Sylwetki wielkich Polaków: Jacek Woroniecki




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


A value of a national culture is determined by a level of personal culture of its representatives. One of the eminent individuals of the Polish nation is Jacek Woroniecki (1878-1949) – Dominican, theologian, philosopher, and educator in one person. A characteristic feature of Woroniecki’s intellectual life is uncommonly wide spectrum of approached issues. It makes impossible to qualify him as a representative of a narrowly understood specialization. Multithreads of Woroniecki’s works finds their reason in a deep symbiosis between his social involvement and his scientific life. He noticed a need of social care about the education of youth, especially on the higher level. He also warned the well-educated against a cultural regress and encouraged them to a permanent, intellectual, and moral formation. Jacek Woroniecki underlined a responsibility of the Polish Catholic intelligentsia for the future of Church and homeland.


Słowa kluczowe

Jacek Woroniecki, biografia, biography, profesorowie, professors, dominikanie, Dominican friars, teolodzy, theologians, teologowie, pedagodzy, pedagogues, filozofowie, philosophers, działalność naukowa, research activities, prace naukowe, research papers


Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 363-368.


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