Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2009, T. 1 (56)

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  • Miniatura
    Wspólnotowe priorytety w dziedzinie edukacji religijnej dorosłych
    Zając, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    A great deal of aid in defining the role of an adult in a pluralist society may come nowadays from the field of religious education comprised within the catechesis of adults. In its assumptions it emphasizes the fact that the ultimate aim of a man’s activity is not only the physical and material promotion of the person, but giving the Christian testimony as well. It also reminds about the necessity to be engaged in educational activities aiming at creating the attitudes of a devoted service to another man in an ecclesiastical community. The catechesis of adults is a challenge and a binding index in education of adults, which first of all touches the conscience. Faithfulness to it is a test of humanity and its internal truth. At the same time it is an attempt to give a meaning to religious education of adults.
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    Animacyjna postawa wychowawcy chrześcijańskiego
    Wrońska, Halina (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Activating is considered one of the important educational functions. One can mention here theater or expressive animation, social-cultural or cultural animation, animation of one’s free time and holidays, as well as animation as a technique used for work in a group. The animating attitude does not mean a special initiative on the part of the educator. It is understood as his/her way of life and of being active. By some acts the educator reflects love towards life, giving life, care for its development, care for a man’s good and happiness, especially a young man’s. A Christian educator should care about creating room inside the educated group for young people’s active participation in making decisions that will determine the direction, in which the life of the community will go. The involvement of the Christian educator is not a usual outward activeness, but it issues from the awareness that the Divine Kingdom on earth is in the man’s hands.
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    Koncepcja wychowania w ujęciu ks. Franciszka Blachnickiego jako synteza antropocentryzmu i chrystocentryzmu
    Stala, Józef (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The man’s transcendence means crossing the impersonal world with his qualities, but nowadays he is frequently placed only on the plane of the material world. It is for this reason that care for greatness and dignity of each man as a person should be put at the foundation of the integral conception of education. The idea of love of God and the neighbor assumes respecting the personal freedom of man, who can respond to God’s love only as a free creature. Only accepting the personalistic vision of man makes education assume a truly human character. This is why in the present article the issue of the conception of education as a synthesis of anthropocentrism and Christocentrism as defined by Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki is discussed. First the integral character of Christian personalism is presented; and then on this basis the new man is shown – a love dialog between God and people, as well as the principles of personalistic catechesis.
  • Miniatura
    Powołanie katolików świeckich
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Lay people who participate in the triple office of Christ and the Church realize their vocation by their presence and by being active in the world. The world and the requirements of life modify their Christian vocation in a particular way. This differs them from the clergymen. Although they share a common Christian dignity and they build the same Divine Kingdom, they do it in a way that is peculiar to them and in the domains they represent: in marital and family life, in culture, art, economy, careers, political institutions and international relations (Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity, 7). The presence of lay Catholics in these fields of human life is something particular, and their apostolic activities are necessary. By living in the world and shaping it according to God’s thought they realize their detailed vocation, which is an actual form of their Christian vocation.
  • Miniatura
    Formacja katolików świeckich
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The revival of theology of the laity that was initiated by the Vatican Council II bears fruit in the form of giving back the dignity and role to the lay faithful, which follows from the fact that they belong to the Church community. Giving them back their subjective character in the Church is tantamount to recognizing their salutary activity in the Church and in the world. The Christian formation of lay Catholics seems a particularly important issue, as it is the foundation of a complete and proper involvement of lay Catholics in the life and mission of the Church. The article undertakes the problem of the formation of lay Catholics, first showing what formation is and what its most important dimensions are. Next it discusses the aims of formation and the circles in which formation takes place. Finally, it points to the most important challenges that are faced by the formation of lay Catholics in Poland twenty years after publishing John Paul II’s post-synodal exhortation Christifideles laici.
