Sygnaty kultury holenderskiej




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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne


Kultura jest czynnikiem sprawczym wszystkich przemian cywilizacyjnych ludzkości. Elementem kultury duchowej jest sztuka, która jest pojęciem nieostrym i dlatego z trudem poddaje się definiowaniu. Kultura holenderska wywarła wpływ na rozwój kultury europejskiej poprzez architekturę malarstwa i rzeźbę, a także wkład w rozwój nauki, do której przyczynili się Erazm z Rotterdamu, Hugo Grocjusz, Boruch Spinoza, Wilhelm i Jakub van Granesande, Pieter van Musseheubroek, Herman Boerhave, Albert Schultens. Wpływ kultury holenderskiej widoczny jest także w Polsce w budownictwie renesansowym Wrocławia i Gdańska.

Culture is a formative factor of all human civilizational changes. According to W. Tatarkiewicz, J. Szczepański, A. L. Kroeber culture is perceived as inner experiences of every man: his intellectual, religious and aesthetic experiences, which are reflected in human activity. The element of spiritual culture is a kind of art which is a vague phenomenon, very difficult to define. Dutch artists considerably influenced the development of the European culture. Three characteristic periods of special importance are known in the history of development and art of the Netherlands: 1. The Roman period this was developed along with reinforcement of Christianity in this area; 2. The Flemish-Brabantish Gothic period which was typical during the economic development of the country at the end of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the Modern Times; 3. The 17th Century, which was called The Golden Age, developed by Bourgeois Culture. Dutch Culture influenced the development of European Culture among others through architecture, painting and sculpture and also contributed to the development of science thanks to the works of such well-known people as Erasmus of Rotterdam, Hugo Grotius, Baruch Spinoza, Wilhelm and Jacob van Granesande, Pieter van Musseheubroek, Herman Boerhave, and Albert Schultens. Dutch cultural influence is also evident in the construction industry in Poland, especially in Wroclaw and Gdansk Renaissance buildings.


Słowa kluczowe

architektura, filozofia, kultura, malarstwo, nauka, Niderlandy, Holandia, sztuka, złoty wiek, kultura holenderska, kultura europejska, historia, literatura, sztuka holenderska, literatura holenderska, malarstwo holenderskie, architektura holenderska, architecture, art, culture, Golden Age, Netherlands, painting, philosophy, science, study, Dutch culture, European culture, history, literature, Dutch art, Dutch literature, Dutch painting, Dutch architecture


Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 29, s. 305-316.


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