Rola stowarzyszeń chrześcijańskich w kształtowaniu moralności publicznej




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Author is showing his topic in three mental stages: 1. Internal – educating from the inside is holding the presence in world with God; 2. – Secularism in world, but not around of world; 3. Interpretation of the world – instrument of the evangelization. Slate institutions without people are empty, cold. You can heat only human value up. Only living people, only formed and responsible citizens, can carry value and beliefs into opened, into empty, into the cooled space of the social life in order around them to build lively – bond areas of families, administrative districts, the profession, the nation, you, the culture, the economy, administration, media, areas of associations and self-government bodies. Performing such great tasks isn’t coming alone. Hence the missionary activity secular, the entire Christian activity in world must use with formed, organised solidarity. She is demanding the institution, the organization, the catholic association. This mission is taking the besinnina from our spiritual culture, from the supernatural participation, from the most intimate intimacy with God.


Słowa kluczowe

moralność, moralność publiczna, moralność chrześcijańska, stowarzyszenia, stowarzyszenia chrześcijańskie, społeczeństwo, socjologia, współczesność, duchowość, rozwój duchowy, odpowiedzialność, wspólnota, formacja, świeckość, ewangelizacja, chrześcijaństwo, człowiek, morality, public morality, Christian morality, associations, Christian associations, society, sociology, present, spirituality, spiritual development, responsibility, community, formation, secularism, evangelization, Christianity, human


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 53-64.


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