Theological Research, 2018, Vol. 6

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    Rola biskupa w Kościele: pasterz czy tylko zarządca? Punkty sporne i perspektywy zmian
    Głowacz, Paweł; Wąsek, Damian (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The article is an attempt to answer the question: Where is the pastoral dimension of religious service of bishops dominated by their managerial tasks and how may this be changed? Four of these modifications have been highlighted. Firstly, it is necessary to get away from the practice of the bishop’s nomination, where is a place just for managers. I particularly have in mind the Roman Curia and Apostolic Nunciature. Secondly, we need to intensify a process of decentralization of competences in ecclesiastical structures – transferring a maximal number of rights from Rome to local churches. Thirdly, the pastoral function of bishops will be emphasized if there were not any auxiliary bishops but only one pastor in a diocese. Fourthly, it is necessary to improve the process of communication between bishops and lay people in the cases of canonical visitations and pastoral letters.
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    Kontekst historyczno‑kulturowy orzeczeń Soboru Efeskiego (431)
    Szczepaniak, Tobiasz Tomasz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The article gives thorough environmental and historical background which are necessary for the understanding of the role of place, time and people taking part in the sessions of the Council of Ephesus. First, the environment of Ephesus was brought closer. A brief history of the city, geographical location, and political significance were described, along with temples and the cult of Artemis, for which Ephesus was famous. It is stated that this place and worship were a source of inspiration for the practices of ancient Christianity. The last part discusses the apostolic period and the Fathers of the Church in Ephesus.
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    Rola Tradycji w Kościele. Między „archeologizmem” a „entuzjazmem”
    Kałuża, Krystian (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The article is an attempt to answer the question about the relation between tradition and the development of theological cognition. The church from the first centuries was aware that allegiance to the council tenets exceeds a technical repetition of council’s formulas. It is clear that a belief in dogma assumes openness to both the past and the future. In the article two approaches to tradition are criticized: archeological and enthusiastic. The first one is linked with attempt to end the possibility of adding to a developing tradition further at any point in history; the second one is a result of conviction that currents form of doctrine and church are exactly what is wanted by God. In reference to K. Rahner, J. Ratzinger and W. Kasper the typological‑sacramental meaning of the tradition was proposed. It lets us – basing on the statements of the Vatican II – overcome a progressivist hermeneutic of rupture and go toward a hermeneutic of continuity and to the real reform of the church. In other words, it means that the process of reception and reali‑ zation of Jesus’ teaching and of the history of Christianity lives on and every epoch, every culture and every generation has a task to deepen and to better understand all revelation given to us by Christ. It must be done with a sensitivity to the historical, cultural and religious contexts of every period of history including the present.
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    In what Sense Can the Scientifically Driven Theology Be Considered as a Continuation of the Doctrinal Tradition?
    Grygiel, Wojciech (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The central goal of the presented article is to show that the type of rationality proper to the method of the contemporary sciences yields a unique conceptual environment in which the spirit of rationality instilled to the theological thought by its encounter with the Greek philosophy finds its natural expansion. At the outset, the origins of the Greek rationality in the Ionian school of philosophy are briefly discussed in order to illuminate their adequacy for the exposition and defense of doctrine in the times of the early Church Fathers. Next, the specificity of the scholastic method of St. Thomas Aquinas briefly surveyed to indicate the nature of the unique harmony between faith and reason achieved by the Angelic Doctor. In the following step, the role of rationality in theology is gleaned through negative examples of its elimination as evident in nominalism and the subsequent Lutheran intervention. This is followed by a short discourse into of the origins and the specificity of the contemporary scientific method with particular emphasis on the method’s unique potential to expand and deepen the Greek rationality. Finally, a case study of the evolu‑ tionary theology is offered in which the implementation of the dynamic (evolutionary) picture of the Universe as the conceptual foundation opens up new and profound ways of understanding the Universe’s meaning and the meaning of man in particular. Thus the spirit of the hellenistic rationality in theology is not only preserved but also significantly enhanced.
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    Die Rolle der Tradition in der Kirche: Brennpunkte und Veränderungsperspektiven
    Dzidek, Tadeusz; Kusek-Rainer, Agata (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The tensions existing in the Church between the preservation of Tradition and its development have always existed. It is difficult to maintain a harmonious balance in this respect. Accentuating fidelity to Tradition means that its development remains in the shadow. And vice versa ‑ focusing on the development process of Tradition, shifts the concern for its integrity. After the Second Vatican Council, the tensions between the Vatican and local churches concerned the synod institution, the episcopate conference and the infallible teaching of the Pope. In the future, these tensions between the preservation of tradition and development will concern celibacy of priests and priesthood of women. There is a space of freedom for new solutions in the Church, but there are also limits that cannot be crossed. No state in the Church, and no more individuals have a monopoly on the truth. It can be discerned in the community in which the Holy Spirit operates.
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    Rozwój doktryny o sukcesji apostolskiej w pierwszych wiekach Kościoła
    Bujak, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2018)
    The article refers to the development of theological reflection on the apostolic succession in the First Century Church. It starts with the New Testament teaching on the successors of the apostles, then the teaching of Saint Clement of Rome, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Saint Irenaeus and Tertullian is presented. Finally, the teaching of the Apostolic Tradition attributed to Saint Hippolytus of Rome is shown. It might be said, therefore, that the beginning of the teaching on the apostolic succession refers to the apostolicity of the local Churches among which the most important were those founded by the Apostles themselves, and the Church of Rome. They were the source of the apostolic faith for another local churches. The ceaseless succession of bishops dated back to the Apostles was the important factor in retaining the apostolic faith in the local Churches. What confirmed the Church in being in the apostolic teaching was the com‑ munion with other Churches, retained due to the communion of their bishops who form a college similar to the College of Apostles.