Nauczanie religii w szkole jako podstawa formacji chrześcijańskiej
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
A point of departure for deliberations on religious teaching as a basis for Christian formation is providing definitions for words like “formation”, “Christian formation”, or “teaching religion”, where the last one is presented in relation to catechesis. Then, the authors discuss the main goals of Christian formation, as well as ranges within which this formation is offered on religion classes at school. Since those ranges do not cover all the possible ways of providing Christian formation, there arises a need to identify the communities where such formation should take place, especially a family and the Church (not only a parish but also communities and Catholic movements). It turns out that Catholic formation in these communities is an indispensable condition for successful formation through teaching religion. Hence the conclusion that religion classes at school are mainly an organisational foundation and cannot assume the tasks of a family or Church.
Słowa kluczowe
religia, nauczanie religii, lekcje religii, nauczanie religii w szkole, formacja, formacja chrześcijańska, religion, teaching religion, lessons of religion, teaching religion at school, formation, Christian formation
Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23, s. 179-190.
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