The Person and the Challenges, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1

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    Le sfide pastorali dopo le Giornate Mondiali della Gioventù 2016
    Pawlina, Krzysztof (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    World Youth Day (WYD) 2016 gathered a powerful body of youth, who are now asking; What’s next? Without a doubt this group of young people is the promising group within the Church. They are brave and consciously living their faith. They have lived something that has radically transformed them. There are not many of them, yet they are strong. They are excelling and forming a wedge in a growing secular environment. What about those who are left? What’s happening with them? Who are today’s Polish youth and what dilemmas are they facing? As the results of a study completed on the topic of youth and their spirituality shows, we can generally argue that the currently growing generation is a consumerist one. We are also experiencing a growing discrepancy between declared faith, active practice of faith, and morality. Today’s youth, essentially, are not concerned with matters of faith and carry a negative image of the congregation and priests. What indications may be implemented in the ministry of our youth after such a great event as the World Youth Day? What is the ministry of youth and how can we realize it?
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    Die Familie im Leben und in den Schriften der Heiligen Theresia Benedikta vom Kreuz (Edith Stein)
    Zyzak, Wojciech (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    In modern times as never before, marriage and family are in danger. The contemporary problems were already present in many aspects in the times of Edith Stein. The author of the article studies the life and the works of the Saint with regard to marriage and family. For Edith Stein, marriage is an inseparable union of a man and woman, which, thanks to the sacramental grace, is filled with special strength to maintain reciprocal love and fidelity and also to cooperate with God in giving life and educating children. In Edith Stein’s opinion, both the husband and the wife in the family have rights and duties connected with being God’s image, bearing and bringing up children and transforming the world by their work. Edith, however, noted the difference between sexes and the way in which the tasks were realised according to the nature and the different callings. The Saint saw the necessity of complementarity of sexes and generations in a harmonious family. Such a vision of marriage and family is still applicable in our times.
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    Memories of Adults Regarding Relations with Parents in Childhood
    Osewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    Research into memory in adults reminiscing about childhood memories is not well‑established. Some people seem to have vivid memories from very early ages, while others remember events beginning around age four or five. The aim of this article is to present memories of adults regarding relationships with their parents in childhood based on two surveys. First research was undertaken by the Public Opinion Research Centre (in Polish: Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej). Second one, qualitative research of childhood relations was conducted by the author of this article among students of family studies from The Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative research on Poles with regard to their childhood memories, several conclusions may be drawn. First of all, the surveyed Poles have positive childhood memories with regard to relations with parents and the process of upbringing. A larger proportion stresses a better bond with their mother. Only in some of the quoted recollections of students, there appears greater significance of relations with father, who gave them a sense of security, pointed out values and established a model of masculinity. A large number of the polled adults declared that parents were close to them and cared for their social, moral and religious education.
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    Theological Concept of the Fourth Gospel in the Context of Jesus’ Glorification Prayer (Jn 17:1-5)
    Wróbel, Mirosław (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The analysis of Jn 17:1-5 in its textual, literary, exegetical and theological dimensions shows the importance of Jesus’ prayer to His Father. The prayer of glorification includes a deep theological perspective expressed by the connection between the Son and the Father, earth and Heaven, the believers and God. The glorification of the Father in the prayer of the Son obtains its dynamism in the glorification of the Son in the realization of the Hour. The concept of the Johannine Hour reveals its eschatological character which can be fulfilled in the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Son. The prayer of Jesus opens the Heaven for every person who together with Him can fulfill the will of God. In the glorification of the Father by the Son (earthly glorification) and the Son by the Father (heavenly glorification) the believers obtain eternal life in the Heavenly Love of God.
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    Sensibilität und Motivation zum sozialen Handeln in der Auffassung Karol Wojtylas
    Waleszczuk, Zbigniew (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    Sensitivity, as the ability to respond to internal and external stimuli, undoubtedly plays an important role in the social action of persons. Without this ability – as in the case of indifference – human being lacks a perception that is necessary in response to a specific emergency situation or a need. This article focuses on the teaching of Karol Wojtyla in his major work Acting Person, with a particular emphasis on the question of the motivation of human action. We want to reply to three basic questions related to the topic: Does this ability strengthens or weakens the culture of the Internet age, especially in Western European society? What is the primary motive of human action? Is sensitivity an essential motive and a factor of development of the person and society? What practical consequences we can draw from the teachings of the Krakow thinker about sensitivity? A person, as defined by Wojtyla, that is isolated, remains indifferent. Similarly persons who are hypersensitive hinders themselves to a mature participation in responsible love. The first quality (indifference) leads persons to flee from their duties. The second (hypersensitivity) leads persons to be overwhelmed by this challenge. The first we can describe as lack of feeling, the second as excessive compassion. The diagnosis of Wojtyla (it is more important to be than to have) remains very current and is an important stimulus in which direction to go to promote motivation for social action, and to build a society of communion of persons. Instead of an individualistic dominated competitive struggle of egos, we should try to realize a society in which the encounter of persons is characterized by mutual devotion in love.
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    Die Erziehungsmission der Familie: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und neue Konzeptionen
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The family is often identified as the place where the future of society is guaranteed or destroyed. As the current family is obviously shifting in many regards in contemporary society the traditional educational responsibilities of the family are challenged. The educational mission of the family supposes intensive and ongoing work with the parents. What parents experience and learn becomes the living source for the pedagogical journey with their children. The author of this article explores various aspects of the new situation of education within the family in XXI century. He also reconsiders the challenges, concepts and contribution of the family in the educational mission in a contemporary European context.
