Polonia Sacra, 2013, R. 17 (35), Nr 32 (76)

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    Zagadnienie nawrócenia i pokuty w dziełach Sulpicjusza Sewera
    Pochwat, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    In his writings, Sulpicius Severus (360–420) urged his readers to repentance, so they would not expose themselves to eternal damnation, and therefore not remain in a state of slavery in this life. When a lawyer from Bordeaux encourages penance, He pays special attention to the fact that sin calls for the right punishment. Despite this, Sulpicius is a man full of Christian optimism and he emphasizes mercy that God only offers to those people who admit their sins and undertake an appropriate penance. A striking feature of the Sulpicius message on conversion and penance is that a monk of Aquitaine continually shows the figure of St. Martin. Although he writes that the miracles of driving out demons are performed by the power of the cross of Christ, and that repentance is the work of Jesus’ grace and steadfast faith and trust in God’s help, it seems that for him the person of St. Martin is in the first place, not the Son of God Jesus Christ.
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    Droga jako synonim zbawienia w Koranie. Refleksje lingwistyczno-teologiczne
    Micherdziński, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The metaphor of the way is one mode of seeing the salvation. Quran as the Holy Book of salvation for the Muslim believers attempts to handle the religious experience in category of the way. The metaphor of the way is in Quran expressed by the words of Arabic voculary derivated from the triliteral verbal root { ﺪﻫى } hdy. They are firstly the nominal derivatives: ﻫُﺪًى hudan – „right guidance, right way, right path, true religion” (S. II, 2. 38). Quran as the Book of Salvation to a people who believe is named: ﻫُﺪًى ﻭرَحْﻤَﺔ hudan wa-raḥmatan – „a guidance and a mercy” (S. VII, 52; XVI, 64.89; XXVII, 76–77; XXXI, 2– ﻫُﺪًى ﺑﻭشُْﺮَى ,( 3 hudan wa-bušrà – „guidance and glad tidings” (S. II, 97; XXVII, 1–2) oraz ﻫُﺪًًى ﻭشِ ﺎﻔء hudan wa-šifāʼun – „a guide and a cure” (S. XLI, 44). In Torah, Gospel Book and Quran „was guidance and light” for those who have Taqwà of Allāh (S. V, فﻴهِ ﻫُﺪًى ﻮﻧﻭرٌ : 46 fīhi hudan wa-nūrun). The synonims of way leadings to salvation are the followings terms: سَ ﻴﺒلُ ﷲِﺍ sabīlu l-Lāhi – „the cause of Allāh” i صِﺮَﺍط ﻤﻟﺍُﺴْ ﻘﺘ ﻢِﻴُ ṣirātu l-mustaqīmu – „correct guidance”. However the noun ﻫﺎَدٍ hādin – „the Guide” is one of theophanic names of Allāh (S. XXII, 54; XXV, 31). The verbal derivatives serve to define of the divine action in believers life (S. II, 143. 198; VI, 87; XVI, 36; XXXIX, 18; XCIII, ﻫَﺪَى : 7 hadà – „guided”). Allāh „guide” ( ﻳَهْﺪِى yahdī) the people who believe to the salvation, to the truth and to Himself. He is absolutely independent in giving salvation, it's signified with phrase ﻣَنْ ﻳشََﺎء man yašāʼu – „whom He wills” (S. II, 142. 213. 272; VI, 88; X, 25; XVI, 4. 93; XXIV, 35. 46; XXVIII, 56; XXXV, 8). The blievers are named أ ﻤﻟُهْ ﺪﺘُ ﻥﻭَ ʼal-muhtadūna – „the guided” (S. Vi, 82). The antithesis of the verb „guide” is verb أضَلﱠ ʼaḏalla – „leads astray” (S. LXXIV, 31). The expressions the mutual experiential base is connected with the Bible whose name is nomadism. The ancient Hebrews and Arabs were nomads. Therfore the metaphoric of way serves to name the various spheres of his life and culture. The metaphore of divine guidance the man to the salvation in Quran has the pattern in the biblical texts. The hebrew equivalents to the expressions are the words of Hebrew vocabulary derivated from the more verbal roots: { נחה } nẖh, { דרך } drk, { אשׁר } ʼšr, { ארח }ʼrẖ, { עגל } ʻgl, { נתב } ntb, { סלה } slh. The biblical texts are for the author of Quran starting-point to moulding the own conception of salvation. The elaborated in this article expressions serve to describe one of the divine action of salvation. It relies on guidance of the believers on the right way to salvation. The name of Allāh, „The Guide”, is guarding the man from the mistakes on this way.
