Roczniki Teologiczne, 1993, T. 40, z. 4
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Ostatnie zgłoszenia
Pozycja L’elenco delle citazioni dei libri sapienziali nella letteratura monastica del IV e V secoloDegórski, Bazyli (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)Artykuł przedstawia wykaz wszystkich cytatów ksiąg mądrościowych (z wyjątkiem Psalmów) użytych w literaturze monastycznej IV i V w. Do jego opracowania wykorzystano dzieła wszystkich autorów monastycznych tego okresu, którzy pisali zwracając się do mnichów: trzydziestu ośmiu autorów, z których przeanalizowano sto pięć dzieł. Z tego powodu nie zostały wzięte pod uwagę te dzieła, które nie zwracają się bezpośrednio do mnichów (np. pisma dotyczące dziewictwa, których adresatami nie byli bezpośrednio zakonnicy).Pozycja Poglądy społeczne o. Honorata Koźmińskiego (1829-1916). Zagadnienia wybraneKrycińska, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)Pozycja Inicjatywy o. Honorata Koźmińskiego w dziedzinie potrzeb społecznychKrycińska, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)Pozycja Teologiczne podstawy ukrytego życia zakonnego według bł. Honorata KoźmińskiegoWielgat, Danuta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)The political situation of the country in the nineteenth century contributed to the establishment of a new form of order life - religious orders without habit - whose initiator was the blessed Honorat Koźmiński. An integral part of these orders was to imitate the hidden life of the Saviour and His Mother. The Founder found a justification for this kind of life in the Gospel. He grounded it on the profound theological foundations, pointing to the internal values: the Mystery of Nazareth. He also pointed to the soteriological aspect and prophetic character of these orders, believing the hidden life order to be the work Of Divine Providence. He found a confirmation of this kind of life in the examples of many saints. The conception of the hidden life order has survived up to now, despite the changing external conditions, and it finds a general acceptance.Pozycja Terminologia kontemplacji w dziełach Klemensa AleksandryjskiegoGrzywaczewski, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)Pozycja Geneza i utworzenie kapituły i kolegiaty w Nowym Sączu w 1448 rokuSalaterski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)In 1292, seven hundred years ago, the king Wacław Czeski founded the town Nowy Sącz. The cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki founded and erected the chapter and collegiate church dedicated to St Margaret. Until 1791 the collegiate church had fulfilled an important role in the history of the town, of the Nowy Sącz region and of the Kraków diocese. The church dedicated to St Margaret existed as early as in the eighteenth century, yet it was made a parochial church of the town Nowy Sącz as late as in the first half of the fourteenth century. The citizens had thouroughly reconstructed the temple at the turn of the fourteenth and fifteenth century. Zbigniew Oleśnicki raised it to the rank of the collegiate church. Among various motives deciding about this foundation the principal are the following: raising the level of liturgy and pastoral care in Nowy Sącz, spreading Catholicism among the national minorities living at the outskirts of the Kraków diocese, creating the personal and jurisdictional base for the archidiaconate and officialate in Nowy Sącz. The attempts at putting the foundation into effect lasted until 1447. They consisted in getting an agreement from the chapter of Kraków and from persons directly interested in the administrative changes resulting from the establishment of a new archidiaconate and collegiate chapter. One had to select a proper team of persons who could have been entrusted with the post of the chapter in Nowy Sącz: four prelates - prevost, deacon, archdeacon, guardian, four canons and eight curates. They make the governing body which entertains a considerable autonomy in relation to the chapter. Setting the principles of the functioning of the chapter, Oleśnicki patterned himself after the existing collegiate churches and chapters from the diocese. He did not, however, make any attempts to obtain a confirmation of the foundation from Rome. It is certain that Jan Długosz took part in the establishment of the chapter and collegiate church in Nowy Sącz, though we do not know any details as to his participation.Pozycja Działalność duszpasterska średniowiecznego Kościoła w trosce o człowieka. Z problematyki teorii duszpasterstwaZahajkiewicz, Marek T. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1993)Pastoral activity is an essential mission of the Church, and it is the salvatory mission of Christ. This activity carried out over the period of twenty centuries has brought a number of experiences. The Middle Ages also have some achievements in this care for man. The very pastoral care at that time was taken to mean rather an art of governing and holding an office (in keeping with pope Gregory the Great who said that pastoral care was „ars artium regimen animarum”). The overall care for the faithful was placed within the frameworks of parochial activities. It had an impact on others, mainly through: 1. verbal teaching and setting examples from one’s own life, 2. divine ministry - mainly the Holy Mass, 3. administering sacraments. One should not fail to mention other forms, such as: pilgrimages, mysteries and the works of various confraternities. It was in the Middle Ages that the Church did a great thing, namely it sacralized the everyday life of man. However, the believer was in all that always a passive party, leaving the whole pastoral activity to the pastor.