Zdobycie mądrości według Syracha (Syr 6,18-37) Część III: Środki konieczne do zdobycia mądrości (6,32-37)
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The article constitutes the third part of the analysis of Sir 6:18-37 – the pericope in which Sirach presents his reflections on the acquisition of wisdom. Following the admonition addressed to his disciple to undergo wisdom education/formation (6:18-22) and to yield to wisdom itself (6:23-31), the sage enumerates the means that are essential to acquire wisdom (6:32-37). The pericope under analysis here may be divided into three sections. Verses 32-33 refer to a disciple’s freedom and encourage him to make a choice; they motivate him to undertake some actions that will lead to the acquisition of wisdom and they disclose the results of such an effort. In the second section (vv. 34-36) the sage suggests to his disciple concrete means that are necessary for the acquisition of wisdom. The pericope’s closing verse (v. 37) focuses on God’s role in the process. The first and most important step on the way to the acquisition of wisdom is listening (6:33.35). Subsequently, Sirach emphasizes the role played in the acquisition of wisdom by the elders (6:34) and sages (6:36) as well as by the contemplation of God’s commandments (6:37).
Słowa kluczowe
Wisdom of Sirach, wisdom, acquisition of wisdom, Sir 6, Old Testament, Bible, biblical studies, exegesis, biblical exegesis, sages, listening, commandments, Mądrość Syracha, mądrość, zdobywanie mądrości, zdobycie mądrości, Syr 6, Stary Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, biblistyka, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, mędrcy, słuchanie, przykazania
The Biblical Annals, 2016, T. 6, nr 1, s. 73-105.
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