Polonia Sacra, 2015, R. 19, Nr 1 (38)

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  • Miniatura
    Miłosierdzie jako termin teologiczny
    Zyzak, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The author of the article analyses different meanings of the term ‘mercy’. He begins with the ancient use of the word by pagan philosophers. This is the background for the analysis of the term ‘mercy’ in the Old and New Testament. The biblical sources lead to the definition of dogmatic foundations of God’s Mercy and allow the ethical and moral aspects of the human mercy to be shown. Closely connected with the last is the social dimension of the mercy. The author also deals with other dimensions of the mercy, such as: pastoral, liturgical, psychological and juridical. He also discusses the meaning of the mercy in the spirituality and Christian art.
  • Miniatura
    Wyzwania duszpasterskie wobec osób w podeszłym wieku
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The specificity of the senior age is becoming better recognized by gerontology, psychology, sociology and related sciences. It is also a serious challenge for the Church, because this community wants to provide pastoral care for all his faithful adequate to their needs. In this study were firstly presented specific religious needs of the elderly. The objectives and forms of pastoral seniors have also been described. In the final part of this article an apostolic activation of older people was underlined. From the point of view of the people involved it is paramount. The lay Catholics in Poland who are in old age are irreplaceable apostles, especially in the field of building of family bonds, charity, experience of suffering and prayer. The task of the clergy is apostolic formation of seniors, as well as animation of apostolic groups of old people in parishes.
  • Miniatura
    Wskazania homiletyczne zawarte w Listach o wymowie ojca Euzebiusza Statecznego
    Włodarczyk, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The letters regarding eloquence (written by father Euzebiusz Franciszek Stateczny) were published in 1920 AD. In this book, its author gathered all instructions which had been issued by him earlier in parts. They were given a form of five letters. Father Stateczny stressed that his work is neither a manual of rhetoric or homiletics nor a proper elaboration of the discussed subject. The book is focused on orator’s and his speech’s attributes mainly. The present article depicts person of Euzebiusz Stateczny, introduces reader to his work and ponders on actuality of indications given by the author of The letters.
  • Miniatura
    Alterssicherung und Politik bei schrumpfender Bevölkerung
    Wiemeyer, Joachim (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The article discusses the consequences of birth decline in Germany and other European countries especially for the old-age pension system. Income of old people has to be part of the national income of the same period so that it could be gained through taxes from the active working population. Capital building outside the national borders only can bring little help but it is connected with many risks. The political implication of longer living population and birth decline is that the majority of voters are older than 60 years. But there is no fear of government of the aging people because the interests of old people are heterogeneous.
  • Miniatura
    Starzeć się z godnością: od doświadczenia straty do owocowania
    Morciniec, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The practice of life and the literature on the subject strike us as antagonistic, firmly positive or negative understanding of old age. The first one most often has biblical and theological roots, whereas the other one – sociocultural ones. Searching for the proper attitude towards our own and someone else’s old age we find out that the senior time as the time of discovering a new sense can only be chosen, not sententiously recommended or demanded. The major point of the text is that the failure at shaping the sense of own old age results mainly from not working out the losses associated with this stage of life. To show the way to respectable old age, the author tried to define the actual state of so called old age or senior age (1), then he discussed the issue of working out the diagnosed real and subjective losses (2) so as to, in the course of the process, reach the point of reaping the fruits of life and old age (3) and introducing the trial of practical accomplishment of the approach (4).
  • Miniatura
    Liturgia jako consummatio fidei
    Mojzeš, Marcel (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The author first explains that in the contemporary utility society is important to perceive the meaning of the term consummatio (with double m) not as “consummation” (lat. consumatio with one m), but as “accomplishment, termination, completion”. In the person of Jesus Christ, especially in the moment of his death at the Cross was revealed in supreme mode the love of God to man through consummatio expressed by the words of Jesus consummatum est (Jn 19, 30). Also St. Augustin is speaking about the matrimonial dimension of this love when he compares the Cross of Christ to the bridal bed of Briegroom Christ and Bride Church. Then the author shows that consummatio fidei, which according to the Catechism of Catholic Church consists in the blessed vision of God, is not reserved for the eternity. The culmination of contemplation is to see God in the proper heart, in the fellowman and in the life of the Church. Consummantio fidei perceived in this mode then leads to the deepening of the liturgical praise of God.
  • Miniatura
    „Nie odtrącaj mnie w starości”. O potrzebie profilowanego przepowiadania dla seniorów
    Kalbarczyk, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The elderly in the Church are assured of being under pastoral care. Nevertheless everyday experiences demonstrate that this part of pastoral care to seniors is usually mentioned in the first place, namely the preaching of the gospel of God is quite underdeveloped, if not neglected or even ignored. Indeed, do they not feel that in this respect as being cast away? The current article presents the problem of a special or profiled parochial gospel proclamation for people who are advanced in years. It is performed in three steps: firstly by substantiation, the need of such a proclamation on the grounds of homiletics and pastoral theology; secondly by discussion of its situation, forms and content; thirdly by defining and describing its basic theme that is life. The ‘profiled’ proclamation to seniors is understood here as special, regarding its forms, language and content, preaching of the gospel of God to people who are along in years. Preaching that is directed at them and having an impact on them.
  • Miniatura
    Nicht nur Häkeln und Bingo-Spielen. Das Alter als religionspädagogische Herausforderung
    Grümme, Bernhard (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    Religious education takes place mainly in school or in parishes. There it has to deal with children, adolescents and adults. However, with the demographic change ancients are increasingly getting into the focus of religious education. The following text outlines the profile and basics of this kind of religious education for ancient.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół wobec starości. Perspektywa pastoralnoteologiczna
    Dziedzic, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)
    The danger of a generation gap growing bigger makes us pay more careful attention to the old age. Correction of the negative attitudes is both a cultural and pedagogical challenge for all generations. A responsibility for the senior is mainly based on showing them the value of their old age. It is also vital to enable the old to appreciate the hidden advantages and help them resist the temptation of isolating from the other people and also to help them get rid of the sense of being useless and helpless. The presented article was an attempt to review the contemporary problem of the growing number of elderly people in our society. The problem breeds new challenges. We shall not let the group be excluded from the society but we need to find the way to really engage them in the community life. A significant task is also organizing help and respect the dignity which every human being deserves in this way. A transcendental dimension is also worth noticing as for the senior who is also a believer the approach to death is connected with Jesus’ promise of the eternal life.