„Sulle palme ti ho scolpito…”. L’uso di Isaia 49,16a nel 2 Baruch 4,2
Tytuł czasopisma
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The interpretation of the biblical books started already in the Bible itself, in which one can easily notice the plethora of quotations, allusions to and echoes of other biblical texts. This study analyzes the quotation of Isaiah 49:16a found in the apocryphal Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch. By analyzing the immediate context of this verse in the Book of Isaiah, its form and historical background, the meaning of the text within its original context is reveled. Then a similar analysis applies to the form and the historical context of this verse within its new context, namely in 2 Baruch 4:2. The confrontation yields a significant number of possible interpretations and applications of this Isaianic text within its new context.
Artykuł w języku włoskim.
Słowa kluczowe
biblical theology, Book of Isaiah, Second Book of Baruch, Old Testament, Bible, biblical studies, theology, exegesis, biblical exegesis, teologia biblijna, Księga Izajasza, Druga Księga Barucha, Stary Testament, Pismo Święte, Biblia, biblistyka, Iz 49, 2 Ba 4, teologia, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna
The Biblical Annals, 2014, T. 4, nr 2, s. 313-329.
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