Jesus Christ, Glory and Cognition. Is Eph 1:15–23 a Judaistic and/or Hellenistic Christian Text?
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The paper is an interpretation of Eph 1:15-23 which is a consequence of the shorter version of Eph 1:15 (without the words: τὴν ἀγάπην). It is an attempt to answer the question of who the “saints” are in this verse and the entire pericope, what background (Hellenistic or Judaic) this concept has, and what was the character of the church community in this city in the post-Pauline period. The method used in this paper consists of historical and contextual analysis of lexicographical end ideological material used in the pericope. The first step is a study of the rhetorical structure of Eph as the instrument for interpretation of the role of the pericope in the meaning of the text. The second part of the paper is presented the binary way of exposition: in the language of Judaism and in the Hellenistic terms. From this perspective the category of “saints” is described. From this analysis it is concluded: “saints” are the group belonging to the Judeo-Christian component of the Church, the political substructure of the Church but not in terms of the separation, but of the pluralistic unity.
Artykuł w języku angielskim.
Słowa kluczowe
Jesus Christ, glory, knowledge, saints, Hellenism, Judaism, Eph 1:15-23, Judaic Christian texts, Hellenistic Christian texts, letters of Saint Paul, Letter to the Ephesians, lexicographical analysis, Christianity, Bible, New Testament, biblical studies, exegesis, biblical exegesis, theology, biblical theology, Jezus Chrystus, chwała, wiedza, hellenizm, judaizm, judaistyczne teksty chrześcijańskie, hellenistyczne teksty chrześcijańskie, listy św. Pawła, List do Efezjan, Ef 1, analiza leksykograficzna, chrześcijaństwo, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, biblistyka, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, teologia, teologia biblijna
Verbum Vitae, 2021, T. 39, nr 3, s. 807-829.
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