Studia Gdańskie, 1986, T. 6

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 16 z 16
  • Miniatura
    Pietro Fiordelli, Sei colloqui eon i prossimi sposi, Libreria Cattolica, Prato 1982, ss. 94.
    Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Zygmunt Pawłowicz: Nauka posoborowych synodów europejskich o człowieku, Pelplin 1984, 305, Zfg.
    Bartnik, Czesław (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Nauka o Logosie w dziełach Filona z Aleksandrii i w hymnie Prologu Czwartej Ewangelii
    Kloskowski, Kazimierz (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
    That article traces the development of the Logos, which appeared within a syncretic environment dominated by different intellectual currents. This teaching consisted of religious beliefs. Greek and Hellenistic philosophical views: gnosis and Judaistic tenets. The influences of these tendencies are particularly evident in the works of Philo of Alexandria and in the hymn of the Fourth Gospel Prologue. These problems are difficult to solve in an univocal way, hence, that is way in the present article a full explanation cannot be given. This article is an attempt at a new formulation for understanding the Logos in Philo and in the hymn Prologue on the basis of philosophical, theological and biblical literature. In this attempt some malinterpretations and interpretations of the Logos are examined. This has become possible thanks to the understanding of the environment in which the creators of this philosophy lived and thanks to a better understanding of texts. The problem of Logos has been studied in three different aspects, which are interesting also for contemporary thought: namely, in relation to God, the world and a man. This article is, also confrontation between various interpretations of the Logos by two authors. All resemblences of both Logosos have their explanation in the common source of oreative inspiration by Philo and the author of hymn Prologue. Each of them uses a conception of the Logos but with a new meaning. On the ground of the text analysis, the Logos of Philo of Alexandria should be put between the conception of the author of hymn Prologue and the formulation by the adherents of Greek and Hellenistic philosophy. Namely: a) The Greek and Hellenistic philosophers emphasize that the Logos in an inner being in relation to the world or has something from it; on the other hand the Logos of the hymn exceeds the world it had existed before the world was created; b) the Greek and Hellenistic Logos is an impersonal principle having a static character, whereas Logos in hymn is a concrete and active person; c) Logos of philosophers is something, which is indefinite, while for the author of hymn i t is the Man-God. The statement, that the Logos of the hymn Prologue has its source in the conception of the Logos by Philo or in Alexandrian philosophy, seems to be groundless. Both conceptions differ fundamentally in personal aspect, in understanding of divinity and in the fact of becoming man. If we even accept that the author of the hymn used the conception of Logos by Philo there appears the conclusion of giving it a completely new meaning, which fundamentally changes the theory of the Logos. I n spite of the emphasis of many resemblances and differences all the possibilities are not shown. However that it was not the fundamental aim of this article. There were only chosen the basic elements, which could explain the problem of Logos in works written in the first century before Christ and in the first century of our era. Hitherto, existing works from that field are small and very often sketchy, especially in Polish literature.
  • Miniatura
    Filozofia i objawienie. Kazanie Mikołaja z Kuzy „Gdzie jest nowo narodzony Król Żydowski?”. Przekład i komentarz
    Synowiecki, Adam (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Życie i osiągnięcia ks. dra Bernarda Sychty
    Breza, Edward (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Religijne aspekty etosu Kaszubów
    Skorowski, Henryk (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
    The description of ethos bas an important meaning not only for moral science, but also for pedagogy of the society. The source of that description can be the psycho-sociological reasearches, but not only. Also literary output is a very significant element, closely connected with the source of description. The literature is of course the most valnable when it exactly concerns the definite society or the definite region. The present article is a trial of reconstruction of ethos one of the ethnical groups of Polish Kashubian, not the general vision of Kashubian ethos but its religious aspect is the most important problem in that article. The source of that article is the literary output by Augustyn Necel. These writings have many features of literature having strong authentic and factographic Knowledge (of a subject). The religious aspects of Kashubian ethos consist of the following problems: an attitude towards religion (faith and cult), a religious warrant for altruistic, moral attitudes and a statement of reasons for religion within the framework of ethics. It can be said that presentation of those three problems shows all the religious aspects of Kashubians ethos.
  • Miniatura
    Nowotestamentalny etos łaski
    Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Mowa eschatologiczna w Ewangelii św. Mateusza
    Kowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Uwagi o XVII-wiecznych epitafiach z obrazami z terenu Gdańska
    Bernatowicz, Tadeusz (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Listy pasterskie biskupa gdańskiego Edwarda O'Rourke
    Pawłowicz, Zygmunt (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Katedra Oliwska w jej literackich wizerunkach
    Samp, Jerzy (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Katedra Oliwska, jej przeszłość i współczesność
    Piwek, Aleksander (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Inicjatywy duszpasterskie biskupa gdańskiego Lecha Kaczmarka
    Rotta, Alojzy (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    Humanizm i chrześcijaństwo
    Kaczmarek, Lech (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)
  • Miniatura
    „Bądźmy współpracownikami prawdy”
    Gocłowski, Tadeusz (Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie, 1986)