Posługa biskupa we współczesnym Kościele
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
One of the important tasks in the Church is the office of Bishop. Office, which is a service, which ranks first among the various ministries in Church. This article is devoted to this subject based on the teachings of Second Vatican Council and the post – concilior, Church documents, and particularly the teaching of Pope John Paul II as well as Pope Benedict XVI. This reflection makes it possible to observe newly what a great gift for the Church is a ministry of the Bishop who fulfills three main functions: teaching, sanctifying and governing. Observing the mind of the Church teaching gives us a picture of the bishop. Who has to be, in the Church, primarily a good Shepherd, and always on the model of the Good Shepherd – Jesus Christ.
Słowa kluczowe
Kościół, kapłani, duchowieństwo, biskupi, posługa, służba, posługa biskupia, urząd biskupa, Kościół partykularny, diecezje, Church, priesthood, clergy, bishops, ministry, service, episcopal ministry, episcopal office, particular Church, dioceses
Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 25, s. 35-49.
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