Communio, 2021, R. 41, nr 4 (216)

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  • Miniatura
    Czy nawrócenie jest niemożliwe? Michel Houellebecq, sakramentalność kobiet i starzenie się katolicyzmu
    Raison du Cleuziou, Yann (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    In Michel Houellebecq’s novels, Catholicism is a religion on the decline, because it is compromised in the decadence of the West, and even faith offers no lasting shelter to the disoriented characters. And yet the Christian ideal remains alive underground as a longing for communion under the form of a quest for a woman’s love.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ protestantyzmu na rozwój ekonomii i gospodarowanie. Analiza dokumentów źródłowych z XVI wieku i XVII wieku
    Jaśkowiak, Jan (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Religion is an important determinant in the perspective of social development. It is also an important factor influencing economic institutions. Especially in the business and management spheres by influencing the introduction of cultural and ethical codes. This article examines the primary documents of the various strands of Protestantism from the 16th and 17th centuries. These include works by Martin Luther, among others, but also official denominational documents, such as declarations of faith by Calvinism, the Presbyterian Church, Congregationalism, and Baptism, among others. Detailed examination and analysis has made it possible to reach conclusions that economic and economic changes were not at the root of the teaching of the various branches of Protestantism. This teaching was exclusively focused on the relationship with God. However, it should be noted that, indirectly, the teaching coming from Protestantism paved the way for the evolution of social thought in the perspective of economy and financial management.
  • Miniatura
    Chrześcijaństwo bez Maryi
    Kruczek, Agata (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The purpose of this article is to look at the meaning of Mary in order to make aware of the lack of value by indicating the value. The economy knows the concept of „lost profits”, defined by the Civil Code as those that the aggrieved party „could achieve if the damage had not been done” (361 § 2 of the Civil Code). On the basis of theology, we assume that it is „damage” to ignore Mary, and „lost benefits” is that what can be obtained through a relationship with Her – and we will just try to present these benefits. Christianity without Mary does not exist, because She was the one who started it by giving birth to Christ and following Him, therefore the considerations will not concern the removal of the Mother of God from Christianity, but diminishing Her role. The starting point is to accept the fact, on the basis of Holy Scriptures, that Mary is the Mother of Jesus, because a lot results from it. Through Him we get to know Her and He gives Her to us with a testament from the cross, but also She leads us to the Lord, interceding for us and recommending obedience with Her testament from Cana in Galilee. Mother’s intercession is effective and, at the same time, fruitful for the glory of God – it is a pity that it would be a „lost profit”. Moreover, Mary is the most beautiful model of faith and other virtues – without seeing it, one can ,,not-gain” much. And that what even contradicts Christianity as a religion of love is closing one’s heart to a personal relationship with Mary. Christianity that omits Mary is therefore poorer in all these values.
  • Miniatura
    Chrześcijaństwo bez wiary
    Krzyścin, Mirosława (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The aim of the article was to present the issue of faith and its condition in Poland. Catholicism, or more broadly: Christianity, seems to be today more of a morality kind than a strong expression of values and beliefs resulting from living in accordance with the Gospel. The lack of a vivid relationship with God leads to the formation of an attitude of selective faith or „market-type” religiosity, selectively treating the truths of faith, God’s commandments and distorting the teaching of the Church Magisterium. Meanwhile, it is worth to realize that the game is not focused so much about mortality as about fundamental issues with consequences in eternity. Abstrakt 2 - Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia wiary i jej kondycji w Polsce. Katolicyzm czy szerzej rozumiane chrześcijaństwo wydaje się być dziś bardziej rodzajem obyczajowości niż silnym wyrazem wartości i przekonań wynikających z życia zgodnego z Ewangelią. Brak żywej relacji z Bogiem prowadzi do kształtowania się postawy wiary selektywnej czy religijności „marketowej” wybiórczo traktującej prawdy wiary, przykazania Boże i wypaczającej nauki Magisterium Kościoła. Tymczasem warto zdawać sobie sprawę, że gra toczy się nie tyle o doczesność, co o kwestie fundamentalne mające swoje konsekwencje w wieczności.
  • Miniatura
    Chrześcijaństwo bez zmartwychwstania
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Without faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity is meaningless. It is not enough to believe that Jesus lived and died on the cross. The Resurrection is therefore of fundamental importance to Christianity. Thanks to the resurrection and the power flows from it, defenceless Christianity was able to face up to Judaism and other ancient religions. It could also, engage in a polemic with pagan philosophies, oppose Roman authorities, plots, judgments and endure many persecutions. Getting to know the truth about the Lord’s Resurrection is the key to the Christian vision of the world. Christianity lasted, was moving forward, and will continue until the end of the world by the power of the resurrected Christ. Without faith in the Resurrection, Christianity would cease to be a religion and would be reduced to mere ideology. If Christ had not risen from the dead, he would have been counted among the many preachers who preach the end of the world, remaining only and exclusively the human being. Therefore, faith in the Resurrection is the most essential thing to the Christian religious life. Because, the faith establishes it the final direction.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół a skandal wykorzystywania seksualnego
    Ratzinger, Joseph (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    In the extensive text of „The Church and the Sexual Abuse Scandal”, written after the Vatican’s February summit on the protection of minors convened by Francis, Benedict XVI assessed that the „breakdown” of morals following the Sexual Revolution of 1968, marked by „unprecedented radicalism” and also the process of weakening the „Christian concept of morality” are fundamental of abuses among the clergy. „Yes, there is sin and evil in the Church. But also today there is a holy Church that is indestructible. Also today, there are many people who humbly believe, suffer and love, in whom the true God appears to us, a loving God”, wrote Pope emeritus Benedict XVI.
  • Miniatura
    Wiara chrześcijańska między kulturą a świadectwem
    Ravasi, Gianfranco (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    By making himself flesh the Word of God became cultural but does not rule out any specific culture. As a result, faith is always coping with unbelief as well as other beliefs. In such dialogue, Christian testimony does not bear on the „last ends” (the hereafter, the good, true and beautiful) only, and also the ,,previous-but-last” ones (hardships, suffering and death).