Cel i formy dialogu międzyreligijnego według Benedykta XVI




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Benedict XVI, identifying himself as “the apostle of dialogue and the man of peace”, makes an important contribution to the interreligious dialogue. The Pope indicates that this dialogue cannot be treated as a “temporary choice”, but as the future depends on it, it is a “life necessity”. The aim of the dialogue is not just simple exchange of ideas, but also seeking for truth together, in the spirit of love and respect for every human being, for his culture and spiritual tradition. In this mutual search and in-depth study of truth the Church recognizes in diverse religions these aspects, which are true and sacred and at the same time confesses, that in Jesus Christ the history of Salvation is crowned and revealed most perfectly. Interreligious dialogue according to Benedict XVI has many diverse forms. The first form is “dialogue in life”, which means peaceable and full of respect existence in one space of confessors of diverse religions. Further there is a “dialogue in action”. It is expressed in taking action together, which aims at promotion of integral development of human being and involvment for peace and justice. Moreover there is an area of theological discussions, where people can exchange ideas regarding their spiritual richness, especially their experience of prayer.


Słowa kluczowe

Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, papieże, dialog, dialog międzyreligijny, cel dialogu międzyreligijnego, prawda, formy dialogu międzyreligijnego, Benedict XVI, popes, dialogue, interreligious dialogue, purpose of interreligious dialogue, truth, forms of interreligious dialogue


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2012, R. 20, Nr 2, s. 67-82.


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