Rozwój osobowy a profilaktyka uzależnień




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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


The contemporary prevention of addictions is addressed to young people. However, it consists of some specific subgroups concerning people from dysfunctional families. A dysfunction of a family manifests itself in many ways. Stress factor can be both, addiction of one of the family members as well as the breakdown of the marriage. Moreover, a dysfunction can result from the lack of physical or emotional presence of a parent and many other circumstances that cause a long-term stress. The contemporary way of implementing prevention programmes focuses on compensating for deficits when it comes to the basic needs, but also on acquiring interpersonal skills. It is no longer an “aversive” prevention, but the one that aims at creating conditions that would enable a personal growth. Such perspective on prevention stems from personalistic anthropology and its main source of influence are deep interpersonal relations.


Słowa kluczowe

profilaktyka uzależnień, profilaktyka, uzależnienie, rozwój osobowy, rozwój człowieka, człowiek, młodzież, młodzi, dorastanie, grupy ryzyka, addiction prevention, prevention, addiction, personal development, human development, human, youth, young people, adolescence, at-risk groups


Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 22, s. 57-64.


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