Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2011, nr 2

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    Oblicza duchowości Jana Pawła II
    Wejman, Henryk (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    The essential content of the article is the spirituality of John Paul II. The analysis of his teaching made it possible to specify its triple face. The first face of John Paul II spirituality was his boundless confidence in God. The most expressive way it is found in the papal summons Totus Tuus, which he understood in Christological terms. The second face of his spirituality was devotion to others. The deeper trust in God, the more generously served to everyone. And finally, the third face of his spirituality manifested itself in a deep love of the Homeland. For him, the earth’s homeland was therefore surrounded by respect and love.
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    Cnota wiary w życiu i posłudze Matki Teresy z Kalkuty
    Hadryś, Jacek (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    The study on the virtues of faith in life and ministry of Mother Teresa entitle to formulate the following statements: Teresa through the mystical experience of darkness has been turned on, as she stated in the sufferings of Christ, who lived her agony in it; Teresa by everything that she did try to show God His love, to choose what will make him more joy. An unusual manifestation of this attitude it was a private wedding in 1942, which committed the mortal sin to give God all that he asks, do not refuse him anything', Teresa lived in intimacy with God in 1946, had ascended to the grace of a special, mystical encounter with Christ which resulted in her departure from the Sisters of Loreto congregation and the foundation of the Missionaries of Charity, Teresa everything she did for others, undertook the sake of Christ and love for Him.
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    Spór o prawdę w myśli starożytnej Grecji
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    Searching for the truth was not only characteristic of the mentality of ancient Greece. However, it is the practical and theoretical resolution of the ancient Greeks gave their search for the nature of the dispute, which in fact gave rise to science, described as the love of wisdom (philosophy). As the first in this dispute should be replaced Ionian philosophers of nature, trying to reach the first cause of all things (arche). Specific context of the question of truth was the Athenian democracy, which ultimately pointed to the knowledge of objective truth as the basis and essential principle of social order. This context allows to better understand more clearly now polarizing the two trends - pessimistic, represented by the sceptics, the inability proclaim the truth as a principle and optimistic, telling not only the possibility of cognition, but actually a necessity. And so Socrates comes to the identification of intellectually cognized the truth of virtue (moral rationalism), and Plato, speaking of self-knowledge inherent in man, maintains that in science the most important is to understand the idea of eternal, unchanging. Finally, Aristotle defines truth as compliance, the adequacy of the contents of the court with the real state of things, which this court applies, but this will be fully appreciated only by the scholastic champions.
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    Posługa sióstr zakonnych w placówkach społeczno-opiekuńczych Kościoła gorzowskiego
    Wejman, Grzegorz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    After World War II in the Church of Gorzow were fifty four sisters of the five congregations in the sixteen religious houses. During the twenty seven so-called provisional church came over 650 nuns of 33 congregations and in the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century amounted to more than 700 sisters. They came from thirty eight congregations, and lived in 100 homes. Joy of the Church and the faithful was the increasing number of sisters, but the fact became painfully forced changes by the State Authorities, the qualifications of their ministry. Their charisma could fulfil the early fifties of the twentieth century, especially to work for ‘Caritas’, after the death of Joseph Stalin and the political changes of the late fifties and sixties increasingly abandoned by their charisma to work in parishes and catechesis. Nevertheless the sisters wrote a great card here. Served in both the secular and the religious social welfare institutions such as hospitals, shelters parish houses, special for children and elderly and kindergartens.
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    Tytuły kościołów archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej - świadectwo wiary i pobożności ludu Bożego
    Krzystek, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    Church to be dedicated or blessed, should have a title. Title of the church can be: Most Holy Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ, dedicated to the mystery o f his life or the name of the already introduced into the liturgy, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary under a call already adopted in the liturgy, the holy angels, the Holy Roman inscribed in the Roman martyrologium. The title of the church is a testimony of faith and an expression of devotion to God’s people in a given time and space. Choosing the title of the church depends on the current of theological thought, and from spirituality and religious culture of Christians. Also, the choice of the title has multiple sources, ranging from decisions of the Church hierarchy, collective expectations of the local community, to the unpredictable inspiring breath of the Spirit, whose meaning is revealed years later in unexpected circumstances. Hence the study of the titles of the particular Church is an extraordinary community of people discover the face of God, his faith and devotion. Titles of the churches of the Archdiocese of Stettin-Kamień are derived from different times and eras, from the creation of the diocese in 1140, the Pomeranian, and then the diocese Kamień, to the time of the Reformation. Return structures of the Catholic Church took place after World War II in 1945, has since started a new stage of religious life and spirituality of Christians, as evidenced by the titles are also churches. Some of them, since the Middle Ages survived the Reformation period, and their titles were unchanged. The churches built during the Reformation, from the sixteenth century, after 1945 have been taken over by the Catholic community and basically given new titles. Another category are the new churches, and so built after 1945 and particularly after founding Stettin-Kamien diocese in 1972, the 741 churches in the archdiocese, 160 relates directly to the Holy Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit (21.6 %) dedicated to the Virgin Mary church is 279 (37.6%), and 302 are devoted to the holy and blessed (40.8%). Overall, we find 107 titles of churches: 15 titles dedicated to the Blessed Trinity, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, 30 titles dedicated to Our Lady and 62 titles dedicated to the holy and blessed. In the article we find the evaluation of the current state of the churches of the Archdiocese of titles and comments, which should be considered when selecting titles for the new churches.
