Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016, T. 63, nr 11
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Pozycja Życie i poglądy pedagogiczne profesora Mieczysława ŁobockiegoZubrzycka-Maciąg, Teresa; Wojciechowska-Charlak, Barbara (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The aim of the article is to show the figure of Professor Mieczysław Łobocki who has a special place in the history of Lublin pedagogy. The Professor’s academic interests were concentrated mainly around the issues belonging to theory and methodology of education. In his numerous publications in this area he combined social psychology with the humanistic orientation and Christian personalism, trying to permeate education with the highest moral values. He believed in the same values in his life, since he was an exceptionally sensitive, empathic, honest, helpful and modest man.Pozycja (Nie)kwestionowana rola pedeutologii w kształceniu przyszłych nauczycieli religiiZellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Preliminarytraining of religion teachers includes different areas of theological, humanist, pedagogical and catechetic education. To be qualified to teach religion, theology students are required to gain knowledge in pedagogy, didactics, psychology and to develop their practical skills and social competences. Among these general issues, knowledge of the teaching profession is worth particular attention. Analyses carried out for this paper aimed to present the unquestionable role of pedeutology in training future religion teachers. It has been observed that multi-aspect knowledge about the teacher, different concepts of teacher training and socio-cultural factors that affect a teacher’s work correspond with the guidance provided in documents of the Church. Moreover, it allows a better understanding of one’s professional role and the ethical dimension of one’s educational work. It also favours developing responsibilityfor othersin teachers, especially for students. While pursuing these objectives, it is worth paying attention to a proper understanding of the detailed issues of pedeutology and to developing the ability to think and act creativelyin different teaching situations. Preferred methods include those based on dialogue and team work. They stimulate future religion teachers and reinforce the endeavours to achieve one’s own educational maturity and style of catechesis.Pozycja Chrzest Polski jako wyzwanie dla współczesnej edukacjiZając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)After the adoption of Christianity by the Polish Prince Mieszko I, the land of Slavs became part of the then civilized world and emphasized its presence in the family of Christian countries, and while it maintained many of its traditions, it started to adopt the achievements of the Christian civilization. It seems obvious that owing to this bold decision made by the prince of Polans, today the state and the nation speaking the Polish language do exist. However, if Mieszko had not adopted Christianity, maybe in the 11th century his principality would still have developed and would have been strong, like the pagan Veleti Union living in the western coast of the Baltic Sea. On the other hand, in the 12th century undoubtedly Mieszko’s land would have been attacked by the neighboring states that, on the wave of the crusade movement, under the banner of spreading Christianity, would have tried to conquer the territories. The inhabitants of those lands would have been Christians, probably there would have been no Poland, since the Polish lands would have become part of the neighboring countries, just like the territories belonging to the Veleti Union or ones occupied by the Old Prussians had become part of Germany. The ancestors of today’s Poles, although Christians, probably would have spoken German, Czech, or Ruthenian. This fact has to be reminded in the education of the young generation of Poles and cited in debates with the circles contesting the right of Christian ideas to exist in the state educational system.Pozycja Wielokulturowość a tożsamośćSłotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)In the discussed issue that concerns the relations between multiculturalism and identity, after showing the dimensions, ideology and the practical side of cultural pluralism, identity is presented (with religion being one of its important elements) as a great value for a society, especially one living in the European environment. And these reflections, supported with the experiences that have been gained, especially from France, Belgium and Germany, lead to stating that cultural pluralism is a certain value, but some definite requirements are set to it, especially ones that are concerned with its ideology. This cannot be dominating monism or hybrid monism. Mixing cultures is also unacceptable. Moreover, some communities, as e.g. Muslims, are not able to integrate with the society that has Christian values. They form closed groups that are not subjected to any control by the forces of law, which favors various sorts of crime. And this state of things, according to the rule “pars pro toto”, is the cause why the whole specific community is held responsible, and the initially positive attitude towards it is changed into isolating it. Hence – since the solutions that have been applied until now do not work, they should not be kept to, but new ones should be looked for, ones that do not destroy the identity of the local communities.Pozycja Towarzyszenie osobie z autyzmem w jej rozwoju emocjonalnymProkopiak, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The essential