Roczniki Teologiczne, 1998, T. 45, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Proces inkulturacji katechetycznej
    Szubartowska, Alicja (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Historia zbawienia a Kościół
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The view of the history of salvation is often reduced to salvational history, which culminates, that is, completes in the Offer of the Cross and Resurrection. Thus the reality of the Church is omitted from the theology of the history of salvation. This results mainly from the understanding of the Church merely as an institution, and not as a part of the history of salvation. The Church of Jesus Christ belongs to a particular history of salvation, aside to the redemption history of Christ and salvation history in Israel. Therefore the relationship between the Church and the history of salvation in general should be drawn out, thereby proving the role of the Church as a particular history of salvation against the perspective of the general history of salvation. The distinction between the two circles of salvation history does not cause a dissolution of this unity and community. It is determined by the unity of the salvational will of God, by the unity of mankind and history in the Event of Christ, and by the unity of the ultimate aim of history. Now the Church, as a particular history of salvation, fulfills its indispensable function towards the general history of salvation: it testifies to the redemption carried out by God in Christ, serves to gain salvation, combines the universal and limited character of the Event of Christ, and makes the individual’s acts of faith objective throughout history. Since the grace of Christ’s salvation is efficient also "beyond the Church", the Church, as a historical grace made concrete, should stand in a dialogic confrontation with the "non-Church". Both fellowships interact and fulfil the historical and salvational functions towards each other in the service to the whole of mankind.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo chorych
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    Pastoral care for the sick is the primary task of the salvational activity of the Church, made present in the fellowship of the faithful. Proclaiming the Good News, Jesus Christ made salvation dependent on the relationship to the sick man. While ministering to the sick and the ailing, the Christian participates in the merciful and healing mission of Christ Himself. All those who serve the sick: family, priests, and medical staff fulfil, at the same time, the pastoral mission of the Church. Its efficiency will depend to a considerable measure on the adequate actions taken every day, the activity which is connected with sensitivity, openness, solidarity and a sense of brotherhood among the members of a parochial fellowship. The actions that have been taken up to now call for a pastoral reflection. One should undoubtedly broaden the scope of ministering to the sick, so that aside to priests also the laity could fulfil their appropriate functions more extensively. Some forms of pastoral care for the sick need to be renewed, as they are losing significance due to some civilizational changes. And new spheres wherein the Church could be present among the sick should be filled, the spheres that have appeared in the contemporary social reality.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo ponadparafialne
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    There are some elements which render Polish Catholicism weak. Let us name three of them: underdevelopment of social life, disregard for thinking in terms of fellowship, lack of cooperation between the faithful and the clergy, and also between the current religious movements and parochial pastoral care. We may remedy these drawbacks to a certain extent by developing extraparochial pastoral care at the level of a deanery, big town and diocese. It is necessary for a parish to open to the extraparochial tasks and ministries. The overriding aim of all the ventures in a deanery should be to build the fellowship of the Church. Thus the dean’s ministry should be imbued with the spirit of pastoral care, including his administrative duties. There is a demand for group pastoral care in big towns. Consequently, pastoral activity should be made more effective, time and energy of the subject of pastoral care should be spared. In the group pastoral care we need urban priests who are specialists. The "urban Church" should cope with the pastoral problems of the whole town and perform those tasks which parishes and deaneries alone are not able to fulfil. It should coordinate pastoral work among particular deaneries and parishes within the town area, and carry out extraparochial and extradeanery tasks. They are, above all, forms of special and specialistic pastoral care. The diocese should take care not only about the development of traditional forms of the evangelization of the faithful, as well as support or establish new forms. It is an important task of the diocese to include the faithful in the activity on behalf of the introduction of social justice. The diocesan initiatives should teach people how to live in accord with the evangelical principles of personal and social morality, the expression of which is the Christian testimony of life.