  • Miniatura
    Program pracy duszpasterskiej papieża Grzegorza Wielkiego w świetle ekshortacji pastoralnych zawartych w „XL Homiliarum in Evangelia”
    Buliński, Roman (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The subject of the present study are the pastoral exhortations contained in “XL Homiliarum in Evangelia” (“Homilies for Gospels”) by Pope Gregory the Great. 761 pastoral appeals have been studied. It has been found that the leading motif around which particular pastoral appeal focuses is the program of achieving Christian perfection realized by way of purification, enlightenment and unification with God. Pope Gregory the Great’s program of pastoral work is a program of achieving Christian perfection. It is characterized by integral formation. The priority of the program is spiritual- -intellectual formation. Theo-centric, and not only Christo-centric direction of the program is very clear. In the whole program eschatological motifs play the leading and dominating role. The charity action is mainly directed to the needs and spiritual aid serving the salvation of the man. Saint Gregory’s program is characterized by the principle of moderation. In the light of the above reflections it can be said that St Gregory the Great’s program of pastoral work maintains timeless topicality in the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Poszukiwanie i komunikacja prawdy w dialogu
    Wal, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The article starts with an analysis of the causes of the crisis of truth in the contemporary world. The author emphasizes that a dialog is only possible when the classical (epistemic, logical), and at the same time commonsensical definition of the truth is assumed; one that understands the truth as ‘adequacy of the thought and reality’. One cannot have a dialog if he accepts the coherence, consensual, pragmatic or convention definition of the truth. A good deal of attention in the article is devoted to the issue of the truth of the utterance. The problem of truthfulness is emphasized, as a basic principle of a dialog, and the reader’s attention is drawn to various kinds of departing from the truth of the utterance: intellectual – mistake, error, falsehood, and moral – lie, half-truth, concealment, exaggeration, masking utterance, fraud and stratagem, gossip or over-interpretation. In the question of the truth both its essential (what contents there are in the truth) and existential (what meaning for our life these contents have) aspect is important. Hence, one always should pay attention not only to the information role of the truth (it is the source of knowledge), but also to its wisdom function (it teaches the art of life). Discovering and understanding the truth in a dialog serves both appreciating “the value of life” (learning its sense) and perfecting the “quality of life”.
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    Tożsamość nauczycieli religii i ich opinie na temat wybranych aspektów edukacji religijnej w Polsce
    Mąkosa, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The efficiency of religious education depends on a variety of factors, including, to a large degree, the identity and competence of religion teachers and catechists. For this reason it is necessary to work out new, ever more efficient ways to form the staff of teachers. This is to be aided also by empirical studies that are conducted in this field. The article presents the results of studies of a two hundred-person group of religion teachers working in the Radom diocese. The results confirm high moral-religious as well as didactic-methodic qualifications of the subjects, who are devoted Catholics and treat teaching religion as the realization of their own Christian vocation. They understand in the proper way the conception of teaching religion that is binding in Poland and they realize the postulates of methodic pluralism.
  • Miniatura
    Apostolstwo świeckich w parafii
    Lipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Pope John Paul II taught that the parish is the “first community” for God’s People. It supports and enlivens contemporary Christians’ faith, it prepares one to liturgical life and introduces him into it, and it stimulates one to practice Christian love and to build a brotherly community. The Pope also pointed to the need of lay Catholics’ apostolic involvement in the life of the parish. Their main apostolic task is building the parish community as a community of faith, cult and love. The community should be at the same time a missionary community. Such an apostolic task concerns all the parish members. Religious associations and parish pastorate councils are a special field of lay people’s involvement in the life of the parish.
