Roczniki Teologiczne, 1994, T. 41, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Postawy religijne osób żyjących w małżeństwach pozasakramentalnych
    Konieczna, Jolanta; Tomkiewicz, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    The principle of indissolubility of matrimony in the lives of Catholics encounters grave difficulties. More and more often this principle is violated. We find in the dissolution of mar nage and establishing a new, nonsacramental marriage. The question of the latter bears many difficult social, psychological and pastoral problems. The authors have taken up the question of religious attitudes of those people who live in nonsacramental marriages. In keeping with this end an empirical research has been carried out on the group of 120 people. The main criterium of selection was a nonsacramental character of marriage in which lived the people under study. Two groups were distinguished. IN the first one there were people who lived in marriage due to an obstacle which made it impossible for them to establish a sacramental marriage (30 couples). The second group consisted of those who had no such obstacles, and yet did not decide to establish a sacramental marriage (also 30 couples). All persons under study defined themselves as believing. In the research we used the so-called Scale of Religious Attitudes by Dirk Hutsbach. This scale was worked out in the Institute of Psychology in Leuven. For the Polish edition it was worked out and translated by W. Prężyna. Our findings have proved that there are differences in attitudes adopted by the persons living in nonsacramental marriages. The spouses who have an obstacle harbour less religious doubts and attribute to religion a greater significance in man’s life than the spouses who have no such obstacles. There are also differences in religious attitudes due to sex. The women who live in nonsacramental with an obstacle have a greater sense of guilt and oppose religion more fervently than the women who live in nonsacramental marriages without an obstacle. On the basis of their findings the authors have put forward some pastoral conclusions which may be used in pastoral practice.
  • Miniatura
    Niektóre aspekty wychowania do wolności (impresja pedagogiczna w kontekście współczesnej sytuacji polskiej)
    Wilk, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    It is a complex process to bring up man to exercise his freedom. The beginnings of this process take place in family upbringing. The author points to some phenomena which are directly linked with the upbringing to freedom, e.g., the problem of truth in upbringing, the problem of independence and the problem of the authority of parents and educators. Here is the key to a full upbringing of free man. According to the author, the family way of upbringing to freedom runs through a correct emotional aupbringing, making children concentrate on other people, backing up the child’s activity, stimulating and inspiring creativity, while respecting the childs’ uniqueness. The latter means to let the child do what he thinks fit in defining himself, his future, to give the child an authentic religious upbringing. This programme of the upbringing to freedom is extremely up to date in Poland, due to our social situation, the process of building pluralism and democracy, and due to the fact that we have only recently gained freedom.
  • Miniatura
    Miejsce i rola laikatu w ewangelizacji początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych w Polsce
    Wojaczek, Krystian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    he paper entitled “The Place and Role of the Laity in Evangelization in the Early 1990s in Poland” consists of two parts. The first one outlines the problem of placing the laity in the work of evangelization against the background of the councilor conceptual scheme: “holy” “lay” “sanctified” The essential conclusions which result from such an approach to the question are the following: God is being revealed through that which is sanctified and that which is lay. This means that in the work of evangelization there participate both lay people and the hierarchy, though in a different way. Another conclusion is a complementary character of that which is lay and that which is sanctified. This complementariness implies a necessity to collaborate in the work of evangelization. The second part is devoted to the role of the laity in the work of evangelization in contemporary Poland. The role, that is participation and significance of the laity in the work of evan gelization, is depicted against the background of the socio-political and economic changes in Poland. If we take advantage of these changes to intensify the processes of making people atheists, then this role is directed to counteract these processes and first of all it makes people aware that there is a necessity to separate them from the socio-economic changes which are carried out objectively. There are some tools by which the lay people involve in the work of evangelization. They are the following: a special educative programme which deals with these questions, some actions which tend to make people’s attitudes unambiguous (we mean the people who hold significant posts in socio-political life), and counteracting the manipulation of information as well as developing one’s own centres of spreading information.
  • Miniatura
    Studium Życia Rodzinnego jako forma intensywnej pomocy rodzinie polskiej. Przesłanki - program - organizacja
    Wojaczek, Krystian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    The first part of the paper shows the main needs of Polish family. In order to meet the needs the family has to be supported from the outside. The family has lost its economic function and at the same time has expanded its emotional function. In such circumstances it is necessary to duly prepare those people who intend to establish their own family as well as those who are already living in it. The considerable quantitative increase in needs of the family implies a need to give support. On the other hand, the efficiency of therapy in the cases of advanced pathology is relatively low. Such being the case we have to develop prevention and some forms of intensive care, that is prepare people who do not need help and can, after a period of instruction, give support and develop prevention. One of the forms intensive care about family is the course on family life. The present paper presents the programme of the Family Life Course in the Lublin dioceses. The Course has lectures and classes in its curriculum. The lectures describe the family from the point of view of various sciences such as psychology, medicine, sociology, pedagogy, law, and theology. Classes contain drill on interpersonal communication, the methods of work in the family pastoral care and drills on natural family planning. The idea unifying substantially many-sided problems is the sacramental character of marriage, taken in its dynamic aspect, and the ecclesial dimension of the family The course lasts two years. The sessions are held once a month, usually on the third Saturday and Sunday. Each cycle of the course prepares on the average circa fifty people to work in the family pastoral care.
  • Miniatura
    Współpraca katechetów z rodzicami z uwzględnieniem sytuacji katechizacji w szkole
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    The current situation of religious instruction in school makes one think that the collaboration between catechists and parents is diminishing. The paper takes up this problem on the basis of literature and empirical research. The paper reveals the psychological and pedagogical foundations of this collaboration, pointing to the significance of family in religious upbringing, especially in the case of children. Parents’ faith and its manifestations are crucial in the eyes of children in everyday life The theological foundations of the catechists’ collaboration with parents are based on puttin’7 into practice the mission to proclaim the Gospel to the entire world. The spouses, by virtue of baptism and, additionally, the sacrament of matrimony, are obliged to bring up their offspring (KDK 48) after the religious fashion. A new understanding of the Church, as the People of God, requires also upbringing in faith, which is carried out in a fellowship. The family constitute home church along with its functions, e.g. prophetic, sacerdotal and pastoral. The programmatic foundations of catechists’ collaboration with parents reveal how often one has to turn to parents for help in homework, to organize conferences and put forward proposals of meeting between catechists and parents which are found in catechetical preschool and school handbooks. It turns out that the older are classes, the less one is able to notice these proposals. The author has in view three master’s theses which are the basis on which to study the actual collaboration between parents and catechists. They show what motivation parents have when they manifest interest in their children’s catechization and in contacts with the catechist. The final part of the paper constitutes an evaluation and practical proposals. It is assumed that in school catechization the contacts between catechists and parents have become less frequent. Apparently, parents think that if there is catechization in school, they do not have to bother about it. Practical proposals deal with the problem of the mentality of catechists and parents. They present the whole gamut of suggestions concerning various opportunities to organize meetings in the parish and school.
  • Miniatura
    Młodzież współczesna wobec wartości
    Mariański, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Człowiek wobec wartości
    Szostek, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Wiara i kultura w rodzinie. Ujęcie pastoralno-pedagogiczne
    Wilk, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    Culture and fait are mutually interconnected. This interconnection occupies plenty of room in John Paul Il’s writing and his teaching. The reason is that when this invaluable tie gets slack we face various threats. Faith must be, as it were, incorporated in culture, so that it could be lived through to the full by man. At the same time faith ennobles and actuates culture. The latter then constitutes a milieu for faith to be acceptes. The mutual intermingling of faith and culture takes place in various set-ups and levels. The author deals with „the encounter” of faith and culture in the family space, pinpointing what chances there are in this milieu for that intermingling. He analyzes what possibilities may be created in a family by the space of word, symbol, ritual and value. Here a conscious upbringing may enrich young generation by the elements of culture which are deepened and extended by the religious values, and by faith rooted in culture, that is a culture which is closer and more personal. The author pinpoints that the spaces of family life which he shows are important for the encounter of culture and faith. Unfortunately, they face a special crisis today. We can notice this crisis especially in that culture dangerously distance itself from and becomes insensitive to religious contents and inspirations. Such a distancing has nothing to do with the autonomy proper to these realities. In this crisis the culture of word undergoes degradation, a sensitivity to symbol disappears, the ritual becomes diluted, and the essential values remain ineligible in their meaning. Such situation is a challenge for the actuation of pastoral and pedagogic ministry towards the family in which man is should first experience faith incorporated in culture and should be rooted in the culture which is truly profound and rich.
  • Miniatura
    Budowanie wspólnoty parafialnej przez Eucharystię
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    It is in fellowships that the Church is being edified. The parochial fellowship has the credit of a particular place. The source and climax of parochial life, the main core of its activity is the Eucharist. Thus it is from the latter that one should start any upbringing to fellowship. The Eucharist should become the leading subject-matter of parishioners’ religious formation. There is a mutual feedback between the Eucharist and brotherly fellowship. The eucharistie fellowship solidifies the consciousness of brotherly fellowship; on the other hand the brotherly fellowship, in accord of the evangelic principle of reconciliation with one’s neighbour before offering one’s, allows to ground a genuine eucharistie fellowship. Participation in the Eucharist should be reflected in understanding, brotherly unity and mutual support. Sociological research which has been led up to now points to the fact that Polish Catholics understand the truth that the Eucharist constitutes the centre of parochial life and of the religious life. Almost all Polish Catholics are convinced as to the need to participate in the Sunday Mass. A considerable rate of parishioners still say their individual prayer at the Mass instead of paying attention to this fellowship-created dimension of the Eucharistic Liturgy. Much has to be done about a frequent and systematic reception of the Communion by the participant at a Mass. These drawback should constitute a leading element of parishioners’ religious formation.
  • Miniatura
    Transmisja wartości w rodzinie
    Kukołowicz, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Uwarunkowania homiletycznej komunikacji
    Pracz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)
    The question of interpersonal communication belongs to the range of many scientific disciplines. It is also the subject matter of homiletists’ interests. They perceive in the studies on this domain a chance of development of the anthropological aspect of the ministry of the word. An interdisciplinary character of such homiletic studies, apart from the chance to develop, contains the source of one-sided approaches, or even decidedly erroneous approaches. They in turn lead to new difficulties in proclaiming the word of God. The right homiletic communication is conditioned by the following criteria: faithfulness to the Scriptures, listener-orientation, taking the situation into consideration and communicative character. These criteria have been supplemented by defining the theological frameworks of homiletic communication, worded in this formula: Abraham’s adventure and John’s introversion. This formula depicts a tendency to set a borderline between a necessary change in the Church which is being realized in time and that which is equally necessary, i.e. to abide by the unchangeable deposit of faith.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Ryszard Kamiński. Wprowadzenie do teologii pastoralnej. Lublin 1992 ss. 140. RW KUL
    Wojaczek, Krystian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1994)