Częstochowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2021, T. 48

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 13 z 13
  • Miniatura
    Pierwszy zjazd katechetyczny prefektów szkolnych Królestwa Polskiego w Częstochowie
    Ceglarek, Roman (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The gathering in Czestochowa was the first and extremely valuable initiative of school prefects in the period of the Kingdom of Poland. It gave the impulse to organise further meetings, thus contributing to the intensification of activities connected with religious education and formation at schools and to the unification of catechetical work in the Polish territories of the Russian partition. It showed responsibility for the matters of catechesis, e.g. by striving to develop a uniform curriculum for religious education and new textbooks, and improving religious instruction by implementing new methods.
  • Miniatura
    Lo Spirito Santo e Maria: la straordinarietà di un rapporto unico
    Celona, Filippo (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    Theological reflection on the relationship of the Virgin Mary with the Holy Spirit was present in the Church from the very beginning. The early Church - according to the witness of the New Testament - experienced the action and power of the Holy Spirit. With the beginning of the post-apostolic era, as the Fathers of the Church told us, the Holy Spirit continues his work as an active presence that leads the Church to holiness and the fullness of Christian life. This action of the Holy Spirit is especially present in the life of Mary of Nazareth. From the Incarnation event to the eschatological event of the Assumption with body and soul. This eternal relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Virgin of Nazareth was emphasized by the Fathers of the Church. It is also present in contemporary theological reflection.
  • Miniatura
    Retoryka w służbie homiletyki
    Florek, Marian (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The article presents the reception of rhetoric and the science of communication on the ground of preaching. It describes the specificity and essence of rhetoric - the ancient skill of persuasion, that is, persuasion, which for many centuries functioned as a practical and theoretical field dealing with interpersonal relations. The work puts particular emphasis on the precise definition of rhetoric; The definiens of rhetoric determines the field of its activity and distinguishes it from other linguistic expressions. The twentieth-century history of preaching is presented in a sketchy form, with relations to rhetoric and science of communication, which, as the heir to classical rhetoric, restored its due attractiveness, and showed the art of preaching to modern, human means of effective preaching.
  • Miniatura
    Santa Maria di Nazaret nell’oggi della Chiesa e del mondo. Sintesi storico-teologica
    Perrella, Salvatore M. (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    This study takes into account the fact that Mary of Nazareth as mother, handmaid and disciple of Christ, starting from the word of God and the Paradosis Ecclesiae, was gradually discovered, accepted and loved by Christians as a unique part of the Creed. She has become part of the Christian DNA, a member of the redeemed Church, and an icon of believers who recognize her as the first Saint of the Lord. The mother of Jesus, who is historically confirmed in memory and faith, is not merely a part of Revelation, dogma, liturgy, theology and living popular piety; it is not only a great sign for Christians, but undoubtedly also has great ecumenical, inter-religious, ethical, social and political significance.
  • Miniatura
    Maryja – Matka, Siostra i Nauczycielka dziewicy konsekrowanej
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The present paper focuses on Marian issues in the context of the spiritual life of consecrated virgins living in the world. The purpose of the publication is to enrich reflection on the identity of persons consecrated in the Ordo virginum. The work in the field of practical ecclesiology is directed primarily to the consecrated virgins themselves and to the persons engaged in their formation. First, the character of Marian spirituality and devotion is outlined, then the reflection addresses three main problems: Mary as the mother and the motherhood both of the Church and of the consecrated virgin; Mary as the sister and the mystery of the ecclesial communion; Mary as the teacher and the type of the Church along with the conditions of acting in persona Ecclesiae for the consecrated woman.
  • Miniatura
    Aktywna rola Kościoła w procesie rodzenia powołania do kapłaństwa służebnego
    Torchalski, Wojciech (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    Vocation is the result of a personal relationship between God and man. Concern for vocations is a duty of the Church community. This obligation is fulfilled by prayer and by fulfilling functions under the baptismal priesthood. This is done through participation in the priestly, prophetic and royal mission of Christ. Participation in the liturgy, study of God’s word and concern for the community are very important.
  • Miniatura
    Filozoficzne uwarunkowania nihilizmu teoretycznego i praktycznego w kontekście myśli Vittorio Possentiego
    Szymonik, Marian (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The article presents Vittorio Possenti’s philosophical thought concerning nihilism. The Italian philosopher first shows the different varieties of nihilism and provides a more in-depth analysis of theoretical and practical nihilism. Theoretical nihilism has its origin in the depravity of theoretical reason and the modern rejection of classical metaphysics. Every variety of nihilism has its root in speculative nihilism. The basis of practical nihilism is the depravity of practical reason. The consequence of this is an erroneous perception of human freedom and rejection of the idea of good as the supreme ethical category. In practical nihilism there is also no place for the concept of natural law. On the ground thus formed, legal and political nihilism arises in a social context.
  • Miniatura
  • Miniatura
    Wykaz prac magisterskich obronionych na uczelniach teologicznych w Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej w latach 2020-2021
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
  • Miniatura
    Ingerencje władzy komunistycznej w politykę personalną diecezji częstochowskiej w latach 1945-1989
    Kostrzewski, Paweł (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The article presents one of the methods that the communist authorities used in their fight against the Catholic Church, which consisted in interfering in the personnel policy in order to paralyze it. The interference concerned the filling of Church positions: parish priest, dean, curia. They were a convenient tool to repress priests who were ‘hostile’ to the communist authorities and to defend those who belonged to the movement of ‘patriotic’ priests. The article is based on Church and State archives. The inductive method was mainly used.
  • Miniatura
    Notitia criminis w procesie o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa
    Wieczorek, Michał (Częstochowskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne "Regina Poloniae", 2021)
    The article deals with the issue of probable information about the crime of a clergyman contra mores, if such appeared in a trial for declaring a marriage null and void. Although the process for nullity of marriage does not directly concern the clergyman, it may turn out that the party indicates his sexual wounds from the past, where the perpetrator was the clergyman as evidence of the filed title for nullity of the marriage. The aim of the article is therefore to present the various possibilities and reactions of the judge to this type of news about the crime. These include persuading a person to report this fact to the appropriate Ordinary, cooperation with the ecclesiastical superior, as well as the possibility of conducting a criminal trial as an incidental case.