Koncepcje teologiczne poszczególnych ewangelii w świetle inauguracyjnych wystąpień Jezusa




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


The theological thought in form of the Gospel emerges from the theological reflection of the incipient Christianity. Influenced by the changing circumstances of external life of the Christians, four different ways of perceiving the work of Jesus were developed. The hereby survey is an attempt of capturing the guiding principles of particular Gospels on the basis of analysis of inaugural speeches of Jesus (Mark 1,21-39; Matthew 5,1-48; Luke 4,16-29; John 2,1-12). Mark presents Jesus who gradually reveals his divinity via sermons accompanied by demonstrations of power. This power of Jesus defeats the kingdom of evil and paves the way for the Kingdom of God. Matthew presents us the “New Torah” – the Gospel which has been proclaimed on the Mount – in the same way as the Decalogue was proclaimed on Mount Sinai. The Mount was also the place where the disciples were given the divine mission of spreading the Good News all over the world (28,16-20). Luke depicts Jesus as the Saviour, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah (Isa 61,1-2; 58,6). He encourages the disciples to participate in spreading God’s grace. In Cana of Galilee John adjourns the era of the Law and initiates the era of the Grace, which will be visible in the sacramental life of the community of the Church.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Ewangelia, Ewangelia według św. Marka, Mk, Mk 1, Ewangelia według św. Mateusza, Mt, Mt 5, Ewangelia według św. Łukasza, Łk, Łk 4, Ewangelia według św. Jana, J, J 2, Jezus Chrystus, posłannictwo, nauczanie, biblistyka, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, Kościół, wspólnota, Kościół pierwotny, prawo, wypełnianie prawa, Dobra Nowina, zbawienie, łaska, czas łaski, Bible, New Testament, Gospel, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John, Jesus Christ, mission, teaching, biblical studies, exegesis, biblical exegesis, Church, community, primary Church, law, compliance with the law, Good News, salvation, grace, time of grace


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 2, s. 17-34.


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