną i filozofią
    Wróbel, Józef (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Pronouncing the death of a man is essentially connected with the question about the moral limits of reanimation actions and about taking tissues and organs from human corpses. As medicine developed it was decided that the proper criterion of the death of a man is his cerebral death. However, acceptance of this criterion arouses controversies and raises objections. The author of the article shows the contemporary development of this method of pronouncing a man dead, the main reasons for objections and the stand taken by the Church. In the further part he shows the significance of the brain as the factor integrating the man’s living processes. He does it from the perspective of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous and endocrinological systems. On the other hand, he stresses that along with the death of the brain disintegration of the human person begins. Disintegration of this unity on the biological level reveals the “separation” of the body and the soul as the unifying principle that has already happened; that is, it reveals the man’s death that has already taken place.
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    Człowiek i moralność w postmodernistycznym świecie
    Pokrywka, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Contemporary culture is characterized by a variety of definitions of man. This indicates, on the one hand, the multidimensional and multifaceted character of the truth about man, and on the other, leads to quite considerable confusion in the answer to the question: who is man? It seems that the basic perspective for presenting the situation, in which contemporary man has found himself is determined by postmodernism and the life style it offers. Although the question of postmodernism does not exhaust all the complex range of important problems of the modern world, one has to realize that its ideas – especially now, in the era of electronic communications – have spread and are present in all the world, assuming a more and more global character. In the postmodernist world the integral vision of man is often substituted by partial definitions that reduce man to “something” inside man. The occurring changes assume such dramatic forms that they are defined as “anthropological catastrophe”. The so-called new cultural model of man who takes a radically new attitude towards himself, toward another man, and ultimately also towards God appears from them. Postmodernism questions subjectivity and transcendence of the human person, whereby it contributes to destruction of morality. This current, destroying proper relations between freedom and truth in man, is situated in the area of modern forms of the basic anthropological error.
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    Antropologia i życie społeczne
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    Vigo Auguste Demant (d. 1983) was one of those in the Christendom Group who most influenced Christian sociology and Church life. Confronted with various manifestations of the crisis of European civilization in the first half of the 20th c. his constant emphasis was on the “true nature and end of man” and the concept of “human life as a whole”. This included understanding man above all as a spiritual being who needs to stay in contact with God as his Creator and Redeemer. Thus, it is secularization which damages man and his social environment most. Demant’s firm conviction was that European societies must rediscover their “common humanity” transcending the earthly reality in order to reintroduce God’s order in their individual and social life. However different the early 21st c. social and cultural context may be, Canon Demant is truly worth revisiting.
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    Argument siły w relacjach międzynarodowych
    Kiniewicz, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    International relationships are very complicated. There is a tension between the demands of duties of the states like protection of integrity, safety and peace (both internal and international), which require a lot of effectiveness, and demands of human dignity, justice and protection of human rights. In fact, this is a kind of conflict between pragmatism and ethics. Although there is no easy answer to that, one has to remember, that even when the war is inevitable, it becomes a setback. Even a just war is an unfair one.
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    Eklezjalny wymiar sakramentów
    Jeżyna, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)
    The Conciliar revival of the vision of the Church and of vocation had enhanced the status of the communal character of Christian life. The community of the Church is a necessary milieu for religious and moral life of Christians. It is in the Church that the encounter with the saving God takes place, and owing to the sacraments a man is sanctified. Sacramental grace gives rise to moral obligations, and moral life requires turning gifts and obligations that issue from sacraments into actual deeds. This means that sacramental gifts indicate the moral imperative, and moral life acquires the style of sacramental life. One of the most important moral imperatives of sacramental life is its communal dimension.
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    Wykaz publikacji teologicznomoralnych za rok 2009
    Gocko, Jerzy; Kołtun, Katarzyna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)