Religijne aspekty etosu Kaszubów




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Kuria Biskupia Gdańska w Gdańsku-Oliwie


The description of ethos bas an important meaning not only for moral science, but also for pedagogy of the society. The source of that description can be the psycho-sociological reasearches, but not only. Also literary output is a very significant element, closely connected with the source of description. The literature is of course the most valnable when it exactly concerns the definite society or the definite region. The present article is a trial of reconstruction of ethos one of the ethnical groups of Polish Kashubian, not the general vision of Kashubian ethos but its religious aspect is the most important problem in that article. The source of that article is the literary output by Augustyn Necel. These writings have many features of literature having strong authentic and factographic Knowledge (of a subject). The religious aspects of Kashubian ethos consist of the following problems: an attitude towards religion (faith and cult), a religious warrant for altruistic, moral attitudes and a statement of reasons for religion within the framework of ethics. It can be said that presentation of those three problems shows all the religious aspects of Kashubians ethos.


Słowa kluczowe

Kaszuby, Kaszubi, religia, kultura, moralność, kodeks moralny, etos, chrześcijaństwo, altruizm, kult religijny, religijność, praktyki religijne, kult maryjny, kult Maryi, nabożeństwa, modlitwa, Kaszëbë, Kashubia, Kashubians, religion, culture, morality, moral code, ethos, Christianity, altruism, religious cult, religiousness, religious practices, Marian cult, cult of Mary, religious services, prayer


Studia Gdańskie, 1986, T. 6, s. 225-238.


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