Interpretation of Scriptural Texts in 11QMelchizedek and Its Theological Implications




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


Drawing on a partially reconstructed column II, the paper intends to offer a deepened analysis of the scriptural sources used by the author of 11Q13. The manuscript belongs to pesharic creations of the Qumran community and brings to light their deep theological perspective on some important ideas, such as eschatological times, final judgement, dualism and determinism. They were diffused among the members of yaḥad – a group united under the guidance of the Teacher of Righteousness. The pesharic method of interpretation is indispensable to understand the aforementioned concepts. It also exposes the importance of the figure of Melchizedek, who, despite the fact that his identity as an eschatological figure remains enigmatic, is perceived as the one who executes justice on behalf of the sectarian community.


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

11QMelch (11Q13), Melchizedek, Qumran, pesher, theology, biblical theology, manuscripts, Dead Sea Scrolls, manuscripts of Qumran, biblical studies, philology, biblical philology, interpretation, biblical texts, exegesis, biblical exegesis, teologia, teologia biblijna, rękopisy, manuskrypty, zwoje znad Morza Martwego, rękopisy z Qumran, biblistyka, filologia, filologia biblijna, interpretacja, teksty biblijne, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, 11Q13, 11QMelchizedek


The Biblical Annals, 2021, T. 11, nr 3, s. 411-439.


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