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    La volontà di vivere e la responsabilità dell’uomo nel pensiero di Etty Hillesum e di Viktor Frankl
    Mizdrak, Inga (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The quest for and the discovery of the meaning of life, so basic to human existence, play a fundamental role in the process of self‑discovery, that is, in the examination of our own identity, subjectivity and the “self”. Underlying this quest are not merely vague approximations to what man is, but clear fundamental dimensions of humanity: freedom and responsibility. Etty Hillesum and Victor Frankl, take different perspectives on the meaning of life of a person who experiences himself, the world, others and God in the face of war and extreme circumstances (Etty perished in Auschwitz, Frankl survived the concentration camps). However, they both point to the universal trait of the utmost engagement of the will and the assumption of responsibility for one’s life, despite the inevitability of death and the prevalent “cultural hibernation”. In both analyses, freedom appears as a response to reality, to the here and now. That response, as such, means taking responsibility for reality and its shape. Hence it an important question to ask would be what it means to take control of one’s destiny. Is it an obligation, a task, life’s demand, or perhaps just submission to what life may bring? Freedom, which is constantly threatened, must fight for itself. This happens owing to the will to live, which first evokes meaning and then the obligation of taking responsibility for oneself, for others, and even for God himself.
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    Prayer as an expression of love
    Jaworski, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The article presents the issue of the conjunction of prayer and love, which constitutes the essence of prayer. Attention is drawn to the fact that the reflexive human nature is in demand for prayer, which was reflected in the culture of antiquity. The need and appropriate understanding of prayer in the Old and New Testament thought is emphasized, which is ultimately explained in the love manifested in Christ the Redeemer of Man. The analytical and critical as well as the historical methods are employed in this article.
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    Motifs et manifestations de l’amour de l’homme pour Dieu et l’amour du prochain selon Saint Basile le Grand
    Janczyk, Ernest (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    This article addresses the issue of the motivation of the fundamental order of love for God and the neighbour which Saint Basil the Great used in his doctrine. Based on an analysis of the texts of Saint Basil, this article demonstrates the intimate relationship that should exist between the love for God and the love for man. The ideal of this relationship is represented, according to the analysis, by Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world.
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    Il Principio di Individiuazione nella Costituzione della Persona Umana
    Dadić, Borislav (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    It is generally considered that the principle of individuation is matter and that this doctrine comes from Aristotle. This paper will examine how medieval philosophers approached this problem and we will show that they offered various theories by which the principle of individuation could be matter, form, combination of matter and form, accidents or some special principle such as haecceitas, which we find in the school of J. Duns Scotus. We will assess how all these theories resolve the problem only partially, and thus indicate the need of a single principle of individuation. This becomes particularly relevant in the context of the metaphysical study of a human person. Our research will show that it is actus essendi, which is not only the act of all acts, but also the principle of all principles.
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    “Sconfitte emozionali” dei genitori
    Mastalski, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    In a family all kinds of conflicts and problems occur that affect both the parents and their children. The conflicts which are especially painful are those related to the inability of parents to deal with their own emotions and feelings. In this article, after clarifying the main concepts, the author first discusses the typical features of parental emotions and feelings (creativity, proximity, intensity) in order to identify the reasons for “emotional defeats” (the inability to express emotions, the inability to recognize emotions, emotional liability, “getting stuck” in some emotion, harmful suppression of emotions, masking of one’s feelings, stress, fatigue, addiction). Secondly, the author describes their effects (codependency, emotional distance, weakening of emotional ties, superficiality, impaired communication, “internal emigration”, family identity crisis). At the end, he discusses toxic tactics in dealing with these defeats (suppression; avoidance; pretending they do not exist; transfer of emotions on others; resignation in coping with emotions). Consequentially, these tactics lead them to formulate remedies. A discussion of these solutions concludes the article.
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    World Youth Days. A Testimony to the Hope of Young People, eds J. Stala & A. Porębski, UPJPII, Kraków 2016
    Lombaerts, Herman (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
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    Administration of Ecclesiastical Temporal Goods in the Light of the Instructions of the Polish Episcopal Conference of 2015
    Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The mission of the Church is evangelisation and not acquisition of capital. It is good if the Church has sufficient financial means necessary to fulfil its mission. The Catholic Church has the inherent right, independently of any secular power, to acquire, retain, administer and alienate temporal goods, in pursuit of its proper objectives (can. 1254 of the Code of Canon Law). In order to fulfil its mission in the world, the Church needs to be supported by appropriate material goods and the freedom to administer them. The Code of Canon Law of 1983 introduced a new regulation regarding ecclesiastical property, so as to make sure that the Church could better suit the concept of a “poor Church” that, being in the need of economic resources to achieve its goals, focuses on the instrumental task of such resources: so that the faithful fulfilled their duty in the form of helping in maintaining the Church and its works as part of their fundamental rights and obligations related to the temporal goods; so that spiritual goal of ecclesiastical offices was emphasised and the revenues received were justly distributed. The Polish Episcopal Conference on 25 August 2015 approved the Instruction on the Administration of Ecclesiastical Temporal Goods. In the present article four points will be discussed: The right of the Church to the acquisition, holding and alienating of temporal goods; the Instruction of the Polish Episcopal Conference on the acquisition of temporal goods; the Instruction of the Polish Episcopal Conference on the administration of temporal goods and contracts; the Remuneration for priests.
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    Il metodo Freedom Writers: Aiutare gli adolescenti a scrivere di sè e celebrare il cambiamento
    Cursio, Giuseppe (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    This article presents the experience of a teacher – Erin Gruwell – an English literature teacher at a school in Long Beach, Los Angeles (California). The teacher, proposing in school writing a personal diary at school, created significant conditions for change for the students. The educational experiences offered by Erin Gruwell spurred the motivation to write diaries. Doing this has opened up a reflective space on their hard life: the students have begun to think about a future of hope. Of particular significance was the experience of „Toast for Change”, which marked a new beginning in the lives of these students.