  • Miniatura
    Z mistagogii celebracji chrztu dzieci w świetle Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    According to the Catechism, the celebration of the sacraments is made up of holy signs, symbols and rituals into which participants should be initiated. The liturgical catechesis serves to this end, it is also called "mystagogy," that is initiation into the mystery of Christ, a mystery hidden and put into practice for the faithful by means of signs, symbolical acts and verbal formulas. First the author shows a close relationship between the liturgy and catechesis, and then explains the most important symbolical signs and acts in the liturgy of the baptism of children. We find here first the liturgical congregation in which baptism is being celebrated. It is the sign of the Church in which baptism is being given and into which it initiates. The main agent in the sacraments is Christ, but His sign is each giving baptism. Then the signs directly linked with baptism are discussed: the sign of the cross on the forehead, the symbolical introduction into the Church, exorcism and laying the hands on the head, the symbolism of the baptismal font and immersing into the baptismal water or pouring with it. There are some rituals which indicate the invisible effects of the sacrament of baptism during its celebration: the anointing of the oil of the holy chrism, giving the white robe and light from the paschal candle. The interpretation of the most important signs and symbolical acts of the baptismal liturgy, as they have been presented here, has been based on the data of the Holy Scriptures, the tradition of the Church and contemporary theological literature.
  • Miniatura
    Formowanie postawy katechety
    Łabendowicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The Church continuously takes care about the formation of catechists, according to the statement of the Catechetical Board that "first there are catechists", and then catechisms, methods or teaching aids (DCG 108). Writing about "The Formation of a Correct Attitude in the Catechist", the author meets the need of the present times, wherein the religious instruction is conducted in the school setting, and sees the need to form the attitude of the catechist. The first part of the paper explains the concept of attitude as a reference of the person to the person, to the subject matter, or the complex reality. Taking up the issue of a correct attitude of the catechist, we touch upon the problem, as the author states, of a personal contact and the catechist’s reference to the contents of Revelation, the catechist’s attitude towards the catechized and their life problems. Finally, what is important is the catechist’s attitude towards himself, and how the mature personal attitude and mature attitude of faith should be formed. The following part of the paper shows the biblical attitudes of the Servants of the Word and the catechist’s attitude towards the Word of God, the Word which the catechist teaches during religious instruction and plays the double role here: that of a disciple and servant of the Word. As a disciple, the catechist should know the Lord and follow Him. Now his service is a grateful response to the gift of the Word. He has received the Word, which he proclaims to others, therefore he feels the Servant of the Word on the model of Christ. The next point shows the attitude of the catechist as a teacher, educator and witness in the process of religious instruction. The formation of the catechist’s attitude as a teacher tends to form such traits of personality as openness, sensitivity, dialogic and ancillary attitudes. As an educator, in the process of catechesis, he leads his pupils to learn the contents of Revelation and to incorporate them in the life of faith. As a witness of the salvational events, he is the "living sign of what he proclaims". The last part discusses the formation of a mature emotional attitude in the catechist. The formation is carried out through a personal contact and depends on the emotional attitude that the catechist adopts towards his pupil. The adequate and mature communication of emotions, full of love and kindness, is called assertiveness, and leads to the formation of a mature attitude of faith.
