Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2012, nr 18, z. 1

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  • Miniatura
    Teologia a obraz współczesności
    Bokwa, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Visual theology is a new field of theological reflection, and as such, must apply for a determination of its status, which is its subject and method. This article focuses on the methodological aspects of the problem. The first part of the elaboration is dedicated to contemporary definitions of theology considered in the context of visual theology. Theology, in its basic meaning, is the science of God and the relationship between God, men and the world, as well as a set of science which explains contents of religious belief (including the dogmas). Faith in divine revelation is the main source of theology. The very name „visual theology” evokes a number of questions concerning, for example, the transition from verbal structure to structure of a picture. There is no doubt that theology is, was, and will remain a reality of intellectual reflection. However, it should read the signs of the times, among which the foremost place seems to be occupied by a tendency to dominate the culture of the image. Since the image is the work of men and it tells about its author, it may be a source of theological recognition. Such an image is the one of modernity that visual theology should read and interpret. Enlightenment domination of reason, freedom, understanding of time as history, secularization, an individual and individualization, an institution, relativism, tolerance and sociological changes are all together components of the image of contemporaneity and as such are mentioned in the article.
  • Miniatura
    Humanizm heroiczny św. o. Maksymiliana
    Kosmana, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    No humanism compares to that of the Church teaching on the dignity of the human person. The list of rights which a person deserves just taken from supernatural perspective is very impressive. A Christian loses nothing from their humanity in its fullness. Christianity is not another utopia, but a reality which develops and elevates the person. Heroic humanism can be spoken of in Poland since the XVI century. This term is evident in the poetic literary works of Mikołaj Sępa Szarzyńskiego (1550 - 1581). The mediator of heroic humanism also was Albert Camus, though laical humanism. Dżuma is the perfect literary example expressing heroic humanism. There is shown a new type of heroic humanism of a person in a concrete life situation in danger of failure and tragedy which together with success adds for a real human existence. Every person should have the awareness of their own death as an essential ingredient of their existence. In this article, the life of St Maximilian is given as an example of heroic humanisn in its Christian form. Kolbian humanism was not born in its heroic form during the last month of his life. Its beginning should be found in the childhood of Raymund. Heroism is distinctly united to selfoffering and not to selfsuffering. The most heroic act of Fr Kolbe was something permanent. It was his total consecration to the Immaculate. His work was never for pure satisfaction but for the Immaculate for the good of souls. The last dimension of heroic humanism of Fr Kolbe was his martyrdom. Good always wins, honor is stronger than dishonor, the ancient rule of „an eye for an eye” lost in Auschwitz camp. The act of the Fransican was not one of despair. It was an affirmation, a heroic act of love in the face of hatred. It seems that the effects of humanistic conquests are not everlasting, and the worth of human dignity decreases. The laical humanistic outlook of today is far from accepting the heroism of defending human lives and dignity. Eugenics, euthanasia, and abortion are not just temptations for the human race but often practiced in many countries. Modern humanism has become antihuman. One must unfortunately agree with the author, that: „ Human vision degenerated from heroic humanism, without love and empathy is not fantasy but is a reality before our very eyes. Always more often, not the hero like Fr Kolbe or Joanna Beretta Molla, but an average person must partake in the confrontation between good and evil”.
  • Miniatura
    Oazy Ortodoksji
    Kosmana, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    Sandały i ich symbolika w Starym Testamencie
    Lemański, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The article discusses the motive of sandals – possession or lack of them in the Old Testament. Having analysed the context in which the noun or verb naâ… occur one may single out ten main symbolic meanings: as humbleness towards sacrum, as a symbol of beauty, humiliation, trade, social justice, military invasion or constrain, contempt, mourning, penance and eventually as Israel’s experience of God’s protection during Exodus.
  • Miniatura
    Świadek Miłości. Nowa ewangelizacja ks. Władysława Bukowińskiego
    Nowak, Jan (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The life of the Servant of God Fr. Władysław Bukowiński was a testimony of love for God and neighbours. He was a dedicated priest who suffered a lot but did not cease to believe in goodness and forgiveness. He was imprisoned and stayed in various Soviet labour camps. However, this experience did not weaken his faith. Władysław Bukowiński always showed love for enemies and respect for believers of other religions. He did missionary work and spent the rest of his life in Kazakhstan administering the sacraments, catechizing and helping the needy.
