Kobiety w powstaniu styczniowym w świetle historiografii powstańczej 1863‒1918
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
W artykule dokonano analizy dyskusji w polskiej historiografii powstańczej w latach 1864‒1918 nt. zaangażowania polskich kobiet w powstanie styczniowe. Większość uczestników dyskursu dostrzegała, że kobiety wpływały na formowanie ideologii patriotycznej w okresie przedpowstaniowym. Prezentowano je w stereotypowy sposób jako „Matki Polki”. Przykładem wyidealizowanej postaci jest Anna Henryka Pustowójtówna, córka carskiego generała, wychowana w polskim duchu przez matkę, a w czasie powstania (w marcu 1863 r.) adiutantka Mariana Langiewicza. Nieliczne krytyczne głosy pochodzą w przeważającej mierze ze środowiska ugodowego, bliskiego lojalizmowi.
The text is a research proposal of the question how Polish historiography saw the problem of involvement of the Polish women in 1863 national uprising against Russia. The analysis is basically founded on the strong popular direction in the Polish historiography of that particular time. Most of the historians who participated in the discourse were not professional and that is why their opinions seemed to present the point of view of the ordinary people. The paper is analyzing the historiography in the context of popular mythology: Polish women were sacrificing their own life and happiness for the love of the partitioned fatherland. Indeed, after analyzing the popular discourse most of the authors were looking at the problem in a mythological way (Stella-Sawicki, Bogusławska, Gawroński-Rawita), only few of them, from the loyalist option, like Przyborowski or Koźmian were very critical to the question of participation of women in the uprising. They agreed that women were very enthusiastic in the time of preparation of uprising, but their involvement only strengthened the negative consequences of it.
The text is a research proposal of the question how Polish historiography saw the problem of involvement of the Polish women in 1863 national uprising against Russia. The analysis is basically founded on the strong popular direction in the Polish historiography of that particular time. Most of the historians who participated in the discourse were not professional and that is why their opinions seemed to present the point of view of the ordinary people. The paper is analyzing the historiography in the context of popular mythology: Polish women were sacrificing their own life and happiness for the love of the partitioned fatherland. Indeed, after analyzing the popular discourse most of the authors were looking at the problem in a mythological way (Stella-Sawicki, Bogusławska, Gawroński-Rawita), only few of them, from the loyalist option, like Przyborowski or Koźmian were very critical to the question of participation of women in the uprising. They agreed that women were very enthusiastic in the time of preparation of uprising, but their involvement only strengthened the negative consequences of it.
Słowa kluczowe
kobieta, historia, historia kobiet, historia polskich kobiet, historiografia, historiografia polska, historiografia XIX w., powstanie styczniowe, polskie ruchy niepodległościowe, patriotyzm, woman, history, history of women, history of Polish women, historiography, Polish historiography, historiography of 19th century, Polish independency movements, January Uprising, patriotism
Studia Gdańskie, 2012, T. 31, s. 265-276.
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