Kościół w Gdańsku wobec niezależnych środowisk młodzieżowych w latach 80. XX w.
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Kościół gdański po wprowadzeniu stanu wojennego roztaczał opiekę duszpasterską nad niezależnymi grupami młodzieży sprzeciwiającej się władzy: udostępniał lokale, włączał się w sieć kolportażu, interweniował w sprawie represji młodzieży, upominał się o jej prawa, wspierał materialnie niezależną działalność, partycypował w kosztach kar finansowych poniesionych przez młodych za działalność opozycyjną. Taką postawą wyróżniało się wielu duchownych pracujących na terenie diecezji gdańskiej. Poniżej zaprezentowane zostaną przykłady obrazujące zaangażowanie Kościoła wobec niezależnych ruchów młodzieżowych w latach 1981‒1989.
The city of Gdansk in 1980s became one of the political centers of Poland. It was the city where the Solidarity trade union movement and few other independent organizations were born in spite of the communistic regime. The situation changed dramatically after the martial law was introduced in Poland in December 1981. Nevertheless after short time of shock the underground social movements started to build up. The second walk for freedom began. It was partly finalized in 1989 by the first independent parliamentary elections. Youth movements took an important part in the walk for freedom. In their independent activity they had received a complex help from the Catholic Church in Gdansk. It seems that the Church fulfilled all the hopes put in it by the Polish young generation at the time. In 1981‒1989 the Archdiocese of Gdansk was opened to the needs of the youth groups by offering the working and meeting space, helping with spreading the independent researches, defending the youth rights, helping materially and financially. The article shows few examples describing areas of the Church’s activity in front of the independent youth movements after the martial law period in Gdansk.
The city of Gdansk in 1980s became one of the political centers of Poland. It was the city where the Solidarity trade union movement and few other independent organizations were born in spite of the communistic regime. The situation changed dramatically after the martial law was introduced in Poland in December 1981. Nevertheless after short time of shock the underground social movements started to build up. The second walk for freedom began. It was partly finalized in 1989 by the first independent parliamentary elections. Youth movements took an important part in the walk for freedom. In their independent activity they had received a complex help from the Catholic Church in Gdansk. It seems that the Church fulfilled all the hopes put in it by the Polish young generation at the time. In 1981‒1989 the Archdiocese of Gdansk was opened to the needs of the youth groups by offering the working and meeting space, helping with spreading the independent researches, defending the youth rights, helping materially and financially. The article shows few examples describing areas of the Church’s activity in front of the independent youth movements after the martial law period in Gdansk.
Słowa kluczowe
archidiecezje, archidiecezja gdańska, kapłani, duchowieństwo, Kościół, młodzież, opozycja, stan wojenny, historia, sytuacja polityczna, działalność charytatywna, aresztowania, kultura niezależna, archdioceses, archdiocese of Gdańsk, Church, clergy, priesthood, martial law, opposition, youth, history, political situation, charitable activities, arrests, independent culture
Studia Gdańskie, 2012, T. 31, s. 177-194.
CC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych