Studia Paradyskie, 2009, t. 19

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  • Miniatura
    Idea dialogu międzykulturowego a europejsko-afrykańskie doświadczenia Mirosława Żuławskiego
    Raczkowska, Joanna (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    The idea of an intercultural dialogue and European-African experiences of Miroslaw Żuławski is an attempt to analyse the core values of both Europe and Africa made by Miroslaw Żuławski, hence the discussion of the confrontation between the European and African cultures resulting from the crisis of the Old Continent values – the direct consequence of both of the World wars. The beginning contains the discussion of the 20th century events which seemed to have destroyed (annihilated) man’s belief in the human right to self-determination, in rationality and humanism of people’s behaviours and, finally, the belief in the ordinary human goodness. In quest for his own identity Mirosław Żuławski – a flâneur – goes to the Dark Continent, where he experiences not only the primeval beauty of the world but also, once again, the atrocities of war. The conclusion of my deliberations is the reflection that through difference and dissimilarity of the African culture, the writer underwent the cyclic (periodical) journey into the inside of himself and his native Dobromil. The broad anthropological-philosophical-literary context of the intercultural dialogue that Mirosław Żuławski participated in, was realized in the idea of “detour” to the own cultural identity, in accordance with Eliade’s conception that “he who reveals the sense of our mysterious journey to us, must himself be a stranger, a person of different faith and different race”.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół – dialog – świat: podstawowe założenia i uwarunkowania
    Misiaszek, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Dialogue, but especially the attitude towards dialogue stays in the in the nature of the Church, which is appointed for existence through Jesus Christ, who is the Word of God addressed directly for the human being. It is possible to say, that the Church grows from the word, builds through the word, lives in word and it is even fed with the word. However, the basic character and essence of the word is a communication act. So, Church is opened for the dialogue. Firstly is the dialogue of salvation. However, salvation is placed on the human being, his personal and social life. The Church leads dialogue with the world in the definite manner, presenting certain principles. First of them says, that the Church desires to express declaration of assistance to every individual person. It concerns particularly with the aim and meaning of life, discovering the full truth of a human being, respecting dignity of human person, freedom, conscience, human rights and increasing the human talents. The second one wants to strengthen the human communities with the values present in them. The Church does not want to involve in politic, but to support the human operations in the social sphere. Third principle announces that the Church desires to participate in acting in favour of the common good. The Church also calls to the world, in order to create proper institutions for increasing the common good.
  • Miniatura
    Z dziejów pojęcia tolerancji – czy tolerancja jest czymś naturalnym?
    Hanuszewicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    In this paper we focus on some aspects of toleration. After presentation the genesis of the concept of toleration we sketch the history of various conceptions of tolerance. Presentation of some important conceptions of tolerance leads us to modern times. We argued that nowadays toleration is one of the most important problem which is not solved yet. We asked whether tolerance is natural or not. Our research leads us to conclusion that it is very difficult to solve whether tolerance is natural or transcendental. However the history of the concept of tolerance may provide us to the conclusion that tolerance is completely natural and we and only we are responsible for the shape which tolerance takes.
  • Miniatura
    Dialog dwudziestowiecznej myśli chrześcijańskiej ze światem techniki
    Rodzeń, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    In the present paper a matter of fact of the 20th century’s relationship between Christian religion and technology is analysed. In an introduction a division on three periods of this relationship is proposed. Then a ways of approach to the modern technology by three Christian thinkers (P. Teilhard de Chardin, J. Ellul, E. Schuurman) are presented und commented. Their views are so chosen in order to quote three possibly different standpoints (respectively: optimistic, pessimistic, realistic). The main conclusion of the paper is that although a discussion between Christian thought (and theology) and world of technology is still at the beginning its crucial attitudes have already been appeared. On the end of the paper several postulates for further fruitful growing of dialogue between Christian though and world of technology in a context of modern culture are suggested.
  • Miniatura
    Czym jest filozofia dialogu?
    Piecuch, Joachim (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Myśleć i mówić o Bogu dzisiaj. Paula Tillicha propozycja refleksji nad religią
    Napadło, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Philosophy of God and religion in the 20th century falls outside easy and unambiguous opinions. The appearance of the “masters of suspicions” and the technological progress of the modern society imprinted an indelible mark on the modern reflection about God and religion. The search of the new language of talking about the God becomes one of the main tasks for present philosophers and theologians. Paul Tillich belongs to outstanding thinkers of the twentieth century who bravely joined the discussion on the “Areopagus of the present culture”. Tillich from one side presents himself as a theologian, defining yet again defensive tasks of the Christian theology, and from the other as a philosopher, questioning the narrow conceptions of present rationality and experience; he looks for adequate solutions. As a philosopher and theologian, he searches for the ways of reconciliation of reason and belief, religion and culture; the ways which will help the present man to understand himself and to come to God. The article presents only some ideas of Paul Tillich’s philosophical and theological thought.
  • Miniatura
    Teologia polityczna Jana Pawła II a dialog polsko-niemiecki
    Lipscher, Winfried (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Kultura jako wynik dialogu jednostki ze społeczeństwem – czyli José Ortegi y Gasseta idea pokoleń
    Leszczyna, Dorota (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    José Otega y Gasset (1883-1955) was a spanish philosopher, journalist, politician. Gasset was regarded during his lifetime as being the one of the greatest spanish thinker in the XX century, and given the nicname El Filosofo. His writings are characterized by depth, penetration and clearness of expression. His most important philosophical achievements were in originaly interpretation of the history and culture. For Ortega y Gasset, vital reason is also “historical reason”, for individuals and societies are not detached from their past. In order to understand a reality we must understand, as Dilthey pointed out, its history. In Ortega’s words, humans have “no nature, but history” and reason should not focus on what is (static) but what becomes (dynamic).
  • Miniatura
    Fenomen dialogu w filozofii człowieka Martina Bubera
    Glinkowski, Witold P. (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Postawa dialogu w małżeństwie i rodzinie
    Witkowska, Małgorzata (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Rok Kapłański szansą dla diecezji w świetle listu Dies natalis Benedykta XVI
    Wejman, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Sumienie jako podstawa dialogu aksjologicznego w społeczeństwie wielokulturowym
    Dura, Adam (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    The article focuses on the problem of coexistence of ethnic minorities (Muslims) in the countries of Western Europe. This coexistence generates some problems, also in the axiological dimension. Islamic minorities bring their own moral customs, religious tradition and even law into democratic European countries with their Christian roots. It causes the possibility of social and axiological conflicts. The author defends the thesis that taking axiological dialogue on the basis of conscience may reduce the scale of the problem. The article is closed with the author’s remark on the difficulty of problem facing the European countries at the very start of the 21th century.
  • Miniatura
    Człowiek działający jako podmiot dialogu. Uwagi z zakresu filozofii praktycznej
    Zieliński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Dialogue is in fact an important component of the human experience in every place where the people lives. In the contemporary society it is difficult theme, because we have now a lot of dialogue’s ideas and a lot of values which are for us a basis and a purpose of dialogue. Differences between us are making dialogue about dialogue a complicated problem. Aspirations of the article are modest. Author is presenting analytical tools which are useful at systematic reflection about the dialogue. Notions of moral microscale, situation of action and title notion of acting man, taken hold collectively, are enabling the organized analysis of every real dialogue and every normative project of dialogue. The acting man, with entire luggage of his disability, fears and hope, is a subject of the dialogue. In the moral microscale, in the real situation of action he is meeting another people and – by his own activity – is deciding the course and the effect of dialogue. The practical philosophy must remember about it, mostly when is writing a normative theory of dialogue
  • Miniatura
    Aspekte des Schöpfungsverständnisses in Mittelalter und „Moderne“ – der Versuch eines Vergleichs
    Sprenger, Reinhard (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Autor chce ukazać, że teologia uznaje wagę badań nauk szczegółowych w celu jeszcze lepszego poznania świata. Już papież Pius XII podkreśla ich znaczenie dla lepszego zrozumienia prawd protologicznych zawartych w wierze w dzieło stworzenia. Benedykt XVI zaprasza teologów, filozofów oraz przedstawicieli nauk przyrodniczych, by na wspólnych sympozjach i konferencjach podejmowali owocne dyskusje i badania na temat powstania kosmosu i człowieka. Przedstawione w tym artykule wyniki badań nauk przyrodniczych i humanistycznych skłaniają do refleksji, że współczesna nauka potwierdza liczne wnioski i interpretacje myślicieli średniowiecznych oraz wielu zaprzecza. Te uwagi zachęcają do tego, by w dalszym ciągu prowadzić badania interdyscyplinarne, które posłużą do owocniejszego dialogu pomiędzy różnymi naukami.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Infułat Władysław Sygnatowicz w dialogu z władzą ludową
    Śmierzchalski-Wachocz, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
  • Miniatura
    Die Zugehörigkeit zur Kirche nach Enzyklika Pius XII „Mystici Corporis Christi“
    Radkiewicz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Encyklika Piusa XII Mystici Corporis Christi dokonuje recepcji tradycyjnej i obowiązującej nauki Kościoła w materii przynależności do Kościoła, wyrażonej w teologii dogmatycznej i fundamentalnej. Chodzi tu o wewnętrzną zgodę na przyjęcie doktryny Kościoła. Tym samym nie zmienia ona teologicznej kwalifikacji norm dotyczących tej przynależności. Jej nowością jest to, że podkreśla ona wyraźniej utożsamienie Kościoła – widocznej, prawnej wspólnoty – z Mistycznym Ciałem Chrystusa. Encyklika akcentuje konieczność i widzialność Kościoła w porządku zbawczym, zbawienie nie jest jednak wykluczone, gdy istnieje votum implicitum Ecclesiae.
  • Miniatura
    Kategoria Innego na pograniczu kulturowym na przykładzie Górnego Śląska
    Szlachta-Misztal, Justyna (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    Touching on the small area several of various, different cultures is the essence of the borderland. Such situation has creates the foundations of multicultulars. There oftenest born the report one’s-strange. The authoress of the article tries to determine on the beginning what you should understand under the notion of Upper Silesia. Then she explains volume words notions strange and another range moreover she explain relating of the consider question represents. The culminant discussion of the report of the work is moment when she is talking about – strange stepping out on the terrain Upper Silesia. This is relationship among: Poles – the Germany, Silesian – Zagłębiak, and last, the youngest, solid man – the untidy man. The authoress explains the meaning of words gorol and hanys therefore. On the other hand she introduce classification of the Silesian community which divides into pnioki, krzoki and ptoki is also in the article. In conclude the surmised was thought good idea, that relationship like this existed, it exist and it will exist. This mosaic of many cultures in the future might create the special culture of this region.
  • Miniatura
    Jaka tolerancja w tworzącym się społeczeństwie wielokulturowym?
    Suchocka, Agnieszka; Królikowska, Iwona (Wydawnictwo Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2009)
    The authors of the report try to answer the question: What is a tolerance in a newly created multicultural society? The foundation of this consideration was an enquiry carried out among students of Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia which aim was to show up the build up of a cultural diversity and to understand the idea of tolerance and related questions. The authors in the theoretical part of this report nearer the ideas of the tolerance and its continuation in a post communist country.