  • Miniatura
    Maryjna droga
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    Kardynał August Hlond jako twórca podstaw administracji kościelnej na Pomorzu Środkowym po II wojnie światowej
    Wiązowski, Eugeniusz Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The servant of God Cardinal August Hlond lived from 1881 to 1948. He was the Polish primate for 22 years. His decisions as of 1945 on the establishment of the new apostolic administrations in Western and Northern Territories, including the Apostolic Administration Kamieńska, Lubuska and the Prelature of Piła, were a turning point in the later development of church structures in the Middle Pomerania. In October 1947, he visited Kolobrzeg, Koszalin, Miastko, Szczecinek and Jastrow. When Pope Paul VI divided the Diocese of Gorzów into three separate dioceses in his bull Episcoporum Poloniae Coetus of 28 June 1972, he separated and established the Diocese of Koszalin – Kołobrzeg, including Central Pomerania with the bishop’s capital in Koszalin.
  • Miniatura
    Relacja z sympozjum Gesù nostro contemporaneo?
    Bujak, Janusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
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    Teologiczno-eklezjalne wymiary świadectwa i męczeństwa chrześcijan w XX wieku
    Jagodziński, Marek (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    A systematic look at the modern dimensions of Christian witness and martyrdom helps to systematize theological data on that subject as well as to notice its relevance, features and tasks to be performed. The contemporary Christian thought adopts the martyrdom theology which has been developing since the beginning of the Church and shows its aspects connected with the specificity of the current situation of faith. Special attention should be drawn to the fact that the Church preserves the memory of all the martyrs and takes into consideration the ecumenical importance of martyrdom.
  • Miniatura
    Personalizm w ujęciu teologów pelplińskich ks. Franciszka Sawickiego oraz ks. Jerzego Buxakowskiego
    Knut, Marian (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The paper presents personalism in interpretation of Pelplin theologians father Franciszek Sawicki and father Jerzy Buxakowski. In the case of father Sawicki, indication on Neo-Kantian personalism is revealed in contrast to allocated to him Neo-Thomist or Thomist-Augustinian personalism. The second theologian reffers to his theological inclinations as anthropological, citing at the same time on sources and authors typical of personalism. Both authors present personalism as a complex matter, since the research carried out up to now, either questions its belonging to the trend in religious instruction, or the belonging is allocated to various fields of studies. The paper is an attempt to estimate the scientific lecture of the the theologians.
  • Miniatura
    Geneza kwestii narodowej w płaszczyźnie intelektualnej
    Misiak, Roman (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The development of modern nations changed at the turn of the 20th Century. In the age of the growing perturbation related to the European integration project or the failure of the so called „post-politics” (which proclaims the end of the significance of a nation as an important subject of social life), the analysis of the origins of the intellectual concept of a „nation” assumes significance. Scholarly reflections contained in this article center around the following issues: the conceptual legacy of antiquity and the Middle Ages, elements of modern achievements (individualism and social contract theory), the contribution of ideas developed during revolutionary periods, and the comprehension of „nation” in the nineteenth century. Reflection on these issues delineates the basic structure of the article, which is preceded by an introduction and ends with a summary containing the synthetic conclusions derived from this analysis.
  • Miniatura
    Świadectwo i męczeństwo chrześcijan Afryki w XX wieku
    Prawica, Marceli (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    Męczeństwo jako świadectwo prawdzie
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The martyrdom of Christians, despite different contexts, has its constant features, unchanging over the centuries. The martyrs of all the time have the idea, that one could say all the truth. The whole truth of a man and of the world is not coming from any state or institution. It does not have a theoretical congitive character alone, either, but - as wants it Jesus – the guiding light of all martyrs, an existing one (I am the truth). Therefore the state and every institution, that cares about the truth, needs religion. Thus religion is unsafe, where the truth becomes inconvenient. A martyr is then a representant and an executor of evangelical radicalism, e.g. the lack of acceptance for adjusting the truth to any rules. The closeness of the martyr to the truth is indissoluble, therefore the destiny of the truth becomes his destiny. And as the martyr becomes the target of assassination for those, for whom the truth is inconvenient, he is a victor as well, because finally the Truth is winning. The persecution of Christians, the martyrdom in the 20th century was so great, because the value of the objective truth had never before been questioned to a such degree.