Nazwy ulic związane z życiem religijnym w miastach archidiecezji gdańskiej
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie rodzajów i zróżnicowania przestrzennego nazw ulic związanych z religią w miastach archidiecezji gdańskiej. Źródłem informacji o liczbie i oficjalnych nazwach ulic w miastach była baza danych TERYT Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego. Nazwy religijne ulic miast archidiecezji gdańskiej wskazują głównie na rzymskokatolicką tradycję (99%). Tylko ul. Menonitów w Gdańsku pochodzi z innego wyznania chrześcijańskiego, a pozostałe 48 nazw wywodzi się spoza chrześcijańskiego kręgu religii starożytnych Greków i Rzymian czy religii ludów słowiańskich i bałtyjskich. Liczba i rodzaj nazw ulic związanych z religią zależy od wielkości jednostki osadniczej oraz jej przeszłości.
The aim of the paper is to show the kinds and spatial differentiation of street names related to religion in cities and towns of the Archdiocese of Gdansk. There are only 173 street names (4%) originated from religious culture among 4296 streets in 12 urban units. The database TERYT of Central Statistical Office in Warsaw was the source of information about official street number and names in the cities. Religious street names (also called in literature sacral or cult names) of Gdansk archdiocese towns indicate mainly Roman Catholic tradition (99%). Only Mennonites St. in Gdansk comes from other Christian denominations and 48 street names derive from non-Christian origin like ancient Greek and Roman religions, Slavic and Baltic religions. The most frequently chosen street name is John Paul’s II and St Adalbert (patron saint of Gdansk archdiocese and Poland) which are present in every other town. Contrary to Gdansk and Gdynia small towns characterise a bigger share of street names coming from clergymen. The participation of religious street names differs very much from 0% in Hel to 10,2% in neighbouring Jastarnia which is connected to their dissimilar history. Since 1989 local governments often came back to pre-war street patrons and started to give names after recently died priests of merit to local community.
The aim of the paper is to show the kinds and spatial differentiation of street names related to religion in cities and towns of the Archdiocese of Gdansk. There are only 173 street names (4%) originated from religious culture among 4296 streets in 12 urban units. The database TERYT of Central Statistical Office in Warsaw was the source of information about official street number and names in the cities. Religious street names (also called in literature sacral or cult names) of Gdansk archdiocese towns indicate mainly Roman Catholic tradition (99%). Only Mennonites St. in Gdansk comes from other Christian denominations and 48 street names derive from non-Christian origin like ancient Greek and Roman religions, Slavic and Baltic religions. The most frequently chosen street name is John Paul’s II and St Adalbert (patron saint of Gdansk archdiocese and Poland) which are present in every other town. Contrary to Gdansk and Gdynia small towns characterise a bigger share of street names coming from clergymen. The participation of religious street names differs very much from 0% in Hel to 10,2% in neighbouring Jastarnia which is connected to their dissimilar history. Since 1989 local governments often came back to pre-war street patrons and started to give names after recently died priests of merit to local community.
Zawiera tabele i wykresy.
Słowa kluczowe
archidiecezja gdańska, nazwy ulic, święci patroni, Pomorze, Gdańsk, historia, toponimy, plateonimy, urbanonimia, sakralne nazw ulic, archdiocese of Gdańsk, patron saints, street names, Pomerania, history, toponyms, odonyms, odonymy, sacred street names
Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 29, s. 341-353.
CC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych