Polskie i litewskie związki twórczości muzycznej biskupa A. Baranowskiego zainspirowanej jego religijną wizją świata
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
Lithuania and Poland are bond for the centuries not only by their common historical fate but also by the concurrently settled cultural relationship, common Roman Catholic religion. Twists and turns of history determined the fact that Polish language widely prevailed and was used in the big part of Lithuania for many years. Especially markedly one could have seen it represented in the life of the Roman Catholic church, its liturgy, ritual, songs. Antanas Baranauskas (1835-1902) – bishop, poet, composer of lyrics and songs, the author of the famous poem „Boscage of Anykščiai” – was one of the brightest and most talented yet most contradictory personalities of the second part of XIXth century. His creation of ecclesiastical songs is inestimable contribution to the treasury of Lithuanian – Polish religious music of the XIXth century that testifies affinity of the identities of the both nations in self-awareness and works of A. Baranauskas. Creation of ecclesiastical catholic songs was one of the most significant and distinctive fields of expression of the creative personality of A. Baranauskas. Besides observable is the fact that the bishop wrote songs in the middle of the XIXth century, when catholic churches of Lithuania needed them enormously. In 1898 – 1900 A. Baranauskas wrote more than 30 Lithuanian songs. Solemn and noble paschal song „Jolly Day Has Lit Up On Us” distinguishes among them all; it has become an integral part of the paschal liturgy. Another one is gorgeous prayer for the homeland – „Ave Maria, Lily of Heaven”. The most relevant piece of the highest value of enduring significance in Lithuanian catholic culture is A. Baranauskas collection of the songs „Sorrowful laments” that was published in 1899, in Tilžė. Author translated the songs of the „Sorrowful laments” and other religious texts of the collection from Polish. „Sorrowful laments” consists of Introduction with Intention, three parts that contain three different songs each and funeral conclusion. There are ten songs – meditations of Christ’s sufferings – in the collection altogether. A. Baranauskas presents melodies of several songs and harmonizations of some of them in „Sorrowful laments”. His other songs were popular, too. Here are some of them: „To the Shepherd the Penurious”, „O, Mother the Grievous! ”, „Ave Maris Stella”, „Crowns of Ss. Lady Maria”, „Song of Advent” etc. A. Baranauskas took none the less care for the creation of Polish songs, although he knew them to be old, abundant and rich. In 1898 – 1902 with the help of Paškevičius, landlord of Seinai (the latter wrote lyrics), he compiled and published Polish Hymnal „Śpiewnik Pobożny”. This Polish Hymnal consists of 15 songs harmonized for the choir of four voices. A. Baranauskas wrote all the melodies, Gustawas Roguskis harmonized them. Necessity of the songs of A. Baranauskas and artistic value of part of them is being certified by the fact that famous Lithuanian composer J. Naujalis harmonized some of them and included them into his „Lithuanian Ecclesiastical Hymnal”, that he published in 1906. Songs of A. Baranauskas were not forgotten in later times. Some of them were harmonized for mixed choir by organist of Seinai church B. Jasenauskas in 1924; composer Vytautas Juozapaitis – in1995 etc. Songs of A. Baranauskas (both Lithuanian and Polish) have not only historical, museum-sort value, but also artistic, religious applicable worth of enduring significance. They also are the monuments of the spiritual culture heritage of Lithuanian and Polish nations.
Słowa kluczowe
Polska, Litwa, Poland, Lithuania, Antanas Baranauskas, Antoni Baranowski, muzyka, music, biskupi, bishops, muzyka religijna, religious music, pieśni religijne, religious songs
Studia Ełckie, 2006, T. 8, s. 245-259.
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