Stała formacja duchowa kapłana w dążeniu do mistycznej świętości
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Theologians focus their attention on the aspect of integrating ministry, that is pastoral love, with the priest’s personal sanctification. Thus they view priesthood as the source of the priest’s holiness and his formation of mystical life. What is new is the combination of a function of a prophet and a personal sanctification of a priest-prophet which should determine the prophetic nature of priestly holiness. Consequently the priest must perform his prophetic function in such a way that it constitutes the foundation for his pursuit of holiness through words and actions. Only fulfilment of the pastoral function creates the need for a holy life since it expresses spiritual life and pastoral love. The most important for priestly holiness is prayer, which is the foundation for the development of mystical life. This is why pastoral love must not only be preceded by the prayer life but also must be based on prayer as the foundation of communion with God. And the contemplative prayer is the highest form of such union. Through contemplation the priest achieves a mystic communion with God, a complete unity with Him, which results in the growth of spiritual life leading him to the experience of God. This proves that spiritual life has a mystical aspect and is not merely a form of ascetic life. Priestly pursuit of holiness is a way of mystical life as a natural process of developing his sanctity. Thus the priest’s spirituality is based on his mystical life which requires ongoing formation.
Słowa kluczowe
formacja, formacja stała, formacja kapłańska, formacja duchowa, kapłaństwo, kapłani, duchowieństwo, dążenie do świętości, świętość, mistyczna świętość, miłość pasterska, duszpasterstwo, Kościół, formation, permanent formation, priestly formation, spiritual formation, priesthood, clergy, pursuit of holiness, holiness, sanctity, mystical holiness, pastoral love, ministry, Church
Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23, s. 315-331.
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