Pismo Święte o działalności złego ducha




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


Authors of the OT assumed the existence of the demons. They show them as creatures competing with the God and trying to conduct man to the evil, but they define neither their nature nor their relation to the God. Reflections of the Authors of the OT head toward discovering the source of all evil in the demons. In the Book of Wisdom, which was written in the first century before Christ, we can read: “But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world” (Wis 2,24). The NT gives the more developed teaching about the demons. In the Gospel narratives about the temptation of Jesus the Satan is shown as a very intelligent person who possesses big power and lusts for idolatry. According to the Synoptical Gospels the fight against the Satan is the essential characteristic of the Jesus. activity similarly to the preaching of Good News and healing of sick people. Jesus gets the demons out the demoniacs, He orders Apostles to do the same and announces, that all believers will posses power over the demons. According to Jesus exorcisms will be the signs of the forthcoming reign of God. The activity of the devil is mentioned by saint Paul Apostle in his letters. He thinks that the obstacles in the preaching of the Gospel, confusions in communities and rejection of the Word of God are the result of the Satan’s ruse. The Apostles Peter and Jacob call on believers to be vigilant in the battle against the devil. The activity of the demons is also mentioned very often in the works of saint John. In his Gospel Jesus calls Satan “the father of lies” and because of the influence that he exerts on the world – “the world’s prince”. In the First Letter John Apostle writes that the aim of Jesus. coming to the earth was the destruction of the devils. works. From the chapter twelve in the Revelation on John shows the battle of the God and Church against the Satan. This battle will be finished on the day of the Last Judgment. The battle will not be free from dramatic episodes, there will be victims on the part of the “saints”, the Satan will delude the world by means of the signs, but Jesus and His Church will achieve the final victory.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Nowy Testament, złe duchy, zło, demony, szatan, diabeł, Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, evil spirits, evil, demons, satan, devil


Studia Gdańskie, 2004, T. 17, s. 57-71.


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