  • Miniatura
    Listy apokryficzne (rozmowy zmartwychwstałego Jezusa z uczniami)
    Langkammer, Hugolin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The apocryphal letters of the New Testament are little known, the letters which concern the talks of the risen Jesus with his disciples. First, the paper presents the letter of Jacob, a gnostic work discovered in Hag Hammadi. The content of the letter is the mysterious knowledge conveyed to Jacob and Peter by the risen Lord. Further we find the Book of Thomas the Strong who was thought to be Jesus’ twin brother. Eventually, we have the Letter of the Apostle, also an apocrypha, which manifests the divinity of Jesus Christ and the real fact of His resurrection. The whole text consists of three parts: it characterizes faith, the circumstances preparing for revelation, and the very fact of revelation. We have yet other apocryphal letters, such as: the Letter to Laodiceans, the letter between Paul and Seneca, and the Letter of Titus. The ending says that the crucial point of the letters is to initiate the disciples into the "knowledge" hidden from others. The initiation was carried out by the risen Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Pomoc katechezy w rozwiązywaniu przeżywanych przez katechizowaną młodzież konfliktów (na przykładzie badań empirycznych)
    Zellma, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The paper takes up the problems of conflicts experienced by the catechized youth, and justifies their significance on the basis of Ogólna Instrukcja Katechetyczna (The General Religious Instruction) and the adhortation Catechesi tradendae. First it shows the problems of conflicts contained in the catechetic materials for adolescents, edited by Rev. J. Szpet. It has been stated that the materials contain three catecheses directly devoted to this issue. There are, however, catechetic units in which it is possible to draw on to various states of conflict. Then, on the basis of empirical research, the conflicts discussed at the religious instruction have been shown (family, religious, moral, generational, sexual and the like conflicts). The valuable part of the paper is that it shows the ways in which the catechist could help in solving conflicts. 75 per cent of the subjects think that the catechist is of no help for them in this respect. According to the young people, what makes this question more difficult is the curriculum of religious instructions, the attitude of the catechist, schoolgirls and schoolboys, and a large number of pupils at the catechesis. The author adds authentic statements of the subjects, and their postulates concern the need for a new curriculum, more catecheses about the conflicts and their solutions and more methods that activate people. The important questions are well illustrated by the enclosed tables (with the test Chi square). The final conclusion says about the need to include the opinion of the youth when forming new curricula.
  • Miniatura
    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za rok akademicki 1995/96-1996/97
    Kalinowski, Mirosław; Parysiewicz, Beata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Josef Kardinal Ratzinger. Salz der Erde. Christentum und Katholische Kirche an der Jahrtausendwende. Ein Gespräch mit Peter Seewald, Stuttgart 1996, ss. 302.
    Rogowski, Cyprian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Jörg Wieners (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Telefonseelsorge, Göttingen 1995, ss. 272, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Stephan Leimgruber, Michael Langer (Red.), Erich Feifel. Religiöse Erziehung im Umbruch, München 1995, ss. 320.
    Rogowski, Cyprian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Parafialny zespół charytatywny
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    Parish is a structure of the Church which is the closest to the average man. It is in its life that the Church finds its most visible and direct expression, as well as its ultimate location (ChL 26). Therefore one can repeat, following K. Rahner, that it is through the parish that man realizes what in fact the Church is. The dynamism of the charitable activity testifies to a certain degree about the vitality of the parish in general. For Jesus’ disciples can be recognized if they have love for one another (J 13:35). Apparently, the decisive role in putting the charitable tasks into practice in this basic structure of the Church, as the parish is, has the parochial charitable group. The present paper tells us more about the aims, tasks, organizational structures, forms, ways and means of the action of the parochial charitable group. The main source for this study is Instrukcja Komisji Charytatywnej Episkopatu Polski o pracy charytatywnej w parafiach (The Instruction of the Charitable Commission of the Polish Episcopate on the Charitable Work in Parishes), confirmed and proclaimed at the Conference of the Polish Episcopate on 30 November, 1986. Despite the fact that many years have passed, the above instruction is still up-to-date, and its indications may be treated as a binding agenda of the Polish Episcopate, an agenda that is supposed to revive parochial fellowships and dynamize the charitable ministry. The paper meets the postulates of John Paul II, who within the framework of preparations for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 calls on to revive brotherly love and be more brave and decisive on the way to help those who are poor and rejected by this world (TMA 31:51).