  • Miniatura
    Apostolstwo świeckich w zrzeszeniach religijnych
    Śmigiel, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    In modern times various forms of unions have been set up and developed. The unions include associations, groups, communities and movements (ChL 29). This new dynamism, concerning both the variety and vigor of the unions, has been defined as “the spring of the Church”, and the apostolic exhortation Christifideles laici mentions ‘the new epoch of lay Catholics’ associations’ (ChL 29). Lay Catholics form unions for social-cultural reasons, but first of all for theological ones, since a little community is a symbol of the whole Church. Lay people have the right to form unions, but at the same time they should always do it in communion with the whole community of the Church, which is pointed to by the ecclesiality criteria of religious unions. The religious unions in Poland may have various conditions. At present there are more than 150 such unions, and they embrace about 5% of the population of Poland.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina miejscem i szkołą apostolstwa
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The family, as the place of the apostolic activities, should show the children and youths its beauty and the possibilities of the apostolate. This task is performed if the family becomes a focus of Divine and human love for its members. This is expressed in building vital relations between the spouses and the children. The dialog that originates between the husband and the wife on the one hand and the children on the other, protects and deepens their love. In maintaining and respecting love the spouses and children are consolidated by faith that opens them to God’s presence and activity in life, and teaches them humility and trust. Both the husband and the wife are invited to undertake the evangelization tasks. Christian parents are the first teachers of faith and first educators for their children. Through word and example they prepare them for a Christian and apostolic life. Frequently children brought up in this way experience the reality of the circle they live in that is permeated with the spirit of apostolate, and they choose the particular way of monastic or priestly life, realizing the missionary vocation. The apostolate of the Christian family is not just wishful thinking, but the living necessity of the Church that in the name of Christ wants to transform the contemporary world. The family internally united and open to the neighbors makes Christ’s Church present everywhere it lives and acts.
  • Miniatura
    Realizacja apostolatu społecznego świeckich w dzisiejszej Polsce
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The need of reflection on the tasks of the lay people in the Church and in the world twenty years after the Apostolic Exhortation Christifideles laici was published seems obvious. From the point of view of an observer living in Poland it must be said that recently the discussion on the role of the laity in the Church and in the world has been outshone by the big problems connected with the systemic transformation of the country and Poland’s accession to the European Union. The author of the article, leaving the question of the role of the laity in the Church to other authors, focuses on the possibilities that exist now, and at the same time on the difficulties and limitations of realization of apostolic tasks by Polish Catholics in different parts of social life. The starting point for this reflection is outlining the modern social-cultural context for the apostolic involvement of the Catholics in the world, and the point it strives to reach is showing the direction for a revival of the social apostolate of the laity in Poland.
  • Miniatura
    Katecheza osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w stopniu lekkim z uwzględnieniem charakterystyki psychopedagogicznej
    Kiciński, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Catechetic documents emphasize that adjusting the catechesis to its addressee should be understood as an exceptionally maternal activity on the part of the Church that recognizes each person, also an intellectually disabled one, as a Divine role and a Divine structure (cf. I Cor 3, 9), who should not be ignored, but has to be cultivated and built with hope. The deciding criterion is the Church’s care of each man, care of transmitting the only Word that redeems. This criterion inspires each form of catechesis, and especially the catechesis of people intellectually disabled, requiring religion teachers to show proper competence and creativity (cf. General Directory of Catechesis 169, 189; CT 31; CCC 24-25). Catechetic documents also suggest that the psychopedagogical characteristics of intellectually disabled people should be considered in such a way, which could allow preparing a special catechesis for them. In Poland special catechesis tries to achieve this aim, taking into consideration the terminology respecting both the standards of special pedagogy and the directives of the Catholic Church concerning catechesis, as well as the Polish catechetic tradition.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. prof. dr hab. Jan Wal teologiem pastoralistą przełomu XX i XXI wieku
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Reverend Professor Jan Wal in his research and didactic work has shown the directions of the revival of pastorate and the need of changes in thinking and in pastoral activities. Undoubtedly his research has contributed to a revival of the concept of pastoral theology in Poland. The main fields he worked on were making both the clergy and the laity more sensitive to the social dimension of pastorate and evangelization, the need of a dialog in the Church and in the Polish society, making charity theology more profound, and intensification of charity work.