Koncepcja modlitwy integralnej według Orygenesa




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The analysis of nature and structure of Christian prayer in Origen's treatise De oralione (about 234), presented in this article, shows that this opuscule can be considered as a synthesis of the theory of prayer, but it doesn't contain its decisive and precise conception. Follawing St. Paul's teaching (1 Tm 2:1) Origen distinguishes four kinds of prayer: petition, thanksgiving, propitiation and adoration; but in the same time he is convinced that in practice they can't be separated, because they form an integral act of prayer. For instance, propitiatory prayer can't form separate prayer, but it is necessary condition of the preparation to each prayer. Origen's conception was continued in the Latin Church in 5th century by John Cassian and it became base for the later development of the theology of prayer.


Słowa kluczowe

Christian prayer, integral prayer, petition, thanksgiving, propitiation, adoration, spirituality, Origen, patristic theology, Church Fathers, theology, prayer, patristics, modlitwa chrześcijańska, modlitwa integralna, prośba, dziękczynienie, przebłaganie, adoracja, duchowość, Orygenes, teologia patrystyczna, ojcowie Kościoła, teologia, modlitwa, patrystyka


Verbum Vitae, 2012, T. 22, s. 185-201.


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