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    Das neue Lied singen... Zur Kunst des Aggiornamento
    Hastetter, Michaela Christine (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The postmodern comprehension of aggiornamento, which continues the tradition in a certain artistic freedom from the origin, is different from the well-balanced aggiornamento understanding of the Council Fathers. They intend to liberate the Christian from solidification as well as overgrowth and to focus on the essential of the Christian belief, namely Jesus Christ. In the recent time there has been additionally a historicizing tendency of aggiornamento, which looks back again at the historical performance practice and belongs to the field of it. Referring to statements of important Council fathers, aggiornamento is developed as a process with several aspects for the pastoral practice, which also includes an existential level.
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    Starotestamentowe życie nienarodzonych
    Węgrzyniak, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article aims to analyze the Old Testament’s idea of life before birth. Firstly, I examine some expressions describing sexual intercourse. Secondly, I study the meaning of the word הרה hārāh “to conceive”. Thirdly, I analyze some crucial texts (ad es. Rdz 25, 21– 24; Wj 21, 22–25; Hi 10; Ps 139). At the end, I offer a brief synthesis of the Old Testament’s idea about life between conception and birth.
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    Życie i dzieło Marcina Lutra a spór wokół tez i narodzin Reformacji
    Medwid, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article concerns the life and work of Martin Luther and takes on the dispute over the 95 theses and the birth of the sixteenth-century Reformation. From the beginning, it was wearing the stigma experiences of the Founder. The Reformer experienced a deep concern in the area of spiritual life and he solved his dilemmas based on biblical theology, which led him to formulation of the 95 theses. The Theses didn’t cause a break with the Church, because their content wasn’t in conflict with the contemporary doctrine of the Church, however, then were formulated to harshly and sometimes they were exaggerated. He wanted to discuss and define better the matter of indulgences. The purpose of this article is to show that the teaching of M. Luther and his struggle with visible religious abuses didn’t have to end in a split in the Church, because the reform movement was meant to be a renewal of Christianity.
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    La vida del embrión según santo Tomas de Aquino
    Roszak, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    It is very popular among scholars to reduce the question of medieval embryology only to so called "delayed animation", with a little reference to important philosophical background of the topic. This article present the concept of "life" in the perspective of thomistic doctrine, especially putting the emphasis on the issue of the soul as the principle of life and what does the virtus generativa means for Aquinas. He exposes in six stage of embryogenesis, which we can discover in his writings, the identity of the embryo in all process of his development. The changes of substantial forms, from vegetative one to human’s form, is contemplated by Aquinas in logical, not chronological order. That’s why for saint Thomas the abortion is considerate always as heavy moral offense contra naturam. For the integral understanding of Thomas’s view on the status of human embryo is important to take account of christological themes.
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    Błogosławieni wychowawcy świętej Teresy z Lisieux
    Sławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    At the beginning of the twenty-first century, in the year 2001 the couple: Maria Corsini and Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi have been beatified. Similar honor met in 2008 the parents of St. Thérèse of Lisieux – Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin. They can be entitled blessed parents and educators of a saint. Their daughter, St. Thérèse of Lisieux was beatified in 1923 and canonized in 1925. The process of education run by a married couple Martin, whose five children chose the religious life, deserves an attention. The article presents what was unique in the life of the spouses Martin and what was specific in their educational method. First of all however the short biographies of Louis Martin and Zelie Guerin have been presented followed by the detailed description of their educational method and its validity for the contemporary parents.
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    Początki życia ludzkiego w komentarzach patrystycznych
    Sala, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article “The Origins of the Human Life in Patristic Comments” tries to show the richness of thoughts and ideas presented by various writers in the early times of Christianity. Their views dealt with the prenatal stadium of a human being. Among main matters concerning the beginning of the human life analyzed by first Christian writers were: time of animation (the moment of union of the body and soul), abortion, the status of the human embryo, pre-existence of the soul referring to the belief that each individual human soul exists before conception, the origin of the soul. Among these issues, very present and lively discussed in the communities of early Christians, we can also find the reflection concerning the embryonic stages of Christ’s life.
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    Początkowe stadia życia ludzkiego według Homera
    Gilski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article tried to find a response to the question how Homer identified the first stages of human life. The analysis helped to make the following conclusions: Many Greek terms used to describe human life (αἰών, βίος, ζωή, ϑυμός, μένος, ψυχή) show awareness of ancient Greeks for the rich phenomenon of human life and the difficulties in describing it precisely; Homer’s works testify to the rising of the terminology connected with human life. Among them we can find the terms referring to the fact of conception (γείνομαι, κυέω, τίκτω, ὑποκύομαι) and birth (γείνομαι, ἐξάγω πρὸ φόως, τίκτω). Homer understands the notion of “embryo” in a quite different way comparing it to the later literature. He refers this term not to a child in the mother’s womb, but to a child already born. According to Homer’s opinion childbirth does not constitute any significant turning point in human life. The new life is a result of God’s cooperation with parents.
