Studia Ełckie, 2014, T. 16, nr 1

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    Godne zachowanie się pracownika w kontekście wypełniania pracowniczego obowiązku dbałości o dobro zakładu pracy (100 § 2 pkt 4 k.p.)
    Ziółkowska, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    Dignity of employee behavior in the workplace and outside it is included in the labor required to care for the welfare of the employer (Article 100 § 2 point 4 of the Labour Code). This obligation is governed by the provisions of the Labour Code in a very general way. Seems to be necessary in this situation to make it concrete (detail). A worker taking care of the interests of the employer (his or her) must also proudly represent in the workplace as well as outside of it, for example, in your spare time. An important point of this article is to highlight and identify correlations behave properly from work and private time with the performance of the staff duty of care for the welfare of the employer (Article 100 § 2 point 4 of the Labour Code). It is also stated in the employee's attitude affects what a good image of the company, its prestige and reputation in the context of the duty of care for the welfare of the workplace. Actually, they were matched colleagues pillar of the company, even in times of crisis in the economy of the state.
  • Miniatura
    Powinności moralne w kontekście wolontariatu Caritas
    Sobolewski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    The beginning of the new century brought liveliness in the interest of ethics in the world of business as well as among the organizations involved in the charitable activities, education and health. Caritas in Poland undertook many actions serving development of morality and religiosity of its full time workers and volunteers. Caring for spiritual, religious and ethical dimension of work, Caritas desires to deepen the motivation of their activities and enriches their actions with the evangelical meaning. Calls for attention to see the difference between philanthropy and christian mercy, which is the duty of every believer. Underlines the role of faith, hope and christian love in activities undertaken for the poor. We present in this article the rich teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI regarding voluntary work. The Popes explain, that in the work of Caritas counts professionalism of course, but even more the love for the poor, elderly, sick and handicapped. That love gives sense of diakonia in the Church. Shows how it is important for Caritas workers and volunteers to respect the ethical Code as well as their religious formation. The ethical Code portrays values important to workers and volunteers of Caritas, influencing their attitude towards others. We underline the necessity of placing the moral requirements for all those involved in the charity work in the Church and on behalf of the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Status lubelskiej Delegatury Komisji Specjalnej do Walki z Nadużyciami i Szkodnictwem Gospodarczym w świetle polskiego prawa konstytucyjnego (1946-1955)
    Sekściński, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    The Representation of the Special Committee for Fighting Corrupt Practices and Economic Sabotage in Lublin (RSCL) was a typical organ of the Stalinist terror system in the postwar Poland. The area of action of the RSCL was Lublin and Lublin province. The institution was created on the legal basis of the decree dated 16th November 1945 on creation and range of the Special Committee for Fighting Corruption Practices and Economic Sabotage (Dziennik Ustaw 1945 No. 53 item 302). The Representation started its activities on 15th January 1946 and ended on 5 th February 1955. It was the specific, extraconstitutional administrative body which dealt with justice unlawfully.
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    Wybrane aspekty podstaw funkcjonowania polskiej administracji samorządowej
    Radziłowicz, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    As a part of the public administration, local government represents one of the forms of decentralization. It is primarily based on constitutional principle of subsidiarity, autonomy in realizing its tasks and responsibility for their realization. The basic units of the territorial administrative division under the Polish legislation, municipalities and cities, have an important role to play here. These units have legal personality, judicially protected independence, and receive funds from public income which makes them independent from other government bodies and from the state. Nevertheless, cities are not sovereign in decision taking or law making processes and they merely carry out state enforced tasks. This structure strengthens the supervisory role of the central administration which is primarily focused on verification. The modern world enforces decentralization processes. The development of cities is based on active adaptation of innovations offered by information societies. At the beginning of the XXI century, municipal governments were indirectly forced to introduce new forms of public and local management. The fundamental dimension of these forms is embodied in a symbolic transition “from administration to management”.
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    Krytyka konwencjonalizmu społecznego na przykładzie filozofii społecznej T. Hobbesa i J. Locke’a
    Landowski, Witold (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    The paper shows theoretical difficulties in Hobbes’ and Locke’s philosophical theory. The attempt at proving legitimacy of society hade been made by philosophers turned out to be pointless because of false anthropological presuppositions. Even though the term of human nature in axiological aspect is exremely negative in Hobbes’thought while neutral in Locke’s theory but both philosophers define man as a physical, self-directed, self-awareness individual. If such individuals in supposed state of nature have every rights and liberty then arises question of how assign such units to something other than individuals itself, this mean to public institution (state). The anthropological fallacy made the matter over much difficult and justification of social existence impossible, neither account of guarante civil safety do not justify the type of absolutist state or account of protection of property rights do not justify the type existence of liberal state, which has an insufficient competitives and power (minimal state). The state in both cases is rather an alienated from people, which treated public institutions and government as necessary evil in fact. It is since being based on the self preservation (Hobbes) or egoistic self – interest (Locke). In view on basis of social life, the philosophers failed to take spiritual and personal dimesion of human being. They did not notice that human nature is compositive, natural and rational inclinations to live with each others (in community) and humane desire for a versatile, personal development. According to fallacy their conception of society and state only partly is rational but it is a type of pragmatic rationality.
  • Miniatura
    Religijność młodzieży zaangażowanej w wolontariat szkolnych kół Caritas w diecezji ełckiej w świetle badań empirycznych
    Sawicki, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    According to a sociological research about the role of religion in lives of volunteers of SGC (School Groups of Caritas), young people still keep the same traditional patterns as previous generations. On the other hand, because of some dynamic cultural and social changes, and in the current time of gradual secularization, their approach to faith is changing. In fact, the doctrinal selectivity of the volunteers of SGC at the Diocese of Elk becomes more and more noticeable than ever before. Many of them say that their faith is their own private matter. There is a high risk of loss of Christian identity by many young volunteers. As a matter of fact, some of them are already seeing volunteering as one of the social activities rather than a form of apostolic approach to those who are in need. As a result, volunteering for Caritas may no longer be considered a way to holiness, which is impossible without Christ, for He is the way. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to focus on intellectual and spiritual formation of the volunteers. Religious lives of the members of SGC should be developed through ecclesial resources of spiritual formation with special reference to the spirituality of Caritas foundation. As a result, spiritual life of each volunteer of SGC would strengthen the unity of all members of SGC and the Church.
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    Bł. Marianna Biernacka wzorem dla wolontariuszy Caritas
    Kruczyński, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)
    John Paul II beatified Marianna Biernacka in June 13, 1999 in Warsaw. She belongs to 108 martyrs of the World War II. Marianna Biernacka (1888-1943) she was a simple country woman. She offered her life for her daughter-in-law, by asking the German soldier, to be arrested instead of her daughter-in-law and she saved her life. The Caritas of Ełk Dioceses from the time of her beatification places her as an example for workers and volunteers. In a special way underlines her diligence, humility, patience and bravery, which were manifested during her life. Marianna suffered a lot, but remained joyful and confident in God. In this article the religious silhouette and main features of her spirituality has been shown. The author encourages all volunteers to imitate the Blessed Marianna. Gives answer to a question: in which way she may be an example for contemporary volunteers. Passes over the main aims and methods of developing volunteers of Caritas to the love of neighbor and to the mercy.
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    Sprawozdanie redaktora naczelnego „Studiów Ełckich” z działalności czasopisma w latach 2012-2013
    Tarasiewicz, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)