  • Miniatura
    Samowychowanie młodzieży w oratoriach prowadzonych w systemie wychowawczym św. Jana Bosko w świetle badań empirycznych
    Tomkiewicz, Antoni; Kulik, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The problems of self-formation in Christian pedagogy plays an essential place. In the formative system of St Jan Bosco they are dominating. The paper seeks to show the process of self-formation in the parochial oratories, run in the preventive system of St John Bosco. Accordingly, empirical research was done among the adolescents, participating in the life of oratories, to show the significance of an oratory in the self-formation of young people. Among the subjects under study (75 people) two groups were separated: the first group (44 subjects) stayed in the oratory more than two years; the second group (31 subjects) stayed there for less than two years. The fact that somebody belongs to an oratory is connected with a formative influence, affecting - in some periods - the process of self-formation. The findings proved that those people who had stayed longer in the oratory more than three years) were more committed to the process of self-formation that those who had stayed there shorter. The subjects who were longer in the oratory were more willing to be authentic, they had a greater sense of responsibility for their own life and decisions. The religious life, too, was more profound in those people, as they were more eager to put the religious and moral values into practice. These subjects had taken up in a more decisive way the self-formative process in the religious province. Their faith had become deepened, they had gained a greater awareness in using religious practices, they had improved the interpersonal relationships in their environment. In the light of the findings one could notice a certain regularity, namely that the longer was the sojourn in the oratory the greater was self-awareness, self-cognition, realism in making aims in one’s own life, while enthusiasm and emotional "effusiveness" would subside. One could also notice, on the basis of empirical research, that individual perfection dominated, the orientation towards fellowship was scarce.
  • Miniatura
    Od oceny katechetów do samooceny katechizowanych
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    Following a short introduction, the paper discusses the difficult problem of assessment in religion instruction. It highlights its importance and determines the scope of the chosen issues and empirical research, conducted under the supervision of the author. The theoretical criteria of control and assessment explain these concepts, pointing to their specific character in catechesis. They show the significance, threats, and (psychological, didactic and formative) functions. They stress the dilemma that catechists have: should they assess only knowledge or religious attitude as well and so on, the dilemma has its own conditions. There are various forms and methods of control: external, internal, traditional and new. The views and practices of religion teachers in this respect have been illustrated with the findings from 370 catechists (religious sisters, priests and lay people) and newer findings - only 150 catechist priests. They show their knowledge as to the function of grades, time, applied scales, motives to put "six" (excellent) or "one" (poor), the methods of correcting and the composite elements of the final evaluation. The difficulties in grading dealt with objectivity, lack of criteria, the dilemma whether to assess only knowledge or else the participation in the life of the Church and so on. Eventually, we have the possibilities and values of the self-assessment made by the catechized. The research says that almost half of the catechists do not practice self-assessment made by their pupils. The problem calls for constant formation, so that apart from the necessary didactic proficiency in the control and evaluation, there dominated the Divine Spirit proper to religious instruction.
  • Miniatura
    Lwowskie środowisko katechetyczne a początki ruchu liturgicznego w Polsce
    Kopeć, Jerzy Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The liturgical movement in Poland was not promoted by the Benedictine abbeys, for the renewed foundation of Tyniec took place in 1939. The most ancient milieu, wherein the ideas of the liturgical movement gained recognition, was the Circle of the Association of Priests Catechists established in Lvov in 1899. The Circle assembled secondary school catechists, professors from the Theological Faculty of the Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov and pastors for adolescents and students. In 1899 it numbered twenty priests, and in 1914 about one hundred. Professor Władysław Jougan (1855-1942), author of textbooks on liturgy, history of the Church and dogmatic theology for religion instruction, was the chairman of the Circle. Its vicechairman was Fr. Aleksander Pechnik (1854-1935), a catechist and from 1907 onward editor-in-chief of "Gazeta Kościelna" (The Church Paper), and in the years 1911-1921 editor of "Miesięcznik Katechetyczny i Wychowawczy" (Catechetical and Formative Monthly). The Association accepted the proposal put forward by Fr. Jougan and concerned the unification of religion instruction and liturgical practices in similar types of schools. The point was to start and end religion classes with a prayer, to say Sunday masses for children and