Mikołaja Bierdiajewa apoteoza bezgranicznej wolności
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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu
“Freedom” belongs to the group of the most popular words which are most frequently used in many different meanings in all languages of the world. During many last centuries almost all the great philosophers try to get closer to its mystery and understand its essence. What is a freedom then? What are its borders? Who is its object? For these and similar questions tries to answer famous Russian existentialist Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev, who is called by European philosophical tradition as “a philosopher and eulogist of freedom”. This article is an attempt to show the characteristic and foundations Berdyaev’s “metaphysics of freedom”. The final conclusion of these considerations is the thesis that “freedom” which is considered almost as a the divinity category is the most appropriate – if not the only one – the “key” of interpretation of personalism. Freedom as activity of the Spirit assimilates man to the Creator and makes him a person. The best way which freedom can be expressed and realized is creativeness, which is its “second name” and a synonym.
Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Summary translated by Bożena Rojek.
Słowa kluczowe
Nikołaj Bierdiajew, filozofowie, filozofia, filozofia rosyjska, wolność, bezgraniczna wolność, apoteoza, apoteoza wolności, metafizyka, metafizyka wolności, rodzaje wolności, Bóg, Absolut, twórczość, Nikolai Berdyaev, philosophers, philosophy, Russian philosophy, freedom, unlimited freedom, apotheosis, apotheosis of freedom, metaphysics, metaphysics of freedom, types of freedom, God, Absolute, creativity
Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2013, R. 21, Nr 1, s. 205-224.
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