Miłosierdzie w kontekście dobroci i cierpliwości w ujęciu Tertuliana




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


In referring to goodness as the mother of mercy, Tertullian showed that it is appropriate to look at mercy from the viewpoint of goodness. Thanks to such a concept, we are able to see that true mercy is driven by reason and justice. On the other hand, a similar relationship between patience and mercy allows us to see the role of mercy with an entire vision of the world after the sin of paradise. Mercy, which according to Tertullian flows from patience, is the remedy for the Jack of mercy, which has its roots in impatience stemming from the devil. Therefore, mercy is the element for rebuilding and fixing the original good of the world destroyed by evil. Nevertheless, the condition for the effective attitude of mercy is its close bond with the working of reason and in keeping the principles of justice.


Słowa kluczowe

miłosierdzie, dobroć, cierpliwość, Tertulian, pisarze wczesnochrześcijańscy, teologia, mercy, kindness, patience, Tertullian, early Christian writers, theology


Verbum Vitae, 2003, T. 3, s. 203-212.


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