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    Ora sive labora?
    Zyzak, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    Reflecting upon the relationship between prayer and work the Author of the article refers to the well known Benedictine formula “ora et labora”. It is to emphasize that both, prayer and work should find a proper place in a Christian’s life. Since the accents can be optional, the Author claims that within the incarnational spirituality the lay Christians may identify themselves rather with the reverse order of this formula: “labora et ora”. However we should never separate these two options neither put them in the form: “ora sive labora”, which has been provocatively used in the title of this paper. The true masterpiece of the lays’ life is to perform duties of Martha in the spirit of Mary, which does not necessarily mean the focus on God during one’s work. It’s often even impossible. The work itself done professionally and with the proper intention can become a form of ontological worship, unless one would neglect the prayer itself. Nourished with prayer the theologal love makes all activities a form of adoration of God, transforming life into the constant prayer.
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    Los dzieci zmarłych bez chrztu – nieznana historia i współczesne pytania
    Ficoń, Marta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article presents a brief history of the question concerning the fate of infants who die without the sacrament of baptism. It includes both the theological dimension of this issue and its existential consequences. Such a presentation of the question serves to formulate responses to the ever-arising problems concerning the baptism of children, the lack of this sacrament, theological perplexities or pastors’ and parents’ behavior. The aim is also to understand that God loves and wills to save everyone, especially the smallest representatives of the human race who has no chance to be baptized.
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    Współczesna teologia moralna o szacunku dla ludzkiego embrionu w ujęciu Livio Meliny
    Kraj, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The current age is witnessing the depreciation of the value of innocent human life in the context of medicine and biotechnology. A principal issue concerns human embryos which may be conceived unnaturally through in vitro fertilization. Some of them are destined to be born and lead normal lives. However the majority of them are killed either through the very procedure of IVF or subsequently as subjects of various forms of experimentation. The Roman Catholic Church strives to protect human embryos. Her moral teaching addresses the problem continuously; however the most fervent teaching concerning this problem is John Paul II’s encyclical letter Evangelium vitae. This encyclical explains the great value of innocent human life with reference to three fundamental theological statements: that the humans are the only beings created in God’s image and likeness, that they were redeemed by the passion, death, and resurrection of God’s Son, and that they are called to communion with God. This special relationship with God creates the human’s dignity and gives his life its particular value. Nobody has the authority to dispose of his/her life according to his/ her individual inclination any more than he has the authority to decide the same in the case of others. The life of any innocent human being which starts with conception may not be violated and nobody may be justified in killing innocent people. The killing of human embryos is the most common case of such killing in the current age.
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    L’esperienza della compassione di Dio Uno e Trino di Francesco d’Assisi
    Juzba, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    In this paper I focused on the St. Francis understanding of God`s compassion and mercifulness. Poverello`s idea of the purity and delicacy of God resulted in the description of God`s face as paternal and maternal at the same time. In such a way one and the same God, as portrayed by little poor man of Assisi, approaches each men and every creatures and loves them and compassionates for each His creatures. Trinitarian Compassion according creatures show God`s love. This love forms the basis of the compassion for man. St. Francis labels such comprehended One God in Three Person: Goodness and Source of all Goodness and Love. Motivated by such an experience of God`s love St. Francis gave away all his belongings to the fellow – creators. St Francis himself contemplated and experienced Divine Mysteries what he described afterwards. He asserted that if somebody loves actually, he is able to give himself to others like Jesus did. True love is the fruit of the act of giving. Francis` mystical experience of God in Three Person lead him to his own inter-trinitarian love. It is impossible to understand the phenomenon of St. Francis compassion to each man and every God’s creations without this Trinitarian dimension.
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    Początkowe stadia życia ludzkiego według św. Pawła
    Muszala, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2013)
    The article makes an attempt to decode the concept of the human conception in the mothers womb represented by the Apostle of Nations. His opinion in this issue is based on two fragments from the Old Testament: Jb 10: 8–10 and Ps 139: 13–16. They represent the one seed theory, saying that a new man is formed only from the man’s seed; the role of the mother comes down to be a container receiving male semen. They also express a conviction, that every human life is under God’s special protection from the very beginning. Therefore it demands a total respect, the same respect as for a child already born. The article analyze also three expressions of embryological meaning, used by St. Paul: “from the mother’s womb” (ἐκ κοιλίας μητρός; Ga 1: 15), “Christ is formed in you” (μορφωθῇ; Ga 4: 19) and “child born abnormally” (ἔκτρωμα; 1 Kor 15: 8).