adolescents, to organize retreats during Lent with confession and solemn Communion. Following Pius X, Archbishop Józef Bilczewski (1860-1923), pastoralist Zygmunt Bielawski (1877-1939) and Stanislaw Żukowski (1881-1935), specialist in homiletics, lay stress on the preparation to the First Holy Communion. To liven up the participation in mass, Bielawski, Kazimierz Thullie (1885-1957) and Gerard Szmyd (1885-1938) prepared mass-booklets for adolescents and adults. The latter two authors, starting from 1924 onward, propagated low masses for students from the "Regeneration" association and secondary school youth. The dialogue masses were supported by Fr. Władysław Kornilowicz (1884-1946), a liturgist from Lublin University who recommended them to the Lvov friends of the work of Lambert Beaudouin and Romano Guardini. It was also he who promoted the idea of translating the Missal written by Gaspar Lefebvre OSB, the work started by Fr. Adam Bogdanowicz (1898-1939) in 1924 and carried out by the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception from Jazlowiec near Lvov. The Missal was published in Brugge in 1932 by the Beyart Brothers. The pastoralist Adam Gerstman (1873-1940) recommended teaching Liturgy in theological seminaries and at theological faculties, a knowledge different from liturgical rubrics. Fr. Józef Winkowski promoted the Marian Sodality in secondary schools, stressing that apart from selfformation young people should take an active part in masses and in religious life. The genuine pioneers of the liturgical movement in Lvov were: the promotor of the sodality Thullie, the academic pastor Fr. Karol Csesznak (1882-1944), and the spiritual father in the seminary, Fr. Stanisław Szurek (1885-1964). It was them who conducted formation of young people in the spirit of the liturgical movement, adhering to the liturgical apostolate and classical theologico-liturgical literature.
  • Miniatura
    Sekularyzacja a duszpasterstwo
    Drożdż, Bogusław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The process of secularization which consists in freeing the sectors of society and culture from the domination of religious institutions and symbols needs to be regarded from the angle of the pastoral care of the Church. The sources of secularization identified with desacralization, but not with atheism, should be sought in the principle of rationality. The paper concentrates on the after-effects of secularization following the socio-cultural plurality, especially highlighting the threats connected with the ideological approach to reality. This rationality made ideological, and revealed by making reason, success, comfort, and labour absolute values, is perceived by the Church as idolatry. Thus pastoral conclusions raise the issue of taking a firmer stance in convincing the formative church and lay institutions to teach more philosophical and theological interpretations of the human reality rather than psychological, sociological and technical interpretations. Now the pastoral care of the Church should be revived by ecclesial movements and groups. This should be done in such a way so that they would not relate any personal and collective needs to egoistic aims, but to the common good. The third general pastoral conclusion is to enhance the works connected with the dynamic character of sacramental pastoral care, so that the supernatural aims could be provided with all necessary means.
  • Miniatura
    Telewizyjny obraz pracy a wyobraźnia moralna. Interpretacje teologiczne
    Zasępa, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
    The claim that television imparts a considerable influence on the moral imagination of man is nothing new today. An average viewer, however, knows little how much his imagination is based on what there is on tv. In my paper, I have presented an image of one kind of human activity, namely human labour, which is often shown in a popular television genre, the situation comedy. The first part of the paper is to expose the television image of human labour for the purpose of analysis, starting from the first television situation comedy of 1951: Love Lucy, through later comedies, whose plot goes on in American suburbs, in towns and villages. Each of the comedy, independent of its place of action, is supposed to arouse in the viewer a desire to carry out in life the Great American Dream, to gain a lot of money and a high social status. The second part of the paper deals with the Pope’s and Dorothy Sölle’s theology of labour. In both cases the point of departure being the dignity of the human person. This approach leads to a transformation of the economic systems present in the east and west, the fact which calls for a cultural transformation of the dominant image of labour, an image conveyed and supported by television. Having analyzed the situation comedies and confronted the image of labour they present with the theology of Pope John Paul II and Dorothy Solle, we come to a conclusion that the television image is a mere illusion of reality. Such an approach makes the viewer freer in his reception of the movie image of labour and helps him to retain criticism.
  • Miniatura
    Życie i działalność dydaktyczno-naukowa profesora Mieczysława Majewskiego SDB
    Wrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)
  • Miniatura
    Wykaz publikacji prof. dr. hab. Mieczysława Majewskiego SDB (stan z 31 czerwca 1997 r.)
    Wrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)