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    Monastycyzm synajski na przełomie VI/VII wieku - źródła historyczne i literackie
    Jasiewicz, Arkadiusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    The first monastics came to the Sinai in their yearning to draw nigh to God in the midst of profound silence, isolation, prayer, and holiness. Centered at the site of the Burning Bush, the early anchorites settled throughout the south Sinai, where the traces of their chapels and cells can be seen to this day. They were moved by the same mystical longing that attracted monastics to the deserts of Scetis and the Wadi Natrun, or to the deserts in the Judaean wilderness. Many at the time lived in solitude during the days of the week, and gathered at a central chapel on the Lord’s day for common prayer and the celebration of the Divine Liturgy. It is estimated that by the seventh century there were some six hundred monastics living in the region of Sinai.
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    Psychologiczne aspekty rozmowy duszpasterskiej
    Bukalski, Sławomir (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    A priest in particular is obliged to create climate of confidence and putting the effort to be worthy of trust! Being trustworthy means - the realization of charity! Trust is the element - from the standpoint of psychology - that makes each community. Trust is the belief in the truthfulness of a person. It is the belief in certain activities or properties of an object endowed with trust - a priest. Trust can also be understood as an emotion, which is presented to people, objects or institutions. In interpersonal relationships triggers willingness to cooperate, as opposed to suspicion. Creating a climate of trust with others is done by establishing contact, communication and communion with others. Trust plays an important role in the quality of interpersonal life, in pastoral situations and specific pastoral conversations. Confidence in the priest made during the process, the essential elements are: credibility, attitude congruent, empathic ability, the ability to accept themselves and others way of working, the quality of relationships with others. Creating a climate of trust, is seen as very timely task. For the priest, this effort results from the commandment to love one’s neighbour.
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    Pomoc psychoterapeutyczna osobom uzależnionym od alkoholu
    Wołoszyn, Janusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    Addiction to alcohol is a chronic illness, progressive and ultimately fatal. It is a problem which deforms human thinking, feeling and self-image, of complex etiology. It is a social disease the successful treatment of which is significantly affected by other people and their support, readiness to share their own experiences, and openness. Psychotherapy of addiction involves the care of the physical sphere, work on changing attitudes and behaviours, as well as training the skills of constructively managing the emotional states, combined with work supporting personal development and human spirituality. Only such an integrated approach provides for effective help to alcohol addict.
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    Proces powstawania i utrwalania tytułów hierarchicznych w I i II wieku
    Grybko, Jarosław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    The first two centuries of Christianity is the period during which ecclesiastical offices were formed in the Church. Over the course of years the functions became stable and formalized initiating hierarchic grades of priesthood in Christianity. The objective of the article is to show the process of formation, stabilization and understanding of priest functions in the early Church. The first part of the article presents the cause of coming into existence separate functions beginning with apostolate, which was created by Christ, through chancel to episcopate, which are formed as a result of the demands of the first Church. Apart from the mentioned question, it also presents the issue of not applying the hierarchal titles such as hiereus (gr), sacerdos (Latin), that is priest in the early stage of the development of the Church, which in modem times is a base. The article also analyses the criteria and requirements, which were made for apostles and chancel and bishops representing above functions. The main sources of information concerning the subject are the scriptures of Apostles Fathers and the Scriptures of New Testament, which present that superior functions were determined by separate demands relating to moral features as well as doctrinal-pastoral ones. The conclusions of the analysis show that priesthood is organically connected with the existence and understanding of the Church. The study of the above issue is to serve further understanding of theological, practical and in a way, historical factors that created foundation of superiors which at present constitute the grades of priesthood.
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    Molekularna teoria ewolucji w ujęciu Bernarda Olafa Küppersa
    Perz, Tomasz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
    Bernard Olaf Küppers has been addressing the origin of life. The author continues the study initiated by Manfred Eigen bio system genesis the processes from the perspective of game theory and information theory, distinguishing three stages of abiogenesis: the evolution of chemical self-organization of matter (the creation of the first hipercycle) and biological evolution. This article defines the nature of the processes leading to the emergence of life under the B.O. Küppers developed by molecular evolution. This theory describes the origin and development of life as a process of material self-organization. Suggests unchangeable principles and mechanisms underlying the historical process of formation of biological information. In this work first explained the meaning of basic terms which are used by B.O. Küppers: the life and information. Then it was shown to model the origin of life, which is an important problem, generate and process information. Have shown mechanisms by which it was possible to self-organization in macromolecular systems. Next, illustrated the processes leading to the spontaneous organization of the first hipercycle, and following the emergence of the genetic code. This work outlines the development of biological information, in part, adopted by B.O. Küppers physicalism. A key point in the process of abiogenesis has become a combination of the ability of RNA replication proteins of information capacity, which gave the possibility of the existence of the simplest living system - hipercycle.
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    Jan Szczepański, "Korzeniami wrosłem w ziemię", Wydanie Trzecie, Ustroń 2009, ss. 128.
    Misiak, Roman (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
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    Katarzyna Anna Parzych-Blakiewicz, Teologia historiozbawcza w dogmatyce polskiej XX wieku, Olsztyn 2010, ss. 376.
    Sakowicz, Eugeniusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)
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    Kościół - islam - świeckie państwo w Europie. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa (Warszawa-Falenica 19-21 czerwca 2011 r.)
    Misiak, Roman (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2011)