element of the clinical picture of autism spectrum disorders is difficulties in processing social-emotional information and reacting appropriately to signals of emotional significance. Up to date the studies have indicated that on physiological level emotional reactions of autistic people are only slightly disordered, and the main problem lies in realizing and interpreting what they experience. The results of numerous studies on recognizing emotions by facial expressions are ambiguous. The article presents selected aspects of emotional development of autistic children, the knowledge of which is indispensable for conducting a complex therapy, and indicates the methods thanks to which such a development can occur.Pozycja Szkolne koła biblijnePikor, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The author presents a model and a program of extracurricular (optional) classes, the subject of which is the Holy Bible. Biblical school groups offer includes a characterization of the class participants, an ascertainment of the relation of biblical school groups to school religious instruction and parish catechesis as well as a summary of the expected objectives and the form of classes conducted as a part of such activities. The article ends with a detailed program of the biblical school groups work at primary and junior-high school levels.Pozycja Zadania katechezy przygotowującej do sakramentu małżeństwa w świetle adhortacji „Amoris laetitia”Mąkosa, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The present article is an attempt to answer Holy Father Francis’s plea expressed in the exhortation Amoris laetitia, calling to better prepare young people for receiving the sacrament of matrimony. The problem that is shown is the answer to the question about the most important task that preparation for entering into marriage should carry out, so that it would be most efficient, that is, it would bear fruit in the form of the consciousness of the importance of the sacrament, of accepting all its attributes, of receiving the sacrament in a valid and honest way, and then deepening the relations with God and with the spouse throughout the life. The most important tasks of preparation to the sacrament of matrimony that can be found in the exhortation Amoris laetitia and that are subjected to analysis in the article include: preaching the Christian kerygma, care for chastity, promoting marriage and family, showing the value of marital fertility and mystagogue for the sacrament of matrimony.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z pobytu prof. Geralda Grace w KULMąkosa, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Pozycja Nadzieje i obawy studentów ukraińskich podejmujących studia w PolsceŁukasiewicz, Jacek; Paśnikowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)A growing number of Ukrainian students at Polish universities encourages to look at their expectations and attitudes. For this purpose, some studies were performed using a questionnaire constructed by the authors of the article. It concerned the hopes and fears of Ukrainian students entering education in Poland in relation to their gained education, relationships with others in the majority – foreigners, declared values, the degree of mastery of Polish language and the more distant life plans. The article also attempts to emphasize the psychological aspect of hopes and fears, and to draw attention to the educative and educational importance of hope.Pozycja Ewangelizacyjno-wspólnotowe przesłanie Światowych Dni MłodzieżyŁabendowicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Pope Saint John Paul II was the initiator of the World Youth Day; for him the care for a man’s personal dignity was closely tied with introducing him into the world of such values as: love, freedom, responsibility, truth, good, beauty and happiness. Each Christian is called to become ever more perfect and to strive for sainthood. Education towards sainthood is supposed to aid testifying to the found truth and the development of the person in his integral dimension. Owing to Christ a man discovers his supernatural dignity and his vocation to live with God in eternity. Dignity has been given to him and at the same time set to him as a task; and this is an obligation to respect it in himself and in another man. The Pope often repeated that an unceasing work on oneself is necessary, and its aim is to form one’s humanity. A well-formed man will become engaged in building the Kingdom of God and he will feel responsible for social issues, including his neighbors’ needs. A man’s real development happens, among others, owing to his personal relations with other people. The common good is an expression of interpersonal relations; it is not opposed to the good of an individual person, as the common good contributes best to a man’s full and thorough development. Education is supposed to introduce a young man into the world of values, such as: freedom, responsibility and love. Education leading to freedom is at the same time education leading to responsibility. A man is responsible for his acts and experiences responsibility because he has the ability to respond to values with his will. Hence the postulate to educate young people for love is connected with the postulate of aiding people in discovering the objective good. Love is the foundation for observing all other values. The way that leads to the realization of the ideal of being a person is discovering the truth about oneself and about one’s own vocation.Pozycja Beata Stypułkowska, Biblijna formacja katechetów, Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego 2015, ss. 431.Kiciński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Pozycja Edukacja domowa a katecheza. Nowe perspektywyKiciński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Home education consists in undertaking the task of teaching and educating their children at home by the parents. With the approval of the appropriate institution of the educational system the parents realize the curriculum they draw up according to the needs and educational abilities of their children. The Commission of Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference that supervises the teaching of the Catholic religion in schools has issued the Communiqué concerning the teaching of religion in the extra-school system of home education. The document is a manifestation of pastoral care of children and youths who are schooled at home. The Catholic Church in Poland does not limit itself to confirming the parents’ rights to deciding about the form of education for their children, but it starts work consisting in opening new prospects and searching for proper planes of cooperation with families involved in home education, so that the process could bear fruit in the comprehensive formation of young Christians.Pozycja Teologalne wychowanie w katechezieGoliszek, Piotr T. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Christian education should be concentrated on three fundamental values. It has to be education aiming at faith, hope and love. The pupil should be brought to learn about Jesus Christ and to establish a personal relation with Him, as well as he should be taught to understand and to love the Church. Faith in the life of a Christian is inextricably connected with hope. A believer is not only concentrated on his earthly life, but he makes this life a means for achieving eternal happiness. Eucharist is a true source of Christian hope. Education for faith and hope finds an actual confirmation in acts of love. A person educated for love is able to share it with his neighbors, even at the price of giving himself up.Pozycja „Nowe nowe media” a katecheza KościołaCzerkawski, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Contemporary world uses mass media at an unprecedented scale. Every culture and every society is pervaded by a media reality. In many people the media form a picture of the world that is different from the real one. Loosening the communal ties between people is a serious threat posed by the media. A man rooted in the virtual world does not have a sense of community as well as of life for and in a community. Building the sense of community is one of the important tasks that the Church is facing. Talking about the media the Church does not point to their negative image, but it recommends that the people managing the media should use moral criteria referring to another man, for his good. Undoubtedly the Church’s catechesis is facing a serious task, that is building a sense of community in a man who, using the media, makes his presence in the community less obvious. The media world, especially the world of the electronic media, constitutes a great space for evangelization and catechization that can be used by the Church.Pozycja Działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna księdza doktora Tadeusza ŚmiechaCzerkawski, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)Rev. Tadeusz Śmiech was born on 27th October 1952 in Tempoczów situated in the area of the present Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, formerly the Kielce Voivodeship. His parents’ names were Józef and Adela. After completing primary school and then high school he entered the Seminary in Kielce. After taking holy orders he took up pastoral work. Then he finished special studies in France and at the Catholic University of Lublin. He worked at the Diocesan Curia in Kielce and at the Seminary, where he was the Director of the Catechesis Department. He is known as the author of the program of catechesis and of catechesis handbooks, the educator of many generations of religion teachers. Rev. Dr. Tadeusz Śmiech’s academic work was first of all concerned with catechesis. He gathered around himself many people who, like he, understood catechesis as being committed to serving the Gospel. People who cooperated tried to make sure that catechesis was conducted in the diocese in the best possible way. Ceaseless meetings, talks and consultations bore fruit in the form of specific works. After he finished his work at the Diocesan Curia in Kielce he was a priest in the Polish community in France, and then a parish priest in the Polish parish in Lyon. He appears as indefatigable in his priestly and didactic work consisting in constantly watching over the work of catechesis.Pozycja Wartości w życiu i spuściźnie pedagogicznej Janusza KorczakaBarabas, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)The aim of moral education is to form in children a system of values in accordance with the universal vision of treating every man in the subjective way, with the principles that are helpful in differentiating the good and the evil, and with universal values such as: respect, honesty, courage, altruism or responsibility. Hence it is important not so much to supply the pupil with the knowledge about moral values and the respective norms and rules of behavior, but also to develop in him a certain kind of moral sensitivity through, among others, being an example of moral behavior. The aim of the article is to present the figure of Janusz Korczak, in the context of the values he presented and promoted, as a personal example worth